Source code for sotodlib.tod_ops.azss

"""Module for estimating Azimuth Synchronous Signal (azss)"""
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import legendre as L
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from sotodlib import core, tod_ops
from sotodlib.tod_ops import bin_signal
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def bin_by_az(aman, signal=None, az=None, range=None, bins=100, flags=None):
    Bins a signal by azimuth angle.

    aman: TOD
    signal: array-like, optional
        numpy array of signal to be binned. If None, the signal is taken from aman.signal.
    az: array-like, optional
        A 1D numpy array representing the azimuth angles. If not provided, the azimuth angles are taken from attribute.
    range: array-like, optional
        A list specifying the range of azimuth angles to consider for binning. Defaults to None.
        If None, [min(az), max(az)] will be used for binning.
    bins: integer
        The number of bins to divide the azimuth angle range into. Defaults to 360.
    flags: RangesMatrix, optional
        Flag indicating whether to exclude flagged samples when binning the signal.
        Default is no mask applied.

    binning_dict: A dictionary containing the binned signal values.
        * 'bin_centers': center of each bin of azimuth
        * 'binned_signal': binned signal
        * 'binned_signal_sigma': estimated sigma of binned signal
    if signal is None:
        signal = aman.signal
    if az is None:
        az =
    binning_dict = bin_signal(aman, bin_by=az, signal=signal,
                               range=range, bins=bins, flags=flags)
    return binning_dict

def fit_azss(az, azss_stats, max_mode, fit_range=None):
    Function for fitting Legendre polynomials to signal binned in azimuth.

    az: array-like
        azimuth array from main axis manager
    azss_stats: AxisManager
        Axis manager containing binned signal and azimuth used for fitting.
        Created by ``get_azss`` function.
    max_mode: integer
        Highest order Legendre polynomial to include in the fit.
    fit_range: list
        Azimuth range used to renormalized to the [-1,1] range spanned
        by the Legendre polynomials for fitting. Default is the max-min
        span in the ``binned_az`` array passed in via ``azss_stats``.

