Source code for

import sqlalchemy as db
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship, backref

import so3g
from spt3g import core as spt3g_core
import datetime as dt
import os
import re
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import yaml
import ast
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from .. import core
from . import load as io_load
from .datapkg_utils import load_configs
from .g3thk_db import G3tHk, HKFiles, HKAgents, HKFields
from .g3thk_utils import pysmurf_monitor_control_list

from import (

Session = sessionmaker()
num_bias_lines = 16

Actions used to define when observations happen
Could be expanded to other Action Based Indexing as well
Strings must be unique, in that they must only show up when they should be used
as observations
    "observations": [
    "calibrations": ["take_iv", "take_bias_steps", "take_bgmap", "take_noise"],

# Types of Frames we care about indexing
type_key = ["Observation", "Wiring", "Scan"]

class TimingParadigm(Enum):
    G3Timestream = 1
    SmurfUnixTime = 2
    TimingSystem = 3
    Mixed = 4

def get_sample_timestamps(frame):
    Gets timestamps of samples in a G3Frame. This will try to get highest
    precision first and move to lower precision methods if that fails.

        frame (spt3g_core.G3Frame):
            A G3Frame(Scan) containing streamed detector data.

        times (np.ndarray):
            numpy array containing timestamps in seconds
        paradigm (TimingParadigm):
            Paradigm used to calculate timestamps.
    logger.warning("get_sample_timestamps is deprecated, how did you get here?")
    if "primary" in frame.keys():
        if False:
            # Do high precision timing calculation here when we have real data
            # Try to calculate the timestamp based on the SmurfProcessor's
            # "UnixTime" and the G3Timestream start time.  "UnixTime" is a
            # 32-bit nanosecond clock that steadily increases mod 2**32.
            unix_times = np.array(frame["primary"]["UnixTime"])
            for i in np.where(np.diff(unix_times) < 0)[0]:
                # This corrects for any wrap around
                unix_times[i + 1 :] += 2**32
            times = (
                frame["data"].start.time / spt3g_core.G3Units.s
                + (unix_times - unix_times[0]) / 1e9

            return times, TimingParadigm.SmurfUnixTime
        # Calculate timestamp based on G3Timestream.times(). Note that this
        # only uses the timestream start and end time, and assumes samples are
        # equispaced.
        times = np.array([t.time / spt3g_core.G3Units.s for t in frame["data"].times()])
        return times, TimingParadigm.G3Timestream

def _file_has_end_frames(filename):
    ended = False

    ## Search through file looking for stream closeout
    reader = so3g.G3IndexedReader(filename)
    logger.debug(f"Reading {filename} to look for observation end.")
    while True:
        frames = reader.Process(None)
        if not frames:
        frame = frames[0]
        if frame.type == spt3g_core.G3FrameType.Observation:
            if frame.get("stream_placement") == "end":
                ended = True
        if frame.type == spt3g_core.G3FrameType.Wiring:
            ## ignore dump frames, they lie (and are at the beginning of observations)
            if frame["dump"]:
            if "AMCc.SmurfProcessor.FileWriter.IsOpen" in frame["status"]:
                status = {}
                if not status["AMCc.SmurfProcessor.FileWriter.IsOpen"]:
                    ended = True
            if "AMCc.SmurfProcessor.SOStream.open_g3stream" in frame["status"]:
                status = {}
                if not status["AMCc.SmurfProcessor.SOStream.open_g3stream"]:
                    ended = True
    return ended

