Source code for sotodlib.site_pipeline.finalize_focal_plane

import argparse as ap
from copy import deepcopy
import os
from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import yaml
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from megham.transform import get_rigid  # TODO: add an equiv function to sotodlib
from scipy.cluster import vq
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sotodlib.coords import affine as af
from sotodlib.coords import optics as op
from sotodlib.core import AxisManager, Context, metadata
from import read_dataset, write_dataset
from sotodlib.site_pipeline import util

logger = util.init_logger(__name__, "finalize_focal_plane: ")

def _add_attrs(dset, attrs):
    for k, v in attrs.items():
        dset.attrs[k] = v

[docs] @dataclass class Transform: shift: NDArray[np.floating] # (ndim,) xieta_affine: InitVar[NDArray[np.floating]] # (ndim-1, ndim-1) gamma_scale: InitVar[float] affine: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) # (ndim, ndim) scale: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) # (ndim,) shear: float = field(init=False) rot: float = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self, xieta_affine, gamma_scale): self.affine = np.eye(len(xieta_affine) + 1) self.affine[: len(xieta_affine), : len(xieta_affine)] = xieta_affine self.affine[-1, -1] = gamma_scale self.decompose()
[docs] @classmethod def identity(cls): return Transform(np.zeros(3), np.eye(2), 0)
[docs] def decompose(self): xieta_affine = self.affine[:2, :2] gamma_scale = self.affine[-1, -1] scale, shear, rot = af.decompose_affine(xieta_affine) self.scale = np.array((*scale, gamma_scale)) self.shear = shear.item() self.rot = af.decompose_rotation(rot)[-1]
[docs] def save(self, f, path, append=""): if path not in f: f.create_group(path) _add_attrs( f[path], { f"shift{append}": self.shift, f"scale{append}": self.scale, f"shear{append}": self.shear, f"rot{append}": self.rot, f"affine{append}": self.affine, }, )
[docs] @dataclass class Template: det_ids: NDArray[np.str_] # (ndet,) fp: NDArray[np.floating] # (ndim, ndet) optical: NDArray[np.bool_] # (ndet,) pointing_cfg: InitVar[Dict] center: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) # (ndim, 1) spacing: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) # (ndim,) def __post_init__(self, pointing_cfg): = np.array( op.get_focal_plane(None, x=0, y=0, pol=0, **pointing_cfg) ) xieta_spacing = af.get_spacing(self.fp[:2, self.optical]) # For gamma rather than the spacing in real space we want the difference between bins # This is a rough estimate but good enough for us gamma_spacing = np.percentile(np.diff(np.sort(self.fp[2])), 99.9) self.spacing = np.array([xieta_spacing, xieta_spacing, gamma_spacing])
[docs] @dataclass class FocalPlane: template: Template stream_id: str n_aman: InitVar[int] full_fp: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) # (ndim, ndet, n_aman) tot_weight: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) # (ndet,) avg_fp: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) # (ndim, ndet) weights: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) # (ndet,) transformed: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) # (ndim, ndet) center_transformed: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) # (ndim, 1) have_gamma: bool = field(init=False, default=False) n_point: NDArray[np.int_] = field(init=False) n_gamma: NDArray[np.int_] = field(init=False) transform: Transform = field(init=False, default_factory=Transform.identity) transform_nocm: Transform = field(init=False, default_factory=Transform.identity) def __post_init__(self, n_aman): self.full_fp = np.nan + np.empty(self.template.fp.shape + (n_aman,)) self.tot_weight = np.zeros(len(self.template.det_ids)) self.avg_fp = np.nan + np.empty_like(self.template.fp) self.weight = np.zeros(len(self.template.det_ids)) self.transformed = self.template.fp.copy() self.center_transformed = self.n_point = np.zeros_like(self.template.det_ids, dtype=int) self.n_gamma = np.zeros_like(self.template.det_ids, dtype=int)
[docs] def map_to_template(self, aman): _, msk, template_msk = np.intersect1d( aman.det_info.det_id, self.template.det_ids, return_indices=True ) if len(msk) != aman.dets.count: logger.warning("There are matched dets not found in the template") mapping = np.argsort(np.argsort(self.template.det_ids[template_msk])) srt = np.argsort(aman.det_info.det_id[msk]) xi = aman.pointing.xi[msk][srt][mapping] eta = aman.pointing.eta[msk][srt][mapping] if "polarization" in aman: # name of field just a placeholder for now gamma = aman.polarization.polang[msk][srt][mapping] elif "gamma" in aman.pointing: gamma = aman.pointing.gamma[msk][srt][mapping] else: gamma = np.nan + np.empty(len(xi)) fp = np.vstack((xi, eta, gamma)) return fp, template_msk
[docs] def add_fp(self, i, fp, weights, template_msk): self.full_fp[:, template_msk, i] = fp * weights self.tot_weight[template_msk] += weights
[docs] def save(self, f, db_info, group): ndets = len(self.template.det_ids) outdt = [ ("dets:det_id", self.template.det_ids.dtype), ("xi", np.float32), ("eta", np.float32), ("gamma", np.float32), ] fpout = np.fromiter( zip(self.template.det_ids, *self.transformed), dtype=outdt, count=ndets ) write_dataset( metadata.ResultSet.from_friend(fpout), f, f"{group}/focal_plane", overwrite=True, ) _add_attrs(f[f"{group}/focal_plane"], {"measured_gamma": self.have_gamma}) entry = {"dets:stream_id": self.stream_id, "dataset": f"{group}/focal_plane"} entry.update(db_info[1]) db_info[0].add_entry(entry, filename=os.path.basename(f.filename), replace=True) outdt_full = [ ("dets:det_id", self.template.det_ids.dtype), ("xi_t", np.float32), ("eta_t", np.float32), ("gamma_t", np.float32), ("xi_m", np.float32), ("eta_m", np.float32), ("gamma_m", np.float32), ("weights", np.float32), ("n_point", np.int8), ("n_gamma", np.int8), ] fpfullout = np.fromiter( zip( self.template.det_ids, *self.transformed, *self.avg_fp, self.weights, self.n_point, self.n_gamma, ), dtype=outdt_full, count=ndets, ) write_dataset( metadata.ResultSet.from_friend(fpfullout), f, f"{group}/focal_plane_full", overwrite=True, ), f"{group}/transform"), f"{group}/transform", "_nocm") _add_attrs( f[f"{group}"], { "fit_centers": self.center_transformed, "template_centers":, }, )
[docs] @dataclass class OpticsTube: pointing_cfg: InitVar[Dict] name: str = field(init=False) focal_planes: List[FocalPlane] = field(init=False, default_factory=list) center: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) center_transformed: NDArray[np.floating] = field(init=False) transform: Transform = field(init=False, default_factory=Transform.identity) def __post_init__(self, pointing_cfg): = pointing_cfg["tube_slot"] telescope_flavor = pointing_cfg["telescope_flavor"].upper() if telescope_flavor not in ["LAT", "SAT"]: raise ValueError("Telescope should be LAT or SAT") if telescope_flavor == "LAT": if pointing_cfg["zemax_path"] is None: raise ValueError("Must provide zemax_path for LAT") xi, eta, gamma = op.LAT_focal_plane( None, pointing_cfg["zemax_path"], x=0, y=0, pol=0, roll=pointing_cfg.get("roll", 0),, ) else: xi, eta, gamma = op.SAT_focal_plane( None, x=0, y=0, pol=0, roll=pointing_cfg.get("roll", 0), mapping_data=pointing_cfg.get("mapping_data", None), ) = np.array((xi, eta, gamma)).reshape((3, 1)) self.center_transformed =
