
The sotodlib.coords.det_match module allows us to map resonators from one source to another, using information such as resonator frequency, bias-line assignments, and pointing information. This is particularly useful to create a map from resonators in a SMuRF tune-file, to real detectors from either a design-file, or a handmade solutions file based on a separate tune-file.

This works by translating the detector matching problem into an instance of the well-studied assignment problem, in which, given a bipartite graph and edge weights, one can efficiently find the minimum-cost matching. Here, the two sets of the bipartite graph are the two resonator sets, with additional nodes added to represent the possibility of a resonator being unmatched. The edge weights computed using a cost-function that uses resonator properties to determine resonator-to-resonator costs, and resonator-to-unmatched costs. The function scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment is then used to find the minimum-cost match.


Below is an example of how to match a resonator-set based on a smurf tune-file and sodetlib bgmap to a resonator-set based on a handmade solution file, and save the output.

from sotodlib.coords import det_match as dm

tunefile = <path_to_tune_file>
bgmap_file = <path_to_bgmap_file>
sol_file = <path_to_solution_file>

src = dm.ResSet.from_tunefile(
    tune_file, north_is_highband=False, bgmap_file=bgmap_file,
    name=f'SAT Tuning'
dst = dm.ResSet.from_solutions(
    sol_file, north_is_highband=True, name='solution'
match = dm.Match(src, dst)'match.h5')

To validate, you can check match.stats to see information such as how many resonators in each set were matched or left unassigned, and to see how many matches had bias-line mismaps, etc. If the majority of resonators have bias-line mismaps, then it is likely the north_is_highband flag was set incorrectly, and you are attempting to match opposite sides of the UFM.

To validate, you can also use the dm.plot_match_freqs to view how well the resonators match in frequency space. With a proper solution file, this should be rather well, as is seen below


Tuning Matching Params

Depending on what data you have available, you may want to tune the matching algorithm and the cost function. For instance, once we have accurate pointing data we’ll want to rely less solely on the frequency pairings, and more on pointing information. We can do this by passing in a MatchParams object to set various parameters. For instance, below is an example of how to tell the match function to be stricter with the pointing cost penalties, and more lenient with the frequency penalty:

from import det_match as dm

tunefile = <path_to_tune_file>
bgmap_file = <path_to_bgmap_file>
sol_file = <path_to_solution_file>

src = dm.ResSet.from_tunefile(
    tune_file, north_is_highband=False, bgmap_file=bgmap_file,
    name=f'SAT Tuning'
dst = dm.ResSet.from_solutions(
    sol_file, north_is_highband=True, name='solution'
mpars = dm.MatchParams(
    freq_width=5 #MHz
    dist_width=np.deg2rad(0.3), # radians
match = dm.Match(src, dst, match_params=mpars)


sotodlib.coords.det_match.map_band_chans(b1, c1, b2, c2, chans_per_band=512)[source]

Returns an index mapping of length nchans1 from one set of bands and channels to another. Note that unmapped indices are returned as -1, so this must be handled before (or after) indexing or else you’ll get weird results. :param b1: Array of length nchans1 containing the smurf band of each channel :type b1: np.ndarray :param c1: Array of length nchans1 containing the smurf channel of each channel :type c1: np.ndarray :param b2: Array of length nchans2 containing the smurf band of each channel :type b2: np.ndarray :param c2: Array of length nchans2 containing the smurf channel of each channel :type c2: np.ndarray :param chans_per_band: Lets just hope this never changes. :type chans_per_band: int

sotodlib.coords.det_match.get_north_is_highband(bands, bgs)[source]

Checks if north is highband based on bgmapping. This will tell you if the majority of dets on the north side of the ufm (bgs 0-5) belong to highband (bands 4-7).

class sotodlib.coords.det_match.PointingConfig(fp_file: str, wafer_slot: str, tel_type: str, zemax_path: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Helper class for getting pointing info from an optics model.

  • fp_file (str) – Path to focal-plane file that is used by the optics module.

  • wafer_slot (str) – Wafer slot of the UFM. For example: “ws0”

  • tel_type (str) – Tel type for the optics model. Either “SAT” or “LAT”

  • zemax_path (str) – If running for a “LAT” tel_type, the path to the zemax file must be specified.

fp_file: str
wafer_slot: str
tel_type: str
zemax_path: str | None = None
dx: float
dy: float
theta: float
fp_pars: dict
get_pointing(x, y, pol=0)[source]
class sotodlib.coords.det_match.Resonator(idx: int, is_north: int, res_freq: float, res_qi: float = nan, smurf_res_idx: int = -1, smurf_band: int = -1, smurf_channel: int = -1, smurf_subband: int = -1, readout_id: str = '', xi: float = nan, eta: float = nan, gamma: float = nan, bg: int = -1, det_x: float = nan, det_y: float = nan, det_row: int = 0, det_col: int = 0, pixel_num: int = 0, det_rhomb: str = '', det_pol: str = '', det_freq: int = 0, det_bandpass: str = '', det_angle_raw_deg: float = nan, det_angle_actual_deg: float = nan, det_type: str = '', det_id: str = 'NO_MATCH', is_optical: int = 1, mux_bondpad: int = 0, mux_subband: str = '', mux_band: int = -1, mux_channel: int = -1, mux_layout_pos: int = -1, matched: int = 0, match_idx: int = -1)[source]