[docs] class G3tSmurf: def __init__( self, archive_path, db_path=None, meta_path=None, echo=False, db_args={}, finalize={}, hk_db_path=None, make_db=False, ): """ Class to manage a smurf data archive. Args ----- archive_path: path Path to the data directory db_path: path, optional Path to the sqlite file. Defaults to ``<archive_path>/frames.db`` meta_path: path, optional Path of directory containing smurf related metadata (ie. channel assignments). Required for full functionality. echo: bool, optional If true, all sql statements will print to stdout. db_args: dict, optional Additional arguments to pass to sqlalchemy.create_engine finalize: dict, optional Arguments required for fast tracking of data file transfers hk_db_path: str Path the HK database for finalization tracking make_db: bool if True and db_path does not exist it will make a new database. otherwise will throw and error if database path does not exist """ if db_path is None: db_path = os.path.join(archive_path, "frames.db") self.archive_path = archive_path self.meta_path = meta_path self.db_path = db_path self.hk_db_path = hk_db_path self.finalize = finalize if os.path.exists(self.db_path): new_db = False elif make_db: new_db = True else: raise ValueError( f"Path {self.db_path} does not exist and make_db is False" ) try: self.engine = db.create_engine( f"sqlite:///{db_path}", echo=echo, **db_args ) Session.configure(bind=self.engine) self.Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine) except db.exc.OperationalError as e: logger.error(f"Unable to connect to database file {db_path}") raise e # Defines frame_types if new_db: self._create_frame_types() def _create_frame_types(self): session = self.Session() if not session.query(FrameType).all():"Creating FrameType table...") for k in type_key: ft = FrameType(type_name=k) session.add(ft) session.commit() def _start_finalization(self, session): """Initialize finalization rows if they are not in the database yet""" session = self.Session() row = session.query(Finalize).filter(Finalize.agent == "G3tSMURF").one_or_none() if row is None: session.add(Finalize(agent="G3tSMURF", time=1.6e9)) session.commit() for server in self.finalize.get("servers", []): for x in ["smurf-suprsync", "timestream-suprsync"]: agent = server.get(x) if agent is None: continue row = ( session.query(Finalize) .filter(Finalize.agent == agent) .one_or_none() ) if row is not None: continue session.add(Finalize(agent=agent, time=1.6e9)) session.commit()
[docs] @classmethod def from_configs(cls, configs, **kwargs): """ Create a G3tSmurf instance from a configs dictionary or yaml file example configuration file will all relevant entries:: data_prefix : "/path/to/daq-node/" g3tsmurf_db: "/path/to/g3tsmurf.db" g3thk_db: "/path/to/g3hk.db" finalization: servers: - smurf-suprsync: "smurf-sync-so1" ## instance-id timestream-suprsync: "timestream-sync-so1" ## instance-id pysmurf-monitor: "monitor-so1" ## instance-id - smurf-suprsync: "smurf-sync-so2" ## instance-id timestream-suprsync: "timestream-sync-so2" ## instance-id pysmurf-monitor: "monitor-so2" ## instance-id The HK and finalization entries in the configuration are required for maintaining the g3tsmurf database but not for simply accessing or querying information. Args ----- configs - dictionary containing `data_prefix` and `g3tsmurf_db` keys """ if isinstance(configs, str): configs = load_configs(configs) return cls( os.path.join(configs["data_prefix"], "timestreams"), configs["g3tsmurf_db"], meta_path=os.path.join(configs["data_prefix"], "smurf"), db_args=configs.get("db_args", {}), finalize=configs.get("finalization", {}), hk_db_path=configs.get("g3thk_db"), **kwargs )
@staticmethod def _make_datetime(x): """ Takes an input (either a timestamp or datetime), and returns a datetime. Intended to allow flexibility in inputs for various other functions Note that x will be assumed to be in UTC if timezone is not specified Args ---- x: input datetime of timestamp Returns ---- datetime: datetime of x if x is a timestamp """ if np.issubdtype(type(x), np.floating) or np.issubdtype(type(x), np.integer): return dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x) elif isinstance(x, np.datetime64): return x.astype(dt.datetime).replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) elif isinstance(x, dt.datetime) or isinstance(x, if x.tzinfo == None: return x.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) return x raise (Exception("Input not a datetime or timestamp")) @property def last_db_update(self): with self.Session() as session: t = session.query(Finalize).filter(Finalize.agent == "G3tSMURF").one().time return t @last_db_update.setter def last_update(self, time): with self.Session() as session: agent = session.query(Finalize).filter(Finalize.agent == "G3tSMURF").one() agent.time = time session.commit()