[docs] def save(self, f, db_info): f.create_group( _add_attrs( f[], {"center":, "center_transformed": self.center_transformed}, ), f"{}/transform") for focal_plane in self.focal_planes:, db_info, f"{}/{focal_plane.stream_id}")
def _create_db(filename, per_obs, obs_id): base = {} if per_obs: base = {"obs:obs_id": obs_id} if os.path.isfile(filename): return metadata.ManifestDb(filename), base if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) scheme = metadata.ManifestScheme() scheme.add_exact_match("dets:stream_id") if per_obs: scheme.add_exact_match("obs:obs_id") scheme.add_data_field("dataset") metadata.ManifestDb(scheme=scheme).to_file(filename) return metadata.ManifestDb(filename), base def _avg_focalplane(full_fp, tot_weight): # Figure out how many good pointings we have for each det msk = np.isfinite(full_fp) n_obs = np.sum(np.any(msk, axis=0), axis=-1) n_point, _, n_gamma = tuple(np.sum(msk, axis=-1)) tot_weight[tot_weight == 0] = np.nan avg_fp = np.nansum(full_fp, axis=-1) / tot_weight avg_weight = tot_weight / n_obs # nansum all all nans is 0, addressing that case here all_nan = ~np.any(np.isfinite(full_fp).reshape((len(full_fp), -1)), axis=1) avg_fp[all_nan] = np.nan return avg_fp, avg_weight, n_point, n_gamma def _log_vals(shift, scale, shear, rot, axis): deg2rad = np.pi / 180.0 rad2deg = 180.0 / np.pi for ax, s in zip(axis, shift):"\tShift along %s axis is %f", ax, s) for ax, s in zip(axis, scale):"\tScale along %s axis is %f", ax, s) if np.isclose(s, deg2rad): logger.warning( "\tScale factor for %s looks like a degrees to radians conversion", ax ) elif np.isclose(s, rad2deg): logger.warning( "\tScale factor for %s looks like a radians to degrees conversion", ax )"\tShear param is %f", shear)"\tRotation of the %s-%s plane is %f radians", axis[0], axis[1], rot) def _mk_plot(plot_dir, froot, nominal, measured, transformed):"tableau-colorblind10") # Plot pointing plt.scatter( nominal[0], nominal[1], alpha=0.4, color="blue", label="nominal", marker="P" ) plt.scatter( transformed[0], transformed[1], alpha=0.4, color="black", label="transformed", marker="X", ) plt.scatter(measured[0], measured[1], alpha=0.4, color="orange", label="fit") plt.xlabel("Xi (rad)") plt.ylabel("Eta (rad)") plt.legend() if plot_dir is None: else: os.makedirs(plot_dir, exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, f"{froot}.png")) plt.cla() # Histogram of differences diff = measured - transformed dist = np.linalg.norm(diff[:2, np.isfinite(diff[0])], axis=0) bins = max(int(len(dist) / 20), 10) plt.hist(dist[dist < np.percentile(dist, 97)], bins=bins) plt.xlabel("Distance Between Measured and Transformed (rad)") if plot_dir is None: else: os.makedirs(plot_dir, exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, f"{froot}_dist.png")) plt.clf() # tricontourf of residuals, subplots for xi, eta, gamma fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True) flat_diff = np.abs(diff.ravel()) max_diff = np.percentile(flat_diff[np.isfinite(flat_diff)], 99) im = None for i, name in enumerate(("xi", "eta", "gamma")): isfinite = np.isfinite(diff[i]) axs[i].set_title(name) axs[i].set_xlim(np.nanmin(transformed[0]), np.nanmax(transformed[0])) axs[i].set_ylim(np.nanmin(transformed[1]), np.nanmax(transformed[1])) axs[i].set_aspect("equal") if