Source code for

"""Support for reading and writing simple metadata types to HDF5.

"Simple" metadata, at this point, means tabular data with columns that
mix extrinsic indices, intrinsic indices, and metadata fields.

String data is awkward in HDF5 / numpy / Python 3.  The approach
adopted here is to maintain data structures in unicode-compatible data
types (numpy 'U'), because this permits simple string comparisons
(such as mask = (results['band_name'] == 'rem')).  As a result, we
must convert 'U' fields to numpy 'S' type when writing to HDF5, and
then back to 'U' type on load from HDF5.  See for a little more info.


import numpy as np
import h5py

from sotodlib.core import AxisManager
from sotodlib.core.metadata import ResultSet, SuperLoader, LoaderInterface
import warnings

[docs] def write_dataset(data, filename, address, overwrite=False, mode='a'): """Write a metadata object to an HDF5 file as a single dataset. Args: data: The metadata object. Currently only ResultSet and numpy structured arrays are supported. filename: The path to the HDF5 file, or an open h5py.File. address: The path within the HDF5 file at which to create the dataset. overwrite: If True, remove any existing group or dataset at the specified address. If False, raise a RuntimeError if the write address is already occupied. mode: The mode specification used for opening the file (ignored if filename is an open file). """ if isinstance(data, ResultSet): data = data.asarray(hdf_compat=True) elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): pass else: raise TypeError("I do not know how to write type %s" % data.__class__) if isinstance(filename, str): context = h5py.File(filename, mode) else: # Wrap in a nullcontext so that the block below doesn't # close the File on exit. fout = filename filename = fout.filename context = _nullcontext(fout) with context as fout: if address in fout: if overwrite: del fout[address] else: raise RuntimeError( f'Address {address} already exists in {filename}; ' f'pass overwrite=True to clobber it.') fout.create_dataset(address, data=data)
[docs] def read_dataset(fin, dataset): """Read a dataset from an HDF5 file and return it as a ResultSet. Args: fin: Filename or h5py.File open for reading. dataset: Dataset path. Returns: ResultSet populated from the dataset. Note this is passed through _decode_array, so byte strings are converted to unicode. """ if isinstance(fin, str): fin = h5py.File(fin, 'r') data = fin[dataset][()] data = _decode_array(data) rs = ResultSet(keys=list(data.dtype.names)) for row in data: rs.rows.append(tuple(row)) return rs
class DefaultHdfLoader(LoaderInterface): """Determine the type of H5 saved data and pass off the loading to the correct class. """ def from_loadspec(self, load_params, **kwargs): with h5py.File(load_params['filename'], mode='r') as fin: # look for AxisManager save signature if '_axisman' in fin[ load_params['dataset'] ].attrs.keys(): newload = AxisManagerHdfLoader() return newload.from_loadspec(load_params, **kwargs) else: newload = ResultSetHdfLoader() return newload.from_loadspec(load_params, **kwargs) class AxisManagerHdfLoader(LoaderInterface): def from_loadspec(self, load_params, **kwargs): """ Generate an AxisManager from the load_params dictionary. """ _kwargs = {k1: kwargs[k2] for k1, k2 in [('fields', 'load_fields')] if k2 in kwargs} aman = AxisManager.load(load_params['filename'], load_params['dataset'], **_kwargs) return aman
[docs] class ResultSetHdfLoader(LoaderInterface): def _prefilter_data(self, data_in, key_map={}): """When a dataset is loaded and converted to a structured numpy array, this function is called before the data are returned to the user. The key_map can be used to rename fields, on load. This function may be extended in subclasses, but you will likely want to call the super() handler before doing additional processing. The loading functions do not pass in key_map -- this is for the exclusive use of subclasses. """ return _decode_array(data_in, key_map=key_map) def _populate(self, data, keys=None, row_order=None): """Process the structured numpy array "data" and return a ResultSet. keys should be a list of field names to load from the data (default is None, which will load all fields). row_order should be a list of indices into the desired rows of data (default is None, which will load all rows, in order). (This function can be overridden in subclasses, without calling the super.) """ if keys is None: keys = [k for k in data.dtype.names] if row_order is None: row_order = range(len(data)) rs = ResultSet(keys=keys) for i in row_order: rs.append({k: data[k][i] for k in rs.keys}) return rs