[docs] def add_file(self, path, session, overwrite=False): """ Indexes a single file and adds it to the sqlite database. Creates a single entry in Files and as many Frame entries as there are frames in the file. Args ---- path: path Path of the file to index session : SQLAlchemy session Current, active sqlalchemy session overwrite : bool If true and file exists in the database, update it. """ frame_types = {ft.type_name: ft for ft in session.query(FrameType).all()} # name has a unique constraint in table db_file = session.query(Files).filter( == path).one_or_none() if db_file is None: db_file = Files(name=path) session.add(db_file) elif not overwrite:"File {path} found in database, use overwrite=True to update") return else: logger.debug( f"File {path} found in database, updating entry and re-making frames" ) db_frames = db_file.frames [session.delete(frame) for frame in db_frames] session.commit() status = SmurfStatus.from_file( if status.tune is None or status.tune == "": my_tune = None else: my_tune = ( session.query(Tunes) .filter( == Tunes.get_name_from_status(status)) .one_or_none() ) if my_tune is not None: ## tune has been found in streamed data. self.add_tuneset_to_file(my_tune, db_file, session) db_file.stream_id = status.stream_id if db_file.stream_id is None: try: splits = path.split("/") db_file.stream_id = splits[-2] except: logger.warning(f"Failed to find stream_id for {path}") pass reader = so3g.G3IndexedReader(path) total_channels = 0 file_start, file_stop = None, None frame_idx = -1 timing = None while True: try: db_frame_offset = reader.Tell() frames = reader.Process(None) if not frames: break except RuntimeError as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to add {path}: file likely corrupted") session.rollback() return frame = frames[0] frame_idx += 1 if str(frame.type) not in type_key: continue db_frame_frame_type = frame_types[str(frame.type)] timestamp = frame["time"].time / spt3g_core.G3Units.s db_frame_time = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp) if str(frame.type) != "Wiring": dump = False else: dump = bool(frame["dump"]) # only make Frame once the non-nullable fields are known db_frame = Frames( frame_idx=frame_idx, file=db_file, offset=db_frame_offset, frame_type=db_frame_frame_type, time=db_frame_time, status_dump=dump, ) data = frame.get("data") sostream_version = frame.get("sostream_version", 0) if data is not None: if sostream_version >= 2: # Using SuperTimestreams db_frame.n_channels = len(data.names) db_frame.n_samples = len(data.times) db_frame.start = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( data.times[0].time / spt3g_core.G3Units.s ) db_frame.stop = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( data.times[-1].time / spt3g_core.G3Units.s ) if timing is None: timing = frame.get("timing_paradigm", "") == "High Precision" else: timing = timing and ( frame.get("timing_paradigm", "") == "High Precision" ) fo = frame.get('primary', None) if fo is None: timing = False # no good timing without primary else: key_map = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(fo.names)} counters = np.all( np.diff([ key_map['Counter0']] ) != 0 ) and np.all( np.diff([ key_map['Counter2']] ) != 0 ) # check all counters are incrementing timing = timing and counters else: db_frame.n_samples = data.n_samples db_frame.n_channels = len(data) db_frame.start = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( data.start.time / spt3g_core.G3Units.s ) db_frame.stop = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( data.stop.time / spt3g_core.G3Units.s ) if file_start is None: file_start = db_frame.start file_stop = db_frame.stop total_channels = max(total_channels, db_frame.n_channels) session.add(db_frame) if file_start is None: ## happens if there are no scan frames in file file_start = db_file.frames[0].time file_stop = db_file.frames[-1].time db_file.start = file_start db_file.stop = file_stop db_file.n_channels = total_channels db_file.n_frames = frame_idx db_file.timing = timing session.commit() if len(status.tags) > 0: if status.tags[0] == "obs" or status.tags[0] == "oper": ## this is where I tell it to make an observation logger.debug(f"file {} is an observation") self.add_new_observation_from_status(status, session)
[docs] def index_archive( self, stop_at_error=False, skip_old_format=True, min_ctime=None, max_ctime=None, show_pb=True, session=None, ): """ Adds all files from an archive to the File and Frame sqlite tables. Files must be indexed before the metadata entries can be made. Args ---- stop_at_error: bool If True, will stop if there is an error indexing a file. skip_old_format: bool If True, will skip over indexing files before the name convention was changed to be ctime_###.g3. min_ctime: int, float, or None If set, files with session-ids less than this ctime will be skipped. max_ctime: int, float, or None If set, files with session-ids higher than this ctime will be skipped. show_pb: bool If true, will show progress bar for file indexing """ new_session = False if session is None: session = self.Session() new_session=True indexed_files = [f[0] for f in session.query(] files = [] for root, _, fs in os.walk(self.archive_path): for f in fs: path = os.path.join(root, f) if path.endswith(".g3") and path not in indexed_files: if skip_old_format and "2020-" in path: continue if "-" not in f and (min_ctime is not None): # We know the filename is <ctime>_###.g3 session_id = int(f.split("_")[0]) if session_id < min_ctime: continue if "-" not in f and (max_ctime is not None): # We know the filename is <ctime>_###.g3 session_id = int(f.split("_")[0]) if session_id > max_ctime: continue files.append(path)"Indexing {len(files)} files...") ## files must be updated in sequencial order. otherwise we may end up ## with more TuneSets than are necessary for f in tqdm(sorted(files), disable=(not show_pb)): try: self.add_file(os.path.join(root, f), session) session.commit() except IntegrityError as e: # Database Integrity Errors, such as duplicate entries session.rollback() logger.warning(f"Integrity error with error {e}") except RuntimeError as e: # End of stream errors, for G3Files that were not fully flushed session.rollback() logger.warning(f"Failed on file {f} due to end of stream error!") except Exception as e: # This will catch generic errors such as attempting to load # out-of-date files that do not have the required frame # structure specified in the TOD2MAPS docs. session.rollback() if stop_at_error: raise e logger.warning(f"Failed on file {f}:\n{e}") if new_session: session.close()