Bases: object

Data structure to hold any resonator information.

idx: int
is_north: int
res_freq: float
res_qi: float = nan
smurf_res_idx: int = -1
smurf_band: int = -1
smurf_channel: int = -1
smurf_subband: int = -1
readout_id: str = ''
xi: float = nan
eta: float = nan
gamma: float = nan
bg: int = -1
det_x: float = nan
det_y: float = nan
det_row: int = 0
det_col: int = 0
pixel_num: int = 0
det_rhomb: str = ''
det_pol: str = ''
det_freq: int = 0
det_bandpass: str = ''
det_angle_raw_deg: float = nan
det_angle_actual_deg: float = nan
det_type: str = ''
det_id: str = 'NO_MATCH'
is_optical: int = 1
mux_bondpad: int = 0
mux_subband: str = ''
mux_band: int = -1
mux_channel: int = -1
mux_layout_pos: int = -1
matched: int = 0
match_idx: int = -1
sotodlib.coords.det_match.apply_design_properties(smurf_res, design_res, in_place=False, apply_pointing=True)[source]

Combines two resonators into one, taking smurf-properties such as res-idx, smurf-band, and smurf-channel one, and design properties such as det position and polarization from the other.

  • smurf_res (Resonator) – The resonator to take smurf properties from

  • design_res (Resonator) – The resonator to take design properties from

  • in_place (bool) – If True, the src_res will be modified. Otherwise, a new Resonator will be created and returned.

class sotodlib.coords.det_match.ResSet(resonances: List[Resonator], name=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class to hold a group of resonances. This provides easy interfaces for accessing Resonance fields as np arrays for fast computations and provides initialization functions from different data sources.

classmethod from_array(arr, name=None, ignore_extra_fields=True)[source]

Creates a ResSet from a numpy structured array (resulting from as_array method).

  • arr (np.ndarray) – Structured ResSet array

  • name (str) – Name for the res-set

  • ignore_extra_fields (bool) – If True, this will ignore any fields from the array that are not in the Resonator dataclass. This may happen if loading an older saved array, where the resonator fields are not the same.


Returns resonance data in the form of a numpy structured array.

classmethod from_aman(aman, stream_id, det_cal=None, name=None)[source]

Load a resonator set from a Context object based on an obs_id

  • aman (AxisManager) – Axis manager containing metadata

  • stream_id (str) – Stream id for ResSet to load

  • det_cal (AxisManager) – Detector calibration metadata. If not specified, will default to aman.det_cal

classmethod from_tunefile(tunefile, name=None, north_is_highband=True, resfit_file=None, bgmap_file=None)[source]

Creates an instance based on a smurf-tune file. If a resfit or bgmap file is included, that data will be added to the Resonance objects as well.

  • tunefile (str) – Path to Pysmurf tunefile

  • name (str) – Name to label this ResSet

  • north_is_highband (bool) – True if the north-side of the array corresponds to bands 4-7

  • resfit_file (str) – Path to file containing resonance fit data

  • bgmap_file (str) – Path to file containing bgmap data

classmethod from_wafer_info_file(wafer_info_file, array_name, name=None, pt_cfg: PointingConfig | None = None)[source]

Initialize a ResSet from a wafer info file. This is a file that contains detector design information.

  • wafer_info_file (str) – Path to wafer info file

  • array_name (str) – Array name, which is the key in the wafer-info-file. For example: “mv7”.

  • name (str) – Name to assign to the ResSet

  • pt_cfg (PointingConfig) – If set, this will be used to get pointing info based on the optics model. If not set, pointing info will not be included in the ResSet.

classmethod from_solutions(sol_file, north_is_highband=True, name=None, fp_pars=None, platform='SAT', zemax_path=None)[source]

Creates an instance from an input-solution file. This will include both design data, along with smurf-band and smurf-channel info. Resonance frequencies used here are the VNA freqs measured by Kaiwen.

  • sol_file (str) – Path to solutions file

  • name (str) – Name to label this ResSet

  • north_is_highband (bool) – True if the north-side of the array corresponds to bands 4-8

  • fp_pars (dict) – Result of the function sotododlib.coords.optics.get_ufm_to_fp_pars. If this is None, detector positions will not be mapped to pointing angles.

  • platform (str) – ‘SAT’ or ‘LAT’. Used to determine which focal plane function to use for pointing

  • zemax_path (str) – zemax path, required to get pointing for LAT optics


Adds resonator quality data from a res_fit file.


