Source code for sotodlib.tod_ops.flags

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.signal import find_peaks

## "temporary" fix to deal with scipy>1.8 changing the sparse setup
    from scipy.sparse import csr_array
except ImportError:
    from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix as csr_array

from so3g.proj import Ranges, RangesMatrix

from .. import core
from .. import coords
from . import filters
from . import fourier_filter 

[docs] def get_det_bias_flags(aman, detcal=None, rfrac_range=(0.1, 0.7), psat_range=(0, 15), merge=True, overwrite=True, name='det_bias_flags', full_output=False): """ Function for selecting detectors in appropriate bias range. Parameters ---------- aman : AxisManager Input axis manager. detcal : AxisManager AxisManager containing detector calibration information from bias steps and IVs. If None defaults to aman.det_cal. rfrac_range : Tuple Tuple (lower_bound, upper_bound) for rfrac det selection. psat_range : Tuple Tuple (lower_bound, upper_bound) for P_SAT from IV analysis. P_SAT in the IV analysis is the bias power at 90% Rn in pW. merge : bool If true, merges the generated flag into aman. overwrite : bool If true, write over flag. If false, don't. name : str Name of flag to add to aman.flags if merge is True. full_output : bool If true, returns the full output with separated RangesMatrices Returns ------- msk_aman : AxisManager AxisManager containing RangesMatrix shaped N_dets x N_samps that is True if the detector is flagged to be cut and false if it should be kept based on the rfrac, and psat ranges. To create a boolean mask from the RangesMatrix that can be used for aman.restrict() use ``keep = ~has_all_cut(mask)`` and then restrict with ``aman.restrict('dets', aman.dets.vals[keep])``. If full_output is True, this will contain multiple RangesMatrices. """ if detcal is None: if 'det_cal' not in aman: raise ValueError("AxisManager missing required 'det_cal' field " "with detector calibration information") detcal = aman.det_cal if 'flags' not in aman: overwrite = False merge = False if overwrite and name in aman.flags: aman.flags.move(name, None) msk = ~(np.all([ >= 0, detcal.r_tes > 0, detcal.r_frac >= rfrac_range[0], detcal.r_frac <= rfrac_range[1], detcal.p_sat*1e12 >= psat_range[0], detcal.p_sat*1e12 <= psat_range[1]], axis=0)) # Expand mask to ndets x nsamps RangesMatrix if 'samps' in aman: x = Ranges(aman.samps.count) mskexp = RangesMatrix([Ranges.ones_like(x) if Y else Ranges.zeros_like(x) for Y in msk]) msk_aman = core.AxisManager(aman.dets, aman.samps) msk_aman.wrap(name, mskexp, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')]) else: mskexp = msk msk_aman = core.AxisManager(aman.dets) msk_aman.wrap(name, mskexp, [(0, 'dets')]) if merge: if name in aman.flags and not overwrite: raise ValueError(f"Flag name {name} already exists in aman.flags") if name in aman.flags: aman.flags[name] = mskexp else: aman.flags.wrap(name, mskexp, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')]) if full_output: msks = [] ranges = [ >= 0, detcal.r_tes > 0, detcal.r_frac >= rfrac_range[0], detcal.r_frac <= rfrac_range[1], detcal.p_sat*1e12 >= psat_range[0], detcal.p_sat*1e12 <= psat_range[1]] for range in ranges: msk = ~(np.all([range], axis=0)) msks.append(RangesMatrix([Ranges.ones_like(x) if Y else Ranges.zeros_like(x) for Y in msk])) msk_names = ['bg', 'r_tes', 'r_frac_gt', 'r_frac_lt', 'p_sat_gt', 'p_sat_lt'] for i, msk in enumerate(msks): if 'samps' in aman: msk_aman.wrap(f'{msk_names[i]}_flags', msk, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')]) else: msk_aman.wrap(f'{msk_names[i]}_flags', msk, [(0, 'dets')]) return msk_aman