np.sum(isfinite) == 0: continue im = axs[i].tricontourf( transformed[0, isfinite], transformed[1, isfinite], diff[i, isfinite], levels=20, vmin=-1 * max_diff, vmax=max_diff, ) if im is not None: fig.colorbar(im, ax=axs.ravel().tolist()) axs[0].set_ylabel("Eta (rad)") axs[1].set_xlabel("Xi (rad)") fig.suptitle("Residuals from Fit") if plot_dir is None: else: os.makedirs(plot_dir, exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, f"{froot}_res.png"), bbox_inches="tight") plt.close()
[docs] def gamma_fit(src, dst): """ Fit the transformation for gamma. Note that the periodicity here assumes things are in radians. Arguments: src: Source gamma in radians dst: Destination gamma in radians Returns: scale: Scale applied to src shift: Shift applied to scale*src """ def _gamma_min(pars, src, dst): scale, shift = pars transformed = np.sin(src * scale + shift) diff = np.sin(dst) - transformed return np.sqrt(np.mean(diff**2)) res = minimize(_gamma_min, (1.0, 0.0), (src, dst)) return res.x
def _load_template(template_path, ufm, pointing_cfg): template_rset = read_dataset(template_path, ufm) det_ids = template_rset["dets:det_id"] template = np.column_stack( ( np.array(template_rset["xi"]), np.array(template_rset["eta"]), np.array(template_rset["gamma"]), ) ) template_optical = template_rset["is_optical"] return Template( np.array(det_ids), template.T, np.array(template_optical), pointing_cfg ) def _load_ctx(config): ctx = Context(config["context"]["path"]) tod_pointing_name = config["context"].get("tod_pointing", "tod_pointing") map_pointing_name = config["context"].get("map_pointing", "map_pointing") pol_name = config["context"].get("polarization", "polarization") dm_name = config["context"].get("detmap", "detmap") query = [] if "query" in config["context"]: query = (ctx.obsdb.query(config["context"]["query"])["obs_id"],) obs_ids = np.append(config["context"].get("obs_ids", []), query) obs_ids = np.unique(obs_ids) if len(obs_ids) == 0: raise ValueError("No observations provided in configuration") _config = config.copy() if "query" in _config["context"]: del _config["context"]["query"] amans = [] dets = config["context"].get("dets", {}) for obs_id in obs_ids: aman = ctx.get_meta(obs_id, dets=dets) if "det_info" not in aman: raise ValueError(f"No det_info in {obs_id}") if "wafer" not in aman.det_info and dm_name in aman: dm_aman = aman[dm_name].copy() aman.det_info.wrap("wafer", dm_aman) if "det_id" not in aman.det_info: aman.det_info.wrap( "det_id", aman.det_info.wafer.det_id, [(0, aman.dets)] ) if "det_id" in aman.det_info: aman.restrict("dets", ~np.isin(aman.det_info.det_id, ["", "NO_MATCH"])) else: raise ValueError(f"No detmap for {obs_id}") pol = pol_name in aman if pol: aman.move(pol_name, "polarization") else: logger.warning("No polarization data in context") if tod_pointing_name in aman: _aman = aman.copy() _aman.move(tod_pointing_name, "pointing") amans.append(_aman) if map_pointing_name in aman: _aman = aman.copy() _aman.move(map_pointing_name, "pointing") amans.append(_aman) elif tod_pointing_name not in aman: raise ValueError(f"No pointing found in {obs_id}") stream_ids = np.unique(np.concatenate([aman.det_info.stream_id for aman in amans])) return amans, obs_ids, stream_ids def _load_rset_single(config): obs_id = config["resultsets"].get("obs_id", "") pointing_rset = read_dataset(*config["resultsets"]["pointing"]) pointing_aman = pointing_rset.to_axismanager(axis_key="dets:readout_id") aman = AxisManager(pointing_aman.dets) aman = aman.wrap("pointing", pointing_aman) if "polarization" in config["resultsets"]: polarization_rset = read_dataset(*config["resultsets"]["polarization"]) polarization_aman = polarization_rset.to_axismanager(axis_key="dets:readout_id") aman = aman.wrap("polarization", polarization_aman) det_info = AxisManager(aman.dets) dm_rset = read_dataset(*config["resultsets"]["detmap"]) dm_aman = dm_rset.to_axismanager(axis_key="readout_id") det_info.wrap("wafer", dm_aman) det_info.wrap("readout_id", det_info.dets.vals, [(0, det_info.dets)]) det_info.wrap("det_id", det_info.wafer.det_id, [(0, det_info.dets)]) det_info.wrap( "stream_id", np.array([config["stream_id"].lower()] * det_info.dets.count), [(0, det_info.dets)], ) det_info.wrap( "wafer_slot", np.array([config["wafer_slot"].lower()] * det_info.dets.count), [(0, det_info.dets)], ) det_info.restrict("dets", det_info.dets.vals[det_info.det_id != ""]) det_info.det_id = np.char.strip(det_info.det_id) # Needed for some old results aman = aman.wrap("det_info", det_info) aman.restrict("dets", aman.dets.vals[aman.det_info.det_id != "NO_MATCH"]) obs_info = AxisManager() obs_info.wrap("telescope_flavor", config["telescope_flavor"].lower()) obs_info.wrap("tube_slot", config["tube_slot"].lower()) aman.wrap("obs_info", obs_info) smurf = AxisManager(aman.dets) if "band" in aman.pointing: smurf.wrap("band", np.array(, dtype=int), [(0, smurf.dets)]) elif "wafer" in det_info and "smurf_band" in det_info.wafer: smurf.wrap( "band", np.array(det_info.wafer.smurf_band, dtype=int), [(0, smurf.dets)] ) if "channel" in aman.pointing: smurf.wrap( "channel", np.array(, dtype=int), [(0, smurf.dets)] ) elif "wafer" in det_info and "smurf_channel" in det_info.wafer: smurf.wrap( "channel", np.array(det_info.wafer.smurf_channel, dtype=int), [(0, smurf.dets)], ) aman.det_info.wrap("smurf", smurf) return aman, obs_id def _load_rset(config): stream_id = config["stream_id"] obs = config["resultsets"] _config = config.copy() obs_ids = np.array(list(obs.keys())) amans: List[Optional[AxisManager]] = [None] * len(obs_ids) obs_info = AxisManager() obs_info.wrap("stream_id", stream_id) for i, (obs_id, rsets) in enumerate(obs.items()): _config["resultsets"] = rsets _config["resultsets"]["obs_id"] = obs_id aman, _ = _load_rset_single(_config) if "det_info" not in aman or "det_id" not in aman.det_info: raise ValueError(f"No detmap for {obs_id}") amans[i] = aman return ( amans, obs_ids, [ stream_id, ], ) def _mk_pointing_config(telescope_flavor, tube_slot, wafer_slot, config): config_dir = config.get("pipeline_config_dir", os.environ["PIPELINE_CONFIG_DIR"]) config_path = os.path.join(config_dir, "shared/focalplane/ufm_to_fp.yaml") zemax_path = config.get("zemax_path", None) pointing_cfg = { "telescope_flavor": telescope_flavor, "tube_slot": tube_slot, "wafer_slot": wafer_slot, "config_path": config_path, "zemax_path": zemax_path, "return_fp": False, } return pointing_cfg def _restrict_inliers(aman, focal_plane): # TODO: Use gamma as well # Map to template fp, template_msk = focal_plane.map_to_template(aman) fp = fp[:2].T inliers = np.ones(len(fp), dtype=bool) rad_thresh = 1.05 * np.nanmax( np.linalg.norm( focal_plane.template.fp[:2] -[:2], axis=0 ) ) # Use kmeans to kill any ghosts fp_white = vq.whiten(fp[inliers]) codebook, _ = vq.kmeans(fp_white, 2) codes, _ = vq.vq(fp_white, codebook) c0 = codes == 0 c1 = codes == 1 m0 = np.median(fp[inliers][c0], axis=0) m1 = np.median(fp[inliers][c1], axis=0) dist = np.linalg.norm(m0 - m1) # If centroids are too far from each other use the bigger one if dist < rad_thresh: cluster = c0 + c1 elif np.sum(c0) >= np.sum(c1): cluster = c0 else: cluster = c1 # Flag anything too far away from the center cent = np.median(fp[inliers][cluster], axis=0) r = np.linalg.norm(fp[inliers] - cent, axis=1) inliers[inliers] *= cluster * (r <= rad_thresh) # Now kill dets that seem too far from their match fp[~inliers] = np.nan likelihood = af.gen_weights(fp.T, focal_plane.template.fp[:2, template_msk]) inliers *= likelihood > 0.95 # ~2 sigma cut # Now restrict the AxisManager inlier_det_ids = focal_plane.template.det_ids[template_msk][inliers] return aman.restrict( "dets", aman.dets.vals[np.isin(aman.det_info.det_id, inlier_det_ids)] )
[docs] def main(): # Read in input pars parser = ap.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("config_path", help="Location of the config file") args = parser.parse_args() # Open config file with open(args.config_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: config = yaml.safe_load(file) # Load data if "context" in config: amans, obs_ids, stream_ids = _load_ctx(config) elif "resultsets" in config: amans, obs_ids, stream_ids = _load_rset(config) else: raise ValueError("No valid inputs provided") # Build output path append = config.get("append", "") per_obs = config.get("per_obs", False) froot = f"focal_plane{bool(append)*'_'}{append}{per_obs*('_'+obs_ids[0])}" dbroot = f"db{bool(append)*'_'}{append}" subdir = config.get("subdir", "") subdir = subdir + (subdir == "") * ( per_obs * "per_obs" + (not per_obs) * "combined" ) outpath = os.path.join(config["outdir"], subdir, f"{froot}.h5") dbpath = os.path.join(config["outdir"], subdir, f"{dbroot}.sqlite") outpath = os.path.abspath(outpath) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outpath), exist_ok=True) weight_factor = config.get("weight_factor", 1000) gen_template = "template" not in config template_path = config.get("template", "nominal.h5") have_template = os.path.exists(template_path) if not gen_template and not have_template: logger.error("Provided template doesn't exist, trying to generate one") gen_template = True ots = {} for stream_id in stream_ids:"Working on %s", stream_id) # Limit ourselves to amans with this stream_id and restrict amans_restrict = [ aman.copy().restrict( "dets", aman.dets.vals[aman.det_info.stream_id == stream_id] ) for aman in amans if aman is not None and stream_id in aman.det_info.stream_id ] if len(amans_restrict) == 0: logger.error( "\tSomehow no AxisManagers with stream_id %s, skipping", stream_id ) continue # Figure out where this UFM is installed and make pointing config tel = np.unique([aman.obs_info.telescope_flavor for aman in amans_restrict]) ot = np.unique([aman.obs_info.tube_slot for aman in amans_restrict]) ws = np.unique( np.concatenate([aman.det_info.wafer_slot for aman in amans_restrict]) ) if len(tel) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Multiple telescope flavors found for {stream_id}") if len(ot) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Multible tube slots found for {stream_id}") if len(ws) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Multiple wafer slots for {stream_id}") tel, ot, ws = tel[0], ot[0], ws[0]"\t%s is in %s %s %s", stream_id, tel, ot, ws) pointing_cfg = _mk_pointing_config(tel, ot, ws, config) if ot not in ots.keys(): ots[ot] = OpticsTube(pointing_cfg) # If a template is provided load it, otherwise generate one if