Source code for sotodlib.site_pipeline.preprocess_tod

import os
import yaml
import time
import numpy as np
import argparse
import traceback
from typing import Optional

from sotodlib import core
import sotodlib.site_pipeline.util as sp_util
from sotodlib.preprocess import _Preprocess, Pipeline, processes

logger = sp_util.init_logger("preprocess")

def _get_preprocess_context(configs, context=None):
    if type(configs) == str:
        configs = yaml.safe_load(open(configs, "r"))
    if context is None:
        context = core.Context(configs["context_file"])
    if type(context) == str:
        context = core.Context(context)
    # if context doesn't have the preprocess archive it in add it
    # allows us to use same context before and after calculations
    if context.get("metadata") is None:
        context["metadata"] = []

    for key in context.get("metadata"):
        if key.get("unpack") == "preprocess":
    if not found:
                "db" : configs["archive"]["index"],
                "name" : "preprocess"
    return configs, context

def _get_groups(obs_id, configs, context):
    group_by = np.atleast_1d(configs['subobs'].get('use', 'detset'))
    for i, gb in enumerate(group_by):
        if gb.startswith('dets:'):
            group_by[i] = gb.split(':',1)[1]

        if (gb == 'detset') and (len(group_by) == 1):
            groups = context.obsfiledb.get_detsets(obs_id)
            return group_by, [[g] for g in groups]
    det_info = context.get_det_info(obs_id)
    rs = det_info.subset(keys=group_by).distinct()
    groups = [[b for a,b in r.items()] for r in rs]
    return group_by, groups

