Source code for sotodlib.site_pipeline.update_obsdb


Create and/or update an obsdb and obsfiledb based on some books.
The config file could be of the form:

.. code-block:: yaml

    base_dir: path_to_base_directories. Can be a list or a single string.
      start_time: float
      stop_time: float
      n_samples: int
      telescope: str
      tube_slot: str
      type: str
      subtype: str

    obsdb: dummyobsdb.sqlite
    obsfiledb: dummyobsfiledb.sqlite
    lat_tube_list_file: path to yaml dict matching tubes and bands
    tolerate_stray_files: True
    skip_bad_books: True
    - Z_bookbinder_log.txt
    - M_index.yaml
    - M_book.yaml


from sotodlib.core.metadata import ObsDb
from sotodlib.core import Context 
from sotodlib.site_pipeline.check_book import main as checkbook
from import load_book
import os
import glob
import yaml
import re
import numpy as np
import time
import argparse
import logging
from sotodlib.site_pipeline import util
from typing import Optional

logger = util.init_logger('update_obsdb', 'update-obsdb: ')

[docs] def check_meta_type(bookpath: str): metapath = os.path.join(bookpath, "M_index.yaml") meta = yaml.safe_load(open(metapath, "rb")) if meta is None: return "empty" elif "type" not in meta: return "notype" else: return meta["type"]
[docs] def telescope_lookup(telescope: str): """ Set a number of common queries given a telescope name Arguments ---------- telescope : str Name of telescope in M_index """ if telescope == "sat" or telescope == "satp1": return {"telescope": "satp1", "telescope_flavor": "sat", "tube_flavor": "mf", "detector_flavor": "tes"} elif telescope == "satp2": return {"telescope": "satp2","telescope_flavor": "sat", "tube_flavor": "uhf", "detector_flavor": "tes"} elif telescope == "satp3": return {"telescope": "satp3", "telescope_flavor": "sat", "tube_flavor": "mf", "detector_flavor": "tes"} elif telescope == "lat": return {"telescope": "lat", "telescope_flavor": "lat"} else: logger.error("unknown telescope type given by bookbinder") return {}
[docs] def main(config: str, recency: float = None, booktype: Optional[str] = "both", verbosity: Optional[int] = 2, overwrite: Optional[bool] = False): """ Create or update an obsdb for observation or operations data. Arguments ---------- config : str Path to config file recency : float How far back in time to look for databases, in days. If None, goes back to the UNIX start date (default: None) booktype : str Look for observations or operations data or both (default: both) verbosity : int Output verbosity. 0:Error, 1:Warning, 2:Info(default), 3:Debug overwrite : bool if False, do not re-check existing entries """ if verbosity == 0: logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif verbosity == 1: logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif verbosity == 2: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif verbosity == 3: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)"Updating obsdb") bookcart = [] if booktype not in ["obs", "oper", "both"]: logger.warning("Specified booktype inadapted to update_obsdb") if booktype == "both": accept_type = ["obs", "oper"] else: accept_type = [booktype] config_dict = yaml.safe_load(open(config, "r")) try: base_dir = config_dict["base_dir"] except KeyError: logger.error("No base directory base_dir specified in config file!") if "obsdb" in config_dict: bookcartobsdb = ObsDb(map_file=config_dict["obsdb"]) else: logger.warning("No obsdb named in the configuration file") bookcartobsdb = ObsDb("obsdb.sqlite") if "obsdb_cols" in config_dict: col_list = [] for col, typ in config_dict["obsdb_cols"].items(): col_list.append(col+" "+typ) bookcartobsdb.add_obs_columns(col_list) if "skip_bad_books" not in config_dict: config_dict["skip_bad_books"] = False #How far back we should look tnow = time.time() if recency is not None: tback = tnow - recency*86400 else: tback = 0 #Back to the UNIX Big Bang existing = bookcartobsdb.query()["obs_id"] #Check if there are one or multiple base_dir specified if isinstance(base_dir,str): base_dir = [base_dir] for bd in base_dir: #Find folders that are book-like and recent for dirpath, _, _ in os.walk(bd): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirpath, "M_index.yaml")): _, book_id = os.path.split(dirpath) if book_id in existing and not overwrite: continue found_timestamp ="\d{10}", book_id)#Find the rough timestamp if found_timestamp and int(>tback: #Looks like a book folder and young enough bookcart.append(dirpath)"Found {len(bookcart)} new books in {time.time()-tnow} s") #Check the books for the observations we want