    azss_stats: AxisManager
        Returns updated azss_stats with added fit information
    model_sig_tod: array-like
        Model fit for each detector size ndets x n_samps
    bin_width = azss_stats.binned_az[1] - azss_stats.binned_az[0]
    m = ~np.isnan(azss_stats.binned_signal[0]) # masks bins without counts
    if np.count_nonzero(m) < max_mode + 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of valid bins is smaller than mode of Legendre function')
    if fit_range==None:
        az_min = np.min(azss_stats.binned_az[m]) - bin_width/2
        az_max = np.max(azss_stats.binned_az[m]) + bin_width/2
        az_min, az_max = fit_range[0], fit_range[1]
    x_legendre = ( 2*az - (az_min+az_max) ) / (az_max - az_min)
    x_legendre_bin_centers = ( 2*azss_stats.binned_az - (az_min+az_max) ) / (az_max - az_min)
    x_legendre_bin_centers = np.where(~m, np.nan, x_legendre_bin_centers)
    mode_names = []
    for mode in range(max_mode+1):
    coeffs = L.legfit(x_legendre_bin_centers[m], azss_stats.binned_signal[:, m].T, max_mode)
    coeffs = coeffs.T
    binned_model = L.legval(x_legendre_bin_centers, coeffs.T)
    binned_model = np.where(~m, np.nan, binned_model)
    sum_of_squares = np.sum(((azss_stats.binned_signal[:, m] - binned_model[:,m])**2), axis=-1)
    redchi2s = sum_of_squares/azss_stats.uniform_binned_signal_sigma**2 / ( len(x_legendre_bin_centers[m]) - max_mode - 1)
    azss_stats.wrap('binned_model', binned_model, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'bin_samps')])
    azss_stats.wrap('x_legendre_bin_centers', x_legendre_bin_centers, [(0, 'bin_samps')])
    azss_stats.wrap('coeffs', coeffs, [(0, 'dets'), (1, core.LabelAxis(name='modes', vals=np.array(mode_names, dtype='<U10')))])
    azss_stats.wrap('redchi2s', redchi2s, [(0, 'dets')])
    return azss_stats, L.legval(x_legendre, coeffs.T)
[docs] def get_azss(aman, signal=None, az=None, range=None, bins=100, flags=None, method='interpolate', max_mode=None, subtract_in_place=False, merge_stats=True, azss_stats_name='azss_stats', merge_model=True, azss_model_name='azss_model'): """ Derive azss (Azimuth Synchronous Signal) statistics and model from the given axismanager data. **NOTE:** This function does not modify the ``signal`` unless ``subtract_in_place = True``. Parameters ---------- aman: TOD core.AxisManager signal: array-like, optional A numpy array representing the signal to be used for azss extraction. If not provided, the signal is taken from aman.signal. az: array-like, optional A 1D numpy array representing the azimuth angles. If not provided, the azimuth angles are taken from range: list, optional A list specifying the range of azimuth angles to consider for binning. Defaults to [-np.pi, np.pi]. If None, [min(az), max(az)] will be used for binning. bins: integer The number of bins to divide the azimuth angle range into. Defaults to 360. flags : RangesMatrix, optinal Flag indicating whether to exclude flagged samples when binning the signal. Default is no mask applied. method: str The method to use for azss modeling. Options are 'interpolate' and 'fit'. In 'interpolate', binned signal is used directly. In 'fit', fitting is applied to the binned signal. Defaults to 'interpolate'. max_mode: integer, optinal The number of Legendre modes to use for azss when method is 'fit'. Required when method is 'fit'. subtract_in_place: bool If True, it subtract the modeled tod from original signal. The aman.signal will be modified. merge_stats: boolean, optional Boolean flag indicating whether to merge the azss statistics with aman. Defaults to True. azss_stats_name: string, optional The name to assign to the merged azss statistics. Defaults to 'azss_stats'. merge_model: boolean, optional Boolean flag indicating whether to merge the azss model with the aman. Defaults to True. azss_model_name: string, optional The name to assign to the merged azss model. Defaults to 'azss_model'. Returns ------- Tuple: - azss_stats: core.AxisManager - azss statistics including: azumith bin centers, binned signal, std of each detector-az bin, std of each detector. - If ``method=fit`` then also includes: binned legendre model, legendre bin centers, fit coefficients, reduced chi2. - model_sig_tod: numpy.array - azss model as a function of time either from fits or interpolation depending on ``method`` argument. """ if signal is None: signal = aman.signal if az is None: az = # do binning binning_dict = bin_by_az(aman, signal=signal, az=az, range=range, bins=bins, flags=flags) bin_centers = binning_dict['bin_centers'] binned_signal = binning_dict['binned_signal'] binned_signal_sigma = binning_dict['binned_signal_sigma'] uniform_binned_signal_sigma = np.nanmedian(binned_signal_sigma, axis=-1) azss_stats = core.AxisManager(aman.dets) azss_stats.wrap('binned_az', bin_centers, [(0, core.IndexAxis('bin_samps', count=bins))]) azss_stats.wrap('binned_signal', binned_signal, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'bin_samps')]) azss_stats.wrap('binned_signal_sigma', binned_signal_sigma, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'bin_samps')]) azss_stats.wrap('uniform_binned_signal_sigma', uniform_binned_signal_sigma, [(0, 'dets')]) if method == 'fit': if type(max_mode) is not int: raise ValueError('max_mode is not provided as integer') azss_stats, model_sig_tod = fit_azss(az=az, azss_stats=azss_stats, max_mode=max_mode, fit_range=range) if method == 'interpolate': f_template = interp1d(bin_centers, binned_signal, fill_value='extrapolate') model_sig_tod = f_template( if merge_stats: aman.wrap(azss_stats_name, azss_stats) if merge_model: aman.wrap(azss_model_name, model_sig_tod, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')]) if subtract_in_place: aman.signal = np.subtract(signal, model_sig_tod, dtype='float32') return azss_stats, model_sig_tod
[docs] def subtract_azss(aman, signal=None, azss_template=None, subtract_name='azss_remove'): """ Subtract the scan synchronous signal (azss) template from the signal in the given axis manager. Parameters ---------- aman : AxisManager The axis manager containing the signal to which the azss template will be applied. signal : ndarray, optional The signal from which the azss template will be subtracted. If ``signal`` is None (default), the signal contained in the axis manager will be used. azss_template : ndarray, optional The azss template to be subtracted from the signal. If `azss_template` is None (default), the azss template stored in the axis manager under the key ``azss_extract`` will be used. subtract_name : str, optional The name of the output axis manager field that will contain the azss-subtracted signal. Defaults to ``azss_remove``. Returns ------- None """ if signal is None: signal = aman.signal if azss_template is None: azss_template = aman['azss_model'] aman.wrap(subtract_name, np.subtract( signal, azss_template, dtype='float32'), [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')])