Source code for sotodlib.site_pipeline.check_book


This module an entry point to io.check_book, for checking obs/oper
Books for internal consistency & proper schema.  It may also be used
to create/update an ObsFileDb for such Books.

A configuration file can be used to set the ObsFileDb filename and
root path for ObsFileDb entries.

The config file can also be used to enable work-arounds and bypass
certain exceptions (which should not be necessary on compliant books.)

At the of this writing a minimal config file might be simply:

.. code-block:: yaml

    # Database setup (this is the default).
    obsfiledb: './obsfiledb.sqlite'

    # For obsdb filenames, path relative to which those names should
    # be specified.  (/ is the default.)
    root_path: '/'

    # Work-arounds
    extra_extra_files: ['frame_splits.txt']

But here is a more complete example, with lots of work-arounds

.. code-block:: yaml

    # Database setup (this is the default).
    obsfiledb: './obsfiledb.sqlite'

    # For obsdb filenames, path relative to which those names should
    # be specified.  (/ is the default.)
    root_path: '/'

    # Work-arounds
    stream_file_pattern: 'D_obs_{stream_id}_{index:03d}.g3'
    extra_extra_files: ['frame_splits.txt']
    sample_range_inclusive_hack: True
    tolerate_missing_ancil: True
    tolerate_missing_ancil_timestamps: True
    tolerate_timestamps_value_discrepancy: False

    # Tolerate arbitrary extra files, except explicitly named ones
    tolerate_stray_files: True
    banned_files: ['frame_splits.txt']

    # If stream_ids are not provided in metadata, list them here.

    # If detset names are not provided in metadata, provide a map from
    # stream_id to detset name here.
      ufm_mv14: sch_mv14
      ufm_mv18: sch_mv18
      ufm_mv19: sch_mv19
      ufm_mv22: sch_mv22
      ufm_mv6:  sch_mv6
      ufm_mv7:  sch_mv7
      ufm_mv9:  sch_mv9


import sotodlib
from sotodlib.core import metadata
from import check_book

import argparse
import sys
import yaml

from . import util

[docs] def get_parser(parser=None): if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.description = """ Scan an "obs" or "oper" book and check for schema compliance; optionally update an obsfiledb. """ parser.add_argument('book_dir', help="Path to the Book.") parser.add_argument('--config', '-c', help="Path to config file with work-arounds and ObsFileDb config.") parser.add_argument('--add', action='store_true', help="After inspecting the book, add it to the ObsFileDb.") parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true', help="If adding to ObsFileDb, remove existing references " "to this obs first (prevents 'UNIQUE constraint' error).") return parser
[docs] def main(book_dir, config=None, add=None, overwrite=None): logger = util.init_logger(__name__, 'check_book: ')'Examining {book_dir}') if config is not None: logger.debug(f'Loading config from {config}') config = yaml.safe_load(open(config, 'rb')) else: config = {} bs = check_book.BookScanner(book_dir, config) bs.go() if len(bs.results['errors']): logger.error('Cannot register this obs due to errors.') sys.exit(1) if not add: sys.exit(0) detset_rows, file_rows = bs.prep_obsfiledb(config.get('root_path', '/')) # Write to obsfiledb obsfiledb_file = config.get('obsfiledb', 'obsfiledb.sqlite') logger.debug('Updating %s ...' % obsfiledb_file) db = metadata.ObsFileDb(obsfiledb_file) if overwrite: # Note this only drops the obs ... if detsets need to be # rewritten, you'd better start over entirely. logger.debug(' -- removing any existing references.') db.drop_obs(file_rows[0]['obs_id']) logger.debug( ' -- adding %i detsets and %i file refs' % (len(detset_rows), len(file_rows)) ) for name, dets in detset_rows: if len(db.get_dets(name)) == 0: db.add_detset(name, dets) for row in file_rows: db.add_obsfile(**row)
if __name__ == '__main__': util.main_launcher(main, get_parser)