Source code for sotodlib.site_pipeline.make_uncal_beam_map

"""This module produces maps for a single observation of a bright
point source.  The observation is identifed by an obs_id.  The data
for the observation may be divided into different detector groups; and
each 'group' will be loaded and mapped independently (this will
normally be associated with a "detset").  The data for each
observation in each group may be further subdivided into 'data
splits'; this normally corresponds to frequency "band".


from argparse import ArgumentParser
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import yaml

import sotodlib
import so3g
from sotodlib import core, coords, site_pipeline, tod_ops

from . import util

logger = None

[docs] def get_parser(parser=None): if parser is None: parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--config-file', help= "Configuration file.") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help="Pass multiple times to increase.") parser.add_argument('obs_id',help= "Observation for which to make source map.") parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', help= "Reduce detector count for quick tests.") return parser
def _get_config(config_file): return yaml.safe_load(open(config_file, 'r')) def _clip_map(m, mask=None, edges=[0.05, 0.95]): if mask is None: mask = ~np.isnan(m) lims = np.quantile(m[mask], edges) lims = lims[0] + (lims[1] - lims[0]) * \ (np.array([0., 1.]) - edges[0]) / (edges[1] - edges[0]) out = np.clip(m, *lims) out[~mask] = np.nan return out def _renorm(im): s = ~np.isnan(im) mag = abs(im[s]).max() if mag <= 0: alpha = 0 else: alpha = int(np.floor(np.log10(mag))) rescale = 10**-alpha label = '$10^{%d}$' % alpha imr = im.copy() imr[s] *= rescale return imr, label, rescale def _squarify(ax, lims=None): if lims is None: lims = [] xl = ax.get_xlim() yl = ax.get_ylim() for z in [xl, yl]: z0, dz = (z[0] + z[1])/2, (z[0] - z[1])/2 lims.append([z0, np.sign(dz), abs(dz)]) dz = max([l[2] for l in lims]) lims = [(l[0] + l[1]*dz, l[0] - l[1]*dz) for l in lims] ax.set_xlim(*lims[0]) ax.set_ylim(*lims[1]) def _plot_one_map(fig, ax, m): mr, units, _ = _renorm(m) im = ax.imshow(mr) fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax, label=f'Units ({units})', orientation='horizontal') return im
[docs] def plot_map(bundle, filename=None, tod=None, obs_info=None, det_info=None, focal_plane=None, det_mask=None, group=None, subset=None, zoom_size=None, title=None, **kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if tod is not None: if obs_info is None: obs_info = tod.get('obs_info') if det_info is None: det_info = tod.get('det_info') if focal_plane is None: focal_plane = tod.get('focal_plane') src_map = bundle['solved'] if src_map.shape[0] == 3: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(9, 8), subplot_kw={'projection': 'so-beammap'}) axs = { 'W': axs[0, 0], 'T': axs[0, 1], 'fp': axs[0, 2], 'Tz': axs[1, 0], 'Qz': axs[1, 1], 'Uz': axs[1, 2], } else: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(7, 8), subplot_kw={'projection': 'so-beammap'}) axs = { 'W': axs[0, 0], 'T': axs[0, 1], 'Tz': axs[1, 0], 'fp': axs[1, 1], } mask = bundle['weights'][0,0] != 0 _plot_one_map(fig, axs['W'], _clip_map(bundle['weights'][0, 0], mask)) _plot_one_map(fig, axs['T'], _clip_map(src_map[0], mask)) _squarify(axs['W']) _squarify(axs['T']) # zoomed in ... if zoom_size is None: zoom_size = 0.5 # deg Z = zoom_size * coords.DEG box = np.array([[-Z, Z], [Z, -Z]]) zoomed = src_map.submap(box) # Plot whichever of T/Q/U are appearing here. for i, k in enumerate(['Tz', 'Qz', 'Uz']): if k in axs: _plot_one_map(fig, axs[k], zoomed[i]) if focal_plane: x, y = focal_plane.xi / coords.DEG, focal_plane.eta / coords.DEG if det_mask is not None: x, y = x[det_mask], y[det_mask] axs['fp'].scatter(x, y, s=2, alpha=.25) axs['fp'].set_aspect('equal') if title is None: try: title = '{obs_info.obs_id} - {group} - {subset}'.format( obs_info=obs_info, group=group, subset=subset) except: title = '' plt.suptitle(title) for k, label, c in [ ('W', 'Weight', 'k'), ('T', 'Signal', 'k'), ('Tz', 'T', 'w'), ('Qz', 'Q', 'w'), ('Uz', 'U', 'w')]: if k in axs: axs[k].text(0.95, 0.95, label, color=c, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=axs[k].transAxes) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=.9) if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename) return fig
def _adjust_focal_plane(tod, focal_plane=None, boresight_offset=None): """Apply pointing correction to focal plane. These are assumed to be boresight corrections, even though there is one per detector. """ if focal_plane is None: focal_plane = tod.focal_plane if boresight_offset is None: boresight_offset = tod.boresight_offset # Get detector the boresight pointing quaternions fp = focal_plane fp_q = so3g.proj.quat.rotation_xieta(fp.xi, fp.eta, fp.gamma) # Get the adjustments bc = boresight_offset fp_adjust = so3g.proj.quat.rotation_xieta(bc.dx, bc.dy, bc.gamma) # Apply focal plane adjust. fp_new = fp_adjust * fp_q # Get modified xi, eta, gamma. xi, eta, gamma = so3g.proj.quat.decompose_xieta(fp_new) fp.xi[:] = xi fp.eta[:] = eta fp.gamma[:] = gamma