[docs] def preprocess_tod( obs_id, configs, group_list=None, overwrite=False, logger=None ): """Meant to be run as part of a batched script, this function calls the preprocessing pipeline a specific Observation ID and saves the results in the ManifestDb specified in the configs. Arguments ---------- obs_id: string or ResultSet entry obs_id or obs entry that is passed to context.get_obs configs: string or dictionary config file or loaded config directory group_list: None or list list of groups to run if you only want to run a partial update overwrite: bool if True, overwrite existing entries in ManifestDb logger: logging instance the logger to print to """ if logger is None: logger = sp_util.init_logger("preprocess") if type(configs) == str: configs = yaml.safe_load(open(configs, "r")) context = core.Context(configs["context_file"]) group_by, groups = _get_groups(obs_id, configs, context) all_groups = groups.copy() if group_list is not None: for g in all_groups: if g not in group_list: groups.remove(g) if len(groups) == 0: logger.warning(f"group_list:{group_list} contains no overlap with " f"groups in observation: {obs_id}:{all_groups}. " f"No analysis to run.") return if os.path.exists(configs['archive']['index']):"Mapping {configs['archive']['index']} for the " "archive index.") db = core.metadata.ManifestDb(configs['archive']['index']) else:"Creating {configs['archive']['index']} for the " "archive index.") scheme = core.metadata.ManifestScheme() scheme.add_exact_match('obs:obs_id') for gb in group_by: scheme.add_exact_match('dets:' + gb) scheme.add_data_field('dataset') db = core.metadata.ManifestDb( configs['archive']['index'], scheme=scheme ) pipe = Pipeline(configs["process_pipe"], plot_dir=configs["plot_dir"], logger=logger) for group in groups:"Beginning run for {obs_id}:{group}") aman = context.get_obs(obs_id, dets={gb:g for gb, g in zip(group_by, group)}) proc_aman, success = if success != 'end': continue policy = sp_util.ArchivePolicy.from_params(configs['archive']['policy']) dest_file, dest_dataset = policy.get_dest(obs_id) for gb, g in zip(group_by, group): if gb == 'detset': dest_dataset += "_" + g else: dest_dataset += "_" + gb + "_" + str(g)"Saving data to {dest_file}:{dest_dataset}"), dest_dataset, overwrite=overwrite) # Update the index. db_data = {'obs:obs_id': obs_id, 'dataset': dest_dataset} for gb, g in zip(group_by, group): db_data['dets:'+gb] = g"Saving to database under {db_data}") if len(db.inspect(db_data)) == 0: h5_path = os.path.relpath(dest_file, start=os.path.dirname(configs['archive']['index'])) db.add_entry(db_data, h5_path)
[docs] def load_preprocess_det_select(obs_id, configs, context=None, dets=None, meta=None): """ Loads the metadata information for the Observation and runs through any data selection specified by the Preprocessing Pipeline. Arguments ---------- obs_id: multiple passed to `context.get_obs` to load AxisManager, see Notes for `context.get_obs` configs: string or dictionary config file or loaded config directory dets: dict dets to restrict on from info in det_info. See context.get_meta. meta: AxisManager Contains supporting metadata to use for loading. Can be pre-restricted in any way. See context.get_meta. """ configs, context = _get_preprocess_context(configs, context) pipe = Pipeline(configs["process_pipe"], logger=logger) meta = context.get_meta(obs_id, dets=dets, meta=meta)"Cutting on the last process: {pipe[-1].name}") pipe[-1].select(meta) return meta
[docs] def load_preprocess_tod(obs_id, configs="preprocess_configs.yaml", context=None, dets=None, meta=None): """ Loads the saved information from the preprocessing pipeline and runs the processing section of the pipeline. Assumes preprocess_tod has already been run on the requested observation. Arguments ---------- obs_id: multiple passed to `context.get_obs` to load AxisManager, see Notes for `context.get_obs` configs: string or dictionary config file or loaded config directory dets: dict dets to restrict on from info in det_info. See context.get_meta. meta: AxisManager Contains supporting metadata to use for loading. Can be pre-restricted in any way. See context.get_meta. """ configs, context = _get_preprocess_context(configs, context) meta = load_preprocess_det_select(obs_id, configs=configs, context=context, dets=dets, meta=meta) if meta.dets.count == 0:"No detectors left after cuts in obs {obs_id}") return None else: pipe = Pipeline(configs["process_pipe"], logger=logger) aman = context.get_obs(meta), aman.preprocess) return aman
def get_parser(parser=None): if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('configs', help="Preprocessing Configuration File") parser.add_argument( '--query', help="Query to pass to the observation list. Use \\'string\\' to " "pass in strings within the query.", type=str ) parser.add_argument( '--obs-id', help="obs-id of particular observation if we want to run on just one" ) parser.add_argument( '--overwrite', help="If true, overwrites existing entries in the database", action='store_true', ) parser.add_argument( '--min-ctime', help="Minimum timestamp for the beginning of an observation list", ) parser.add_argument( '--max-ctime', help="Maximum timestamp for the beginning of an observation list", ) parser.add_argument( '--update-delay', help="Number of days (unit is days) in the past to start observation list.", type=int ) parser.add_argument( '--tags', help="Observation tags. Ex: --tags 'jupiter' 'setting'", nargs='*', type=str ) parser.add_argument( '--planet-obs', help="If true, takes all planet tags as logical OR and adjusts related configs", action='store_true', ) return parser def main( configs: str, query: Optional[str] = None, obs_id: Optional[str] = None, overwrite: bool = False, min_ctime: Optional[int] = None, max_ctime: Optional[int] = None, update_delay: Optional[int] = None, tags: Optional[str] = None, planet_obs: bool = False, ): configs, context = _get_preprocess_context(configs) logger = sp_util.init_logger("preprocess") if (min_ctime is None) and (update_delay is not None): # If min_ctime is provided it will use that.. # Otherwise it will use update_delay to set min_ctime. min_ctime = int(time.time()) - update_delay*86400 if obs_id is not None: tot_query = f"obs_id=='{obs_id}'" else: tot_query = "and " if min_ctime is not None: tot_query += f"timestamp>={min_ctime} and " if max_ctime is not None: tot_query += f"timestamp<={max_ctime} and " if query is not None: tot_query += query + " and " tot_query = tot_query[4:-4] if tot_query=="": tot_query="1" if not(tags is None): for i, tag in enumerate(tags): tags[i] = tag.lower() if '=' not in tag: tags[i] += '=1' if planet_obs: obs_list = [] for tag in tags: obs_list.extend(context.obsdb.query(tot_query, tags=[tag])) else: obs_list = context.obsdb.query(tot_query, tags=tags) if len(obs_list)==0: logger.warning(f"No observations returned from query: {query}") run_list = [] if overwrite or not os.path.exists(configs['archive']['index']): #run on all if database doesn't exist run_list = [ (o,None) for o in obs_list] else: db = core.metadata.ManifestDb(configs['archive']['index']) for obs in obs_list: x = db.inspect({'obs:obs_id': obs["obs_id"]}) group_by, groups = _get_groups(obs["obs_id"], configs, context) if x is None or len(x) == 0: run_list.append( (obs, None) ) elif len(x) != len(groups): [groups.remove([a[f'dets:{gb}'] for gb in group_by]) for a in x] run_list.append( (obs, groups) )"Beginning to run preprocessing on {len(run_list)} observations") for obs, groups in run_list:"Processing obs_id: {obs_id}") try: if planet_obs: planet = context.obsdb.get(obs['obs_id'], tags=True)['tags'][0] for process in configs['process_pipe']: if process['name'] == 'source_flags': process['calc']['center_on'] = planet preprocess_tod(obs["obs_id"], configs, overwrite=overwrite, group_list=groups, logger=logger) except Exception as e:"{type(e)}: {e}")''.join(traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)))'Skiping obs:{obs["obs_id"]} and moving to the next') continue if __name__ == '__main__': sp_util.main_launcher(main, get_parser)