Adds bias group data from an sodetlib bgmap file.

add_pointing(bands, chans, xis, etas)[source]

Adds measured detector pointing to resonators.

class sotodlib.coords.det_match.MatchParams(unassigned_slots: int = 1000, freq_offset_mhz: float = 0.0, freq_width: float = 2.0, dist_width: float = 0.01, unmatched_good_res_pen: float = 10.0, good_res_qi_thresh: float = 100000.0, force_src_pointing: bool = False, assigned_bg_unmatched_pen: float = 100000, unassigned_bg_unmatched_pen: float = 10000, assigned_bg_mismatch_pen: float = 100000, unassigned_bg_mismatch_pen: float = 1)[source]

Bases: object

Any constants / hardcoded values go here to be fiddled with

  • unassigned_slots (int) – Number of additional “unassigned” node to use per-side

  • freq_offset_mhz (float) – constant offset between resonator-set frequencies to use in matching.

  • freq_width (float) – width of exponential to use in the frequency cost function (MHz).

  • dist_width (float) – width of exponential to use in the pointing cost function (rad)

  • unmatched_good_res_pen (float) – penalty to apply to leaving a resonator with a good qi unassigned

  • good_res_qi_thresh (float) – qi threshold that is considered “good”

  • force_src_pointing (bool) – If true, will assign a np.inf penalty to leaving a src resonator with a provided pointing unmatched.

  • assigned_bg_unmatched_pen (float) – Penalty to apply to leaving a resonator with an assigned bg unmatched

  • unassigned_bg_unmatched_pen (float) – Penalty to apply to leaving a resonator with an unassigned bg unmatched

  • assigned_bg_mismatch_pen (float) – Penalty to apply for matching a resonator with an assigned bias line to another one with a mis-matched bias line.

  • unassigned_bg_mismatch_pen (float) – Penalty to apply for matching a resonator with no bias line to another one with a mis-matched bias line.

unassigned_slots: int = 1000
freq_offset_mhz: float = 0.0
freq_width: float = 2.0
dist_width: float = 0.01
unmatched_good_res_pen: float = 10.0
good_res_qi_thresh: float = 100000.0
force_src_pointing: bool = False
assigned_bg_unmatched_pen: float = 100000
unassigned_bg_unmatched_pen: float = 10000
assigned_bg_mismatch_pen: float = 100000
unassigned_bg_mismatch_pen: float = 1
class sotodlib.coords.det_match.MatchingStats(unmatched_src: int = 0, unmatched_dst: int = 0, unmatched_src_with_pointing: int = 0, matched_chans: int = 0, mismatched_bg: int = 0, freq_diff_avg: float = 0.0, freq_err_avg: float = 0.0, pointing_err_avg: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: object

unmatched_src: int = 0
unmatched_dst: int = 0
unmatched_src_with_pointing: int = 0
matched_chans: int = 0
mismatched_bg: int = 0
freq_diff_avg: float = 0.0
freq_err_avg: float = 0.0
pointing_err_avg: float = 0.0
class sotodlib.coords.det_match.Match(src: ResSet, dst: ResSet, match_pars: MatchParams | None = None, apply_dst_pointing=True)[source]

Bases: object

Class for performing a Resonance Matching between two sets of resonators, labeled src and dst. In the matching algorithm there is basically no difference between src and dst res-sets, except:

  • When merged, smurf-data such as band, channel, and res-idx will be taken from the src res-set

  • The force_src_pointing param can be used to assign a very high penalty to leaving any src resonator that has pointing info unassigned.

  • src (ResSet) – The source resonator set

  • dst (ResSet) – The dest resonator set

  • match_pars (MatchParams) – MatchParams object used in the matching algorithm. This can be used to tune the cost-function and matching.

  • apply_dst_pointing (bool) – If True, the merged res-set will take its pointing information from dst instead of src.


The source resonator set




The dest resonator set




MatchParams object used in the matching algorithm. This can be used to tune the cost-function and matching.




A 2xN array of indices, where the first row corresponds to the indices of the src resonators, and the second row corresponds to the indices of the dst resonators. If the index is larger than the size of the corresponding res-set, that means the paired resonator was not matched.




A ResSet containing the merged resonators. This is created by applying the “design” properties of the dst resonators to the source resonators. If a source resonator is not matched to any dest resonator, it will be copied as-is.




A MatchingStats object containing some statistics about the matching.



get_match_iter(include_unmatched=True) Iterator[Tuple[Resonator | None, Resonator | None]][source]

Returns an iterator over matched resonators (r1, r2).


include_unmatched (bool) – If True, will include unmatched resonators, with the pair set to None.

get_stats() MatchingStats[source]

Gets stats associated with current matching.


Saves match to HDF5 file

classmethod load(path)[source]

Loads a match from a h5 file (resulting from save method)

sotodlib.coords.det_match.plot_match_freqs(m: Match, is_north=True, show_offset=False, xlim=None)[source]

Plots src and dst ResSet freqs in a match, along with their matching assignments.

sotodlib.coords.det_match.plot_match_pointing(match: Match, show_pairs=True)[source]