[docs] def delete_file(self, db_file, session=None, dry_run=False, my_logger=None): """WARNING: Deletes data from the file system Delete both a database file entry, it's associated frames, AND the file itself. Only to be run by automated data management systems Args ---- db_file: File instance database Fine instance to be deleted session: optional, SQLAlchemy session should be passed if file is called as part of a larger cleanup function dry_run: boolean if true, just prints deletion to my_logger: logger, optional option to pass different logger to this function """ if session is None: session = self.Session() if my_logger is None: my_logger = logger db_frames = db_file.frames"Deleting frame entries for {}") if not dry_run: [session.delete(frame) for frame in db_frames] if not os.path.exists( my_logger.warning( f"Database file {} appears already" " deleted on disk" ) else:"Deleting file {}") if not dry_run: os.remove( ## clean up directory if it is empty base, _ = os.path.split( if len(os.listdir(base)) == 0: os.rmdir(base)"Deleting database entry for {}") if not dry_run: session.delete(db_file) session.commit()
[docs] def add_new_channel_assignment(self, stream_id, ctime, cha, cha_path, session): """Add new entry to the Channel Assignments table. Called by the index_metadata function. Args ------- stream_id : string The stream id for the particular SMuRF slot ctime : int The ctime of the SMuRF action called to create the channel assignemnt cha : string The file name of the channel assignment cha_path : path The absolute path to the channel assignment session : SQLAlchemy Session The active session """ band = int(re.findall("b\d.txt", cha)[0][1]) ch_assign = session.query(ChanAssignments).filter( ChanAssignments.ctime == ctime, ChanAssignments.stream_id == stream_id, == band, ) ch_assign = ch_assign.one_or_none() if ch_assign is None: ch_assign = ChanAssignments( ctime=ctime, path=cha_path, name=cha, stream_id=stream_id, band=band ) session.add(ch_assign) session.commit()
[docs] def add_channels_from_assignment(self, ch_assign, session): """Add the channels that are associated with a particular channel assignment entry Args ---- ch_assign: ChanAssignment instance session: session used to find ch_assign """ notches = np.atleast_2d(np.genfromtxt(ch_assign.path, delimiter=",")) if np.sum([notches[:, 2] != -1]) != len(ch_assign.channels): ch_made = [ for c in ch_assign.channels] for notch in notches: # smurf did not assign a channel if notch[2] == -1: continue if int(notch[2]) in ch_made: continue ch_name = "sch_{}_{:10d}_{:01d}_{:03d}".format( ch_assign.stream_id, ch_assign.ctime,, int(notch[2]) ) ch = Channels( subband=int(notch[1]), channel=int(notch[2]), frequency=notch[0], name=ch_name, chan_assignment=ch_assign,, ) if == -1: logger.warning( f"Un-assigned channel made in Channel Assignment {}" ) continue check = ( session.query(Channels) .filter( Channels.ca_id ==, == ) .one_or_none() ) if check is None: session.add(ch) session.commit()
def _assign_set_from_file( self, tune_path, ctime=None, stream_id=None, session=None ): """Build set of Channel Assignments that are (or should be) in the tune file. Args ------- tune_path : path The absolute path to the tune file ctime : int ctime of SMuRF Action stream_id : string The stream id for the particular SMuRF slot session : SQLAlchemy Session The active session """ if session is None: session = self.Session() if stream_id is None: stream_id = tune_path.split("/")[-4] if ctime is None: ctime = int(tune_path.split("/")[-1].split("_")[0]) data = np.load(tune_path, allow_pickle=True).item() assign_set = [] # Determine the TuneSet for band in data.keys(): if "resonances" not in data[band]: # tune file doesn't have info for this band continue # try to use tune file to find channel assignment before just # assuming "most recent" if "channel_assignment" in data[band]: cha_name = data[band]["channel_assignment"].split("/")[-1] cha = ( session.query(ChanAssignments) .filter( ChanAssignments.stream_id == stream_id, == cha_name, ) .one_or_none() ) else: cha = session.query(ChanAssignments).filter( ChanAssignments.stream_id == stream_id, ChanAssignments.ctime <= ctime, == band, ) cha = cha.order_by(db.desc(ChanAssignments.ctime)).first() if cha is None: logger.error(f"Missing Channel Assignment for tune file {tune_path}") continue assign_set.append(cha) return assign_set
[docs] def add_new_tuning(self, stream_id, ctime, tune_path, session): """Add new entry to the Tune table, Called by the index_metadata function. Args ------- stream_id : string The stream id for the particular SMuRF slot ctime : int The ctime of the SMuRF action called to create the tuning file. tune_path : path The absolute path to the tune file session : SQLAlchemy Session The active session """ name = stream_id + "_" + tune_path.split("/")[-1].strip(".npy") tune = ( session.query(Tunes) .filter( == name, Tunes.stream_id == stream_id) .one_or_none() ) if tune is None: tune = Tunes( name=name, start=dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ctime), path=tune_path, stream_id=stream_id, ) session.add(tune) session.commit()
[docs