[docs] def main(config_file=None, obs_id=None, verbose=0, test=False): """Entry point.""" config = _get_config(config_file) logger = util.init_logger(__name__, 'make_uncal_beam_map: ') if verbose >= 1: logger.setLevel('INFO') if verbose >= 2: sotodlib.logger.setLevel('INFO') if verbose >= 3: sotodlib.logger.setLevel('DEBUG') ctx = core.Context(config['context_file']) group_by = config['subobs'].get('use', 'detset') if group_by.startswith('dets:'): group_by = group_by.split(':',1)[1] if group_by == 'detset': groups = ctx.obsfiledb.get_detsets(obs_id) else: det_info = ctx.get_det_info(obs_id) groups = det_info.subset(keys=[group_by]).distinct()[group_by] # Ignore some values? groups = [g for g in groups if g not in config['subobs'].get('ignore_vals', [])] if len(groups) == 0: logger.warning(f'No map groups found for obs_id={obs_id}') if os.path.exists(config['archive']['index']):'Mapping {config["archive"]["index"]} for the archive index.') db = core.metadata.ManifestDb(config['archive']['index']) else:'Creating {config["archive"]["index"]} for the archive index.') scheme = core.metadata.ManifestScheme() scheme.add_exact_match('obs:obs_id') scheme.add_data_field('group') scheme.add_data_field('split') db = core.metadata.ManifestDb(config['archive']['index'], scheme=scheme) for group in groups:'Loading {obs_id}:{group_by}={group}') map_info = {'obs_id': obs_id, 'group': group, group_by: group, } map_info['product_id'] = '{obs_id}-{group}'.format(**map_info) # Read data. tod = ctx.get_obs(obs_id, dets={group_by: group}) if len(tod.signal) == 0: logger.warning(f'No detectors loaded for obs_id={obs_id}, ' f'group {group_by}={group}; skipping.') continue # Modify dets axis for testing if test: logger.warning(f'Decimating focal plane (--test).') dets = tod.dets.vals[::10] tod.restrict('dets', dets) # Modify samps axis for FFTs.' -- Before trimming, TOD shape is: {tod.shape}.') tod_ops.fft_trim(tod)' -- After trimming, TOD shape is: {tod.shape}.') # Determine what source to map. ## To-do: have a mode where it maps all sources it finds. source_name = config['mapmaking'].get('force_source') if source_name is None: sources = coords.planets.get_nearby_sources(tod) if len(sources) == 1: source_name = sources[0][0] elif len(sources) == 0: logger.error("No mappable sources in footprint.") sys.exit(1) else: logger.error("Multiple sources in footprint: %s" % ([n for n, s in sources],)) sys.exit(1) map_info['source_name'] = source_name # Plan to split on frequency band band_splits = coords.planets.load_detector_splits(tod, source=tod.det_info['band']) # Deconvolve readout filter and detector time constants. tod_ops.fft_trim(tod) tod_ops.detrend_tod(tod) filt = tod_ops.filters.identity_filter() if 'iir_params' in tod: filt *= tod_ops.filters.iir_filter(invert=True) if 'timeconst' in tod: filt *= tod_ops.filters.timeconst_filter(invert=True) tod.signal[:] = tod_ops.fourier_filter(tod, filt, resize=None, detrend=None) # Demodulation & downsampling. # ... # Fix pointing.'Applying pointing corrections.') if 'boresight_offset' in tod:' -- applying "boresight_offset".') _adjust_focal_plane(tod) # Apply calibration cal = None for k in config['preprocessing']['cal_keys']: if k in tod: if cal is None: cal = 1. cal *= tod[k] if cal is not None: tod.signal *= cal[:,None] # Figure out the resolution reses = [ util.lookup_conditional(config['mapmaking'], 'res', tags=[b]) for b in band_splits.keys()] assert(all([r == reses[0] for r in reses])) # Resolution conflict res_deg = util.parse_quantity(reses[0], 'deg').value # Where to put things. policy = util.ArchivePolicy.from_params( config['archive']['policy']) dest_dir = policy.get_dest(**map_info) if os.path.exists(dest_dir):' -- destination already exists ({dest_dir})') else:' -- creating destination dir ({dest_dir})') os.makedirs(dest_dir) # Make the maps.'Calling mapmaker.') cuts = tod.get('glitch_flags', None) output = coords.planets.make_map(tod, center_on=source_name, res=res_deg*coords.DEG, data_splits=band_splits, cuts=cuts, info=map_info, thread_algo='domdir') # Save and plot ocfg = config['output'] pcfg = config['plotting'] opattern = ocfg['pattern'] ppattern = pcfg.get('pattern', opattern + '.png') used_names = [] # watch for accidental self-overwrites db_code = ocfg['map_codes'][0] for key, bundle in output['splits'].items():'Processing outputs for group={group}, band={key}...') # Save for code in ocfg['map_codes']: filename = os.path.join( dest_dir, opattern.format(map_code=code, split=key, **map_info))' -- writing map to {filename}') bundle[code].write(filename) if filename in used_names: logger.warning(f'Wrote this file more than once: {filename}; ' f'using {key}, {code}') used_names.append(filename) if code == db_code: # Index db_data = {'obs:obs_id': obs_id, 'group': group, 'split': key} db.add_entry(db_data, filename, replace=True) # Plot plot_filename = os.path.join( dest_dir, ppattern.format(map_code='solved', split=key, **map_info))' -- writing plots to {plot_filename}...') band_mask = (tod.det_info['band'] == key) zoom_size = util.parse_quantity( util.lookup_conditional(pcfg, 'zoom', tags=[key]), 'deg').value plot_map(bundle, plot_filename, zoom_size=zoom_size, tod=tod, det_mask=band_mask, group=group, subset=key) # Return something? return True
if __name__ == '__main__': util.main_launcher(main, get_parser)