gen_template:"\tGenerating template for {stream_id}") if "wafer_info" not in config: raise ValueError("Need wafer_info to generate template") template_det_ids, template, is_optical = op.gen_template( config["wafer_info"], stream_id, **pointing_cfg ) template = Template(template_det_ids, template.T, is_optical, pointing_cfg) elif have_template:"\tLoading template from %s", template_path) template = _load_template(template_path, stream_id, pointing_cfg) else: raise ValueError( "No template provided and unable to generate one for some reason" ) focal_plane = FocalPlane(template, stream_id, len(amans)) for i, (aman, obs_id) in enumerate(zip(amans_restrict, obs_ids)):"\tWorking on %s", obs_id) if aman.dets.count == 0:"\t\tNo dets found, skipping") continue # Restrict to optical dets optical = np.isin( aman.det_info.det_id, focal_plane.template.det_ids[template.optical] ) aman.restrict("dets", aman.dets.vals[optical]) if aman.dets.count == 0:"\t\tNo optical dets, skipping", stream_id) continue # Do some outlier cuts _restrict_inliers(aman, focal_plane) # Mapping to template fp, template_msk = focal_plane.map_to_template(aman) # Try an initial alignment and get weights try: aff, sft = af.get_affine( fp[:2], focal_plane.template.fp[:2, template_msk] ) except ValueError as e: logger.error("\t\t%s", e) continue aligned = aff @ fp[:2] + sft[..., None] if np.any(np.isfinite(fp[2])): gscale, gsft = gamma_fit( fp[2], focal_plane.template.fp[2, template_msk] ) weights = af.gen_weights( np.vstack((aligned, gscale * fp[2] + gsft)), focal_plane.template.fp[:, template_msk], focal_plane.template.spacing.ravel() / weight_factor, ) else: weights = af.gen_weights( aligned, focal_plane.template.fp[:2, template_msk], focal_plane.template.spacing[:2].ravel() / weight_factor, ) # Store weighted values focal_plane.add_fp(i, fp, weights, template_msk) # Compute the average focal plane with weights ( focal_plane.avg_fp, focal_plane.weights, focal_plane.n_point, focal_plane.n_gamma, ) = _avg_focalplane(focal_plane.full_fp, focal_plane.tot_weight) # Compute transformation between the two nominal and measured pointing focal_plane.have_gamma = np.sum(focal_plane.n_gamma) > 0 if focal_plane.have_gamma: gamma_scale, gamma_shift = gamma_fit( focal_plane.template.fp[2], focal_plane.avg_fp[2] ) focal_plane.transformed[2] = ( focal_plane.template.fp[2] * gamma_scale + gamma_shift ) focal_plane.center_transformed[2] = ( gamma_scale *[2] + gamma_shift ) else: logger.warning( "\tNo polarization data availible, gammas will be filled with the nominal values." ) gamma_scale = 1.0 gamma_shift = 0.0 try: affine, shift = af.get_affine_two_stage( focal_plane.template.fp[:2], focal_plane.avg_fp[:2], focal_plane.weights ) except ValueError as e: logger.error("\t%s", e) continue focal_plane.transformed[:2] = ( affine @ focal_plane.template.fp[:2] + shift[..., None] ) focal_plane.center_transformed[:2] = ( affine @[:2] + shift[..., None] ) rms = np.sqrt(np.nanmean((focal_plane.avg_fp - focal_plane.transformed) ** 2))"\tRMS after transformation is %f", rms) shift = np.array((*shift, gamma_shift)) focal_plane.transform = Transform(shift, affine, gamma_scale) _log_vals( focal_plane.transform.shift, focal_plane.transform.scale, focal_plane.transform.shear, focal_plane.transform.rot, ("xi", "eta", "gamma"), ) if config.get("plot", False): plot_dir = config.get("plot_dir", None) proot = f"{stream_id}{append}" if plot_dir is not None: plot_dir = os.path.join(plot_dir, subdir, per_obs * obs_ids[0]) plot_dir = os.path.abspath(plot_dir) os.makedirs(plot_dir, exist_ok=True) _mk_plot( plot_dir, proot, focal_plane.template.fp, focal_plane.avg_fp, focal_plane.transformed, ) ots[ot].focal_planes.append(focal_plane) # Per OT common mode for ot in ots.values():"Fitting common mode for %s", centers = np.hstack([ for fp in ot.focal_planes]) centers_transformed = np.hstack( [fp.center_transformed for fp in ot.focal_planes] ) if centers.shape[-1] < 3: logger.warning( "\tToo few wafers fit to compute common mode, transform will be approximated" ) centers = np.hstack([, - 1, + 1]) centers_transformed = np.mean( [ fp.transform.affine @ centers + fp.transform.shift[..., None] for fp in ot.focal_planes ], axis=0, ) rot, sft = get_rigid(centers[:2].T, centers_transformed[:2].T) rot = rot.T gamma_shift = np.mean(centers_transformed[2] - centers[2]) ot.transform = Transform(np.array((*sft.ravel(), gamma_shift)), rot, 1.0) ot.center_transformed = ( ot.transform.affine @ + ot.transform.shift[..., None] ) _log_vals( ot.transform.shift, ot.transform.scale, ot.transform.shear, ot.transform.rot, ("xi", "eta", "gamma"), ) # Full receiver common mode"Fitting receiver common mode") origin = np.zeros(3)[..., None] if len(ots) == 1:"\tOnly one OT found, receiver common mode will be from this tube") recv_transform = deepcopy(tuple(ots.values())[0].transform) else: centers = np.hstack([ for ot in ots.values()]) centers_transformed = np.hstack([ot.center_transformed for ot in ots.values()]) if len(ots) < 3: "\tNot enough OTs to fit receiver common mode, transform will be approximated" ) centers = np.column_stack([np.roll(np.arange(3), i) for i in range(3)]) centers_transformed = np.mean( [ ot.transform.affine @ centers + ot.transform.shift[..., None] for ot in ots.values() ], axis=0, ) rot, sft = get_rigid(centers[:2].T, centers_transformed[:2].T) rot = rot.T gamma_shift = np.mean(centers_transformed[2] - centers[2]) recv_transform = Transform(np.array((*sft.ravel(), gamma_shift)), rot, 1.0) recv_center = recv_transform.affine @ origin + recv_transform.shift[..., None] _log_vals( recv_transform.shift, recv_transform.scale, recv_transform.shear, recv_transform.rot, ("xi", "eta", "gamma"), ) # Now compute correction only transform for each ufm # Transforms are composed as ufm(ot(rx(focal_plane))) for ot in ots.values(): # The full CM will end being the OT CM from above full_cm = deepcopy(ot.transform) # Now remove the receiver CM from the OT aff_inv = np.linalg.inv(recv_transform.affine) ot.transform.affine = ot.transform.affine @ aff_inv ot.transform.shift = ( ot.transform.shift - (ot.transform.affine @ (recv_transform.shift)[..., None])[:, 0] ) ot.transform.decompose() # Now for each fp remove the CM for fp in ot.focal_planes: aff_inv = np.linalg.inv(full_cm.affine) fp.transform_nocm.affine = fp.transform.affine @ aff_inv fp.transform_nocm.shift = ( fp.transform.shift - (fp.transform.affine @ (full_cm.shift)[..., None])[:, 0] ) fp.transform_nocm.decompose() # Make final outputs and save"Saving data to %s", outpath)"Writing to database at %s", dbpath) db, base = _create_db(dbpath, per_obs=per_obs, obs_id=obs_ids[0]) with h5py.File(outpath, "w") as f: _add_attrs(f["/"], {"center": origin, "center_transformed": recv_center}) f.create_group("transform") _add_attrs( f["transform"], { "shift": recv_transform.shift, "scale": recv_transform.scale, "shear": recv_transform.shear, "rot": recv_transform.rot, "affine": recv_transform.affine, }, ) for ot in ots.values():, (db, base))
if __name__ == "__main__": main()