[docs] def from_loadspec(self, load_params, **kwargs): """Retrieve a metadata result from an HDF5 file. Arguments: load_params: an index dictionary (see below). Returns a ResultSet (or, for subclasses, whatever sort of thing is returned by self._populate). The "index dictionary", for the present case, may contain extrinsic and intrinsic selectors (for the 'obs' and 'dets' axes); it must also contain: - 'filename': full path to an HDF5 file. - 'dataset': name of the dataset within the file. Note that this just calls batch_from_loadspec. """ return self.batch_from_loadspec([load_params], **kwargs)[0]
[docs] def batch_from_loadspec(self, load_params, **kwargs): """Retrieves a batch of metadata results. load_params should be a list of valid index data specifications. Returns a list of objects, corresponding to the elements of load_params. This function is relatively efficient in the case that many requests are made for data from a single file. """ # Gather all relevant HDF5 files. file_map = {} for idx, load_par in enumerate(load_params): fn = load_par['filename'] if fn not in file_map: file_map[fn] = [] file_map[fn].append(idx) # Open each one and pull out the result. results = [None] * len(load_params) for filename, indices in file_map.items(): with h5py.File(filename, mode='r') as fin: # Don't reread dataset unless it changes. last_dataset = None for idx in indices: dataset = load_params[idx]['dataset'] if dataset is not last_dataset: data = fin[dataset][()] data = self._prefilter_data(data) last_dataset = dataset # Dereference the extrinsic axis request. Every # extrinsic axis key in the dataset must have a # value specified in load_params. ex_keys = [] mask = np.ones(len(data), bool) for k in data.dtype.names: if k.startswith('obs:'): ex_keys.append(k) mask *= (data[k] == load_params[idx][k]) # Has user made an intrinsic request as well? for k in data.dtype.names: if k.startswith('dets:') and k in load_params[idx]: mask *= (data[k] == load_params[idx][k]) # TODO: handle non-concordant extrinsic / # intrinsic requests. # Output. keys_out = [k for k in data.dtype.names if k not in ex_keys] results[idx] = self._populate(data, keys=keys_out, row_order=mask.nonzero()[0]) return results
def _decode_array(data_in, key_map={}): """Converts a structured numpy array to a structured numpy array, rewriting any 'S'-type string fields as 'U'-type string fields. Args: data_in: A structure numpy array (i.e. an ndarray with a dtype consisting of multiple named fields). key_map: A dict specifying how to rename fields. Any key=>value pair here will cause data_in[key] to be written to data_out[value]. If value is None, the specified field will not be included in data_out. Returns: A new structured array, unless no changes are needed, in which case data_in is returned unmodified. """ changes = False new_dtype = [] columns = [] for i, k in enumerate(data_in.dtype.names): key_out = key_map.get(k, k) changes = changes or (key_out != k) if key_out is None: continue if data_in.dtype[k].char == 'S': # Convert to unicode. columns.append(np.array([v.decode('ascii') for v in data_in[k]])) changes = True else: columns.append(data_in[k]) if len(data_in[k].shape) == 1: new_dtype.append((key_out, columns[-1].dtype)) else: new_dtype.append((key_out, columns[-1].dtype, data_in[k].shape[1:])) new_dtype = np.dtype(new_dtype) output = np.empty(data_in.shape, dtype=new_dtype) for k, c in zip(new_dtype.names, columns): output[k] = c return output # Starting in Python 3.7, this can be had from contextlib. class _nullcontext: def __init__(self, enter_result=None): self.enter_result = enter_result def __enter__(self): return self.enter_result def __exit__(self, *excinfo): pass SuperLoader.register_metadata('DefaultHdf', DefaultHdfLoader) SuperLoader.register_metadata('AxisManagerHdf', AxisManagerHdfLoader) SuperLoader.register_metadata('ResultSetHdf', ResultSetHdfLoader) # The old name... remove some day. SuperLoader.register_metadata('PerDetectorHdf5', ResultSetHdfLoader)