for bookpath in sorted(bookcart): if check_meta_type(bookpath) in accept_type: t1 = time.time() try: #obsfiledb creation checkbook(bookpath, config, add=True, overwrite=True)"Ran check_book for {bookpath} in {time.time()-t1} s") except Exception as e: if config_dict["skip_bad_books"]: logger.warning(f"failed to add {bookpath}") continue else: raise e index = yaml.safe_load(open(os.path.join(bookpath, "M_index.yaml"), "rb")) obs_id = index.pop("book_id") tags = index.pop("tags") detsets = index.pop("detsets") if "obsdb_cols" in config_dict: very_clean = {col:index[col] for col in iter(config_dict["obsdb_cols"]) if col in index} else: col_list = [] clean = {key:val for key, val in index.items() if val is not None} very_clean = {key:val for key, val in clean.items() if type(val) is not list} for key, val in very_clean.items(): col_list.append(key+" "+type(val).__name__) bookcartobsdb.add_obs_columns(col_list) if "skip_bad_books" not in config_dict: config_dict["skip_bad_books"] = False #Adding info that should be there for all observations #Descriptive string columns try: telescope = index["telescope"] flavors = telescope_lookup(telescope) for flav in flavors: bookcartobsdb.add_obs_columns([flav+" str"]) very_clean[flav] = flavors[flav] if telescope == "lat": lat_tube_list = yaml.safe_load( open(config_dict["lat_tube_list_file"], "rb") ) tube_flavor = lat_tube_list[index["tube_slot"]] bookcartobsdb.add_obs_columns("tube_flavor str") very_clean["tube_flavor"] = tube_flavor except KeyError: logger.error("No telescope key in index file or error with lat_tube_list") very_clean["telescope_flavor"] = "unknown" stream_ids = index.pop("stream_ids") if stream_ids is not None: bookcartobsdb.add_obs_columns(["wafer_count int"]) very_clean["wafer_count"] = len(stream_ids) #Time try: start = index["start_time"] end = index["stop_time"] bookcartobsdb.add_obs_columns(["timestamp float", "duration float"]) very_clean["timestamp"] = start very_clean["duration"] = end - start except KeyError: logger.error("Incomplete timing information for obs_id {obs_id}") #SAT HWP if very_clean["telescope_flavor"] == "sat": try: very_clean["hwp_freq_mean"] = index["hwp_freq_mean"] very_clean["hwp_freq_stdev"] = index["hwp_freq_stdev"] bookcartobsdb.add_obs_columns(["hwp_freq_mean float", "hwp_freq_stdev float"]) except KeyError: logger.error(f"No HWP frequency info for obs_id {obs_id}") #Scanning motion stream_file = os.path.join(bookpath,"*{}*.g3".format(stream_ids[0])) stream = load_book.load_book_file(stream_file, no_signal=True) for coor in ["az", "el"]: try: coor_enc = stream.ancil[coor+"_enc"] bookcartobsdb.add_obs_columns([f"{coor}_center float", f"{coor}_throw float"]) very_clean[f"{coor}_center"] = .5 * (coor_enc.max() + coor_enc.min()) very_clean[f"{coor}_throw"] = .5 * (coor_enc.max() - coor_enc.min()) except KeyError: logger.error(f"No {coor} pointing in some streams for obs_id {obs_id}") try: if very_clean["telescope_flavor"] == "sat": bore_enc = stream.ancil["boresight_enc"] very_clean["roll_center"] = -.5 * (bore_enc.max() + bore_enc.min()) very_clean["roll_throw"] = .5 * (bore_enc.max() - bore_enc.min()) if very_clean["telescope_flavor"] == "lat": el_enc = stream.ancil["el_enc"] corot_enc = stream.ancil["corotator_enc"] roll = el_enc - 60. - corot_enc very_clean["roll_center"] = .5 * (roll.max() + roll.min()) very_clean["roll_throw"] = .5 * (roll.max() - roll.min()) bookcartobsdb.add_obs_columns(["roll_center float", "roll_throw float"]) except KeyError: logger.error(f"Unable to compute roll for obs_id {obs_id}") # Make sure no invalid tags before update. tags = [t.strip() for t in tags if t.strip() != ''] bookcartobsdb.update_obs(obs_id, very_clean, tags=tags)"Added {obs_id} in {time.time()-t1} s") else: bookcart.remove(bookpath)
[docs] def get_parser(parser=None): if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--config", help="ObsDb, ObsfileDb configuration file", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--recency', default=None, type=float, help="Days to subtract from now to set as minimum ctime. If None, no minimum") parser.add_argument("--verbosity", default=2, type=int, help="Increase output verbosity. 0:Error, 1:Warning, 2:Info(default), 3:Debug") parser.add_argument("--booktype", default="both", type=str, help="Select book type to look for: obs, oper, both(default)") parser.add_argument("--overwrite", action="store_true", help="If true, writes over existing entries") return parser
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = get_parser(parser=None) args = parser.parse_args() main(**vars(args))