[docs] def get_turnaround_flags(aman, az=None, method='scanspeed', name='turnarounds', merge=True, merge_lr=True, overwrite=True, t_buffer=2., kernel_size=400, peak_threshold=0.1, rel_distance_peaks=0.3, truncate=False, qlim=1): """ Compute turnaround flags for a dataset. Parameters ---------- aman : AxisManager Input axis manager. az : Array (Optional). Azimuth data for turnaround flag computation. If not provided, it uses ```` method : str (Optional). The method for computing turnaround flags. Options are ``az`` or ``scanspeed``. name : str (Optional). The name of the turnaround flag in ``aman.flags``. Default is ``turnarounds`` merge : bool (Optional). Merge the computed turnaround flags into ``aman.flags`` if ``True``. merge_lr : bool (Optional). Merge left and right scan flags as ``aman.flags.left_scan`` and ``aman.flags.right_scan`` if ``True``. overwrite : bool (Optional). Overwrite an existing flag in ``aman.flags`` with the same name. t_buffer : float (Optional). Buffer time (in seconds) for flagging turnarounds in ``scanspeed`` method. kernel_size : int (Optional). Size of the step-wise matched filter kernel used in ``scanspeed`` method. peak_threshold : float (Optional). Peak threshold for identifying peaks in the matched filter response. It is a value used to determine the minimum peak height in the signal. rel_distance_peaks : float (Optional). Relative distance between peaks. It specifies the minimum distance between peaks as a fraction of the approximate number of samples in one scan period. truncate : bool (Optional). Truncate unstable scan segments if True in ``scanspeed`` method. qlim : float (Optional). Azimuth threshold percentile for ``az`` method turnaround detection. Returns ------- Ranges : RangesMatrix The turnaround flags as a Ranges object. """ if az is None : az = if method not in ['az', 'scanspeed']: raise ValueError('Unsupported method. Supported methods are `az` or `scanspeed`') # `az` method: flag turnarounds based on azimuth threshold specifled by qlim elif method=='az': lo, hi = np.percentile(az, [qlim, 100 - qlim]) m = np.logical_or(az < lo, az > hi) ta_flag = Ranges.from_bitmask(m) # `scanspeed` method: flag turnarounds based on scanspeed. elif method=='scanspeed': daz = np.diff(az) daz = np.append(daz,daz[-1]) approx_daz = np.median(daz[daz>np.percentile(daz, 95)]) # derive approximate number of samples in one_scan period approx_samps_onescan = int(np.ptp(az) / approx_daz) # update approx_samps_onescan with detrending x = np.linspace(0, 1, az.shape[0]) slope = az[-approx_samps_onescan:].mean() - az[:approx_samps_onescan].mean() approx_samps_onescan = int(np.ptp(az - slope*x) / approx_daz) # Make a step-function like matched filter. Kernel is normarized to make peak height ~1 kernel = np.ones(kernel_size) / approx_daz / kernel_size kernel[kernel_size//2:] *= -1 # convolve signal with the kernel pad_init = np.ones(kernel_size//2) * daz[0] pad_last = np.ones(kernel_size//2) * daz[-1] matched = np.convolve(np.hstack([pad_init, daz, pad_last]), kernel, mode='same') matched = matched[kernel_size//2:-kernel_size//2] # find peaks in matched daz peaks, _ = find_peaks(np.abs(matched), height=peak_threshold, distance=rel_distance_peaks*approx_samps_onescan) is_pos = matched[peaks] > 0 # update approx_samps_onescan approx_samps_onescan = int(np.mean(np.diff(peaks))) # flags turnarounds, left/right scans _ta_flag = np.zeros(aman.samps.count, dtype=bool) _left_flag = np.zeros(aman.samps.count, dtype=bool) _right_flag = np.zeros(aman.samps.count, dtype=bool) dt = np.mean(np.diff(aman.timestamps)) nbuffer_half = int(t_buffer/dt//2) for ip,p in enumerate(peaks[:-1]): _ta_flag[p-nbuffer_half:p+nbuffer_half] = True if is_pos[ip]: _right_flag[peaks[ip]:peaks[ip+1]] = True else: _left_flag[peaks[ip]:peaks[ip+1]] = True _ta_flag[peaks[-1]-nbuffer_half:peaks[-1]+nbuffer_half] = True # Check the initial/last part. If the daz is the same as the other scaning part, # the part is regarded as left or right scan. If not, flagged as `_truncate_flag`, which # will be truncated if `truncate` is True, or flagged as `turnarounds` if `truncate` is False. _truncate_flag = np.zeros(aman.samps.count, dtype=bool) daz_right = daz[_right_flag & ~_ta_flag] daz_right_mean, daz_right_std, daz_right_samps = daz_right.mean(), daz_right.std(), daz_right.shape[0] daz_left = daz[_left_flag & ~_ta_flag] daz_left_mean, daz_left_std, daz_left_samps = daz_left.mean(), daz_left.std(), daz_left.shape[0] part_slices_ta_masked = [slice(None, np.where(_ta_flag)[0][0]), slice(np.where(_ta_flag)[0][-1], None)] part_slices_ta_unmasked = [slice(None, peaks[0]), slice(peaks[-1], None)] for part_slice_ta_masked, part_slice_ta_unmasked in zip(part_slices_ta_masked, part_slices_ta_unmasked): daz_part = daz[part_slice_ta_masked] daz_part_mean, daz_part_std, daz_part_samps = daz_part.mean(), daz_part.std(), daz_part.shape[0] if np.isclose(daz_part_mean, daz_right_mean, rtol=0, atol=3*daz_right_std/np.sqrt(daz_right_samps)) and \ np.isclose(daz_part_std, daz_right_std, rtol=1, atol=0): _right_flag[part_slice_ta_unmasked] = True elif np.isclose(daz_part_mean, daz_left_mean, rtol=0, atol=3*daz_right_std/np.sqrt(daz_left_samps)) and \ np.isclose(daz_part_std, daz_left_std, rtol=1, atol=0): _left_flag[part_slice_ta_unmasked] = True else: _truncate_flag[part_slice_ta_unmasked] = True # Check if flagging works check_sum = _left_flag.astype(int) + _right_flag.astype(int) + _truncate_flag.astype(int) check_sum = np.all(np.ones(aman.samps.count, dtype=int) == check_sum) if not check_sum: raise ValueError('Check sum failed. There are samples not allocated any of left, right, or truncate.') # merge left/right mask left_flag = Ranges.from_bitmask(_left_flag) right_flag = Ranges.from_bitmask(_right_flag) if merge_lr: if ("left_scan" in aman.flags or "right_scan" in aman.flags ) and not overwrite: raise ValueError("Flag name left/right_flag already exists in aman.flags.") else : if "left_scan" in aman.flags: aman.flags["left_scan"] = left_flag else : aman.flags.wrap("left_scan", left_flag) if "right_scan" in aman.flags: aman.flags["right_scan"] = right_flag else : aman.flags.wrap("right_scan", right_flag) # truncate unstable scan before the first turnaround or after the last turnaround if truncate: valid_slice = slice(*np.where(~_truncate_flag)[0][[0, -1]]) aman.restrict('samps', valid_slice) ta_flag = Ranges.from_bitmask(_ta_flag[valid_slice]) else: ta_flag = Ranges.from_bitmask(np.logical_or(_ta_flag, _truncate_flag)) # merge turnaround flags if merge: if name in aman.flags and not overwrite: raise ValueError("Flag name {} already exists in aman.flags".format(name)) elif name in aman.flags: aman.flags[name] = ta_flag else: aman.flags.wrap(name, ta_flag) if method == 'az': ta_exp = RangesMatrix([ta_flag for i in range(aman.dets.count)]) return ta_exp if method == 'scanspeed': ta_exp = RangesMatrix([ta_flag for i in range(aman.dets.count)]) left_exp = RangesMatrix([left_flag for i in range(aman.dets.count)]) right_exp = RangesMatrix([right_flag for i in range(aman.dets.count)]) return ta_exp, left_exp, right_exp
[docs] def get_glitch_flags(aman, t_glitch=0.002, hp_fc=0.5, n_sig=10, buffer=200, detrend=None, signal_name=None, merge=True, overwrite=False, name="glitches", full_output=False, edge_guard=2000): """ Find glitches with fourier filtering. Translation from moby2 as starting point Parameters ---------- aman : AxisManager The tod. t_glitch : float Gaussian filter width. hp_fc : float High pass filter cutoff. n_sig : int or float Significance of detection. buffer : int Amount to buffer flags around found location detrend : str Detrend method to pass to fourier_filter signal_name : str Field name in aman to detect glitches on if None, defaults to ``signal`` merge : bool) If true, add to ``aman.flags`` name : string Name of flag to add to ``aman.flags`` overwrite : bool If true, write over flag. If false, raise ValueError if name already exists in AxisManager full_output : bool If true, return sparse matrix with the significance of the detected glitches edge_guard : int Number of samples at the beginning and end of the tod to exclude from the returned glitch RangesMatrix. Defaults to 2000 samples (10 sec). Returns ------- flag : RangesMatrix RangesMatrix object containing glitch mask. """ if signal_name is None: signal_name = "signal" # f-space filtering filt = filters.high_pass_sine2(cutoff=hp_fc) * filters.gaussian_filter(t_sigma=t_glitch) fvec = fourier_filter( aman, filt, detrend=detrend, signal_name=signal_name, resize="zero_pad" ) # get the threshods based on n_sig x nlev = n_sig x iqu x 0.741 fvec = np.abs(fvec) if fvec.shape[1] > 50000: ds = int(fvec.shape[1]/20000) else: ds = 1 iqr_range = 0.741 * stats.iqr(fvec[:,::ds], axis=1) # get flags msk = fvec > iqr_range[:, None] * n_sig msk[:,:edge_guard] = False msk[:,-edge_guard:] = False flag = RangesMatrix([Ranges.from_bitmask(m) for m in msk]) flag.buffer(buffer) if merge: if name in aman.flags and not overwrite: raise ValueError("Flag name {} already exists in tod.flags".format(name)) elif name in aman.flags: aman.flags[name] = flag else: aman.flags.wrap(name, flag) if full_output: indptr = np.append( 0, np.cumsum([np.sum(msk[i]) for i in range(aman.dets.count)]) ) indices = np.concatenate([np.where(msk[i])[0] for i in range(aman.dets.count)]) data = np.concatenate( [fvec[i][msk[i]] / iqr_range[i] for i in range(aman.dets.count)] ) smat = csr_array( (data, indices, indptr), shape=(aman.dets.count, aman.samps.count) ) glitches = core.AxisManager( aman.dets, aman.samps, ) glitches.wrap("glitch_flags", flag, [(0, "dets"), (1, "samps")]) glitches.wrap("glitch_detection", smat, [(0, "dets"), (1, "samps")]) return flag, glitches return flag
def get_dark_dets(aman, merge=True, overwrite=True, dark_flags_name='darks'): darks = np.array(aman.det_info.wafer.type != 'OPTC') x = Ranges(aman.samps.count) mskdarks = RangesMatrix([Ranges.ones_like(x) if Y else Ranges.zeros_like(x) for Y in darks]) if merge: if dark_flags_name in aman.flags and not overwrite: raise ValueError(f"Flag name {dark_flags_name} already exists in aman.flags") if dark_flags_name in aman.flags: aman.flags[dark_flags_name] = mskdarks else: aman.flags.wrap(dark_flags_name, mskdarks, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')]) return mskdarks def get_source_flags(aman, merge=True, overwrite=True, source_flags_name='source_flags', mask=None, center_on=None, res=None, max_pix=None): if merge: wrap = source_flags_name else: wrap = None if res: res = np.radians(res/60) source_flags = coords.planets.compute_source_flags(tod=aman, wrap=wrap, mask=mask, center_on=center_on, res=res, max_pix=max_pix) if merge: if source_flags_name in aman.flags and not overwrite: raise ValueError(f"Flag name {source_flags_name} already exists in aman.flags") if source_flags_name in aman.flags: aman.flags[source_flags_name] = source_flags else: aman.flags.wrap(source_flags_name, source_flags, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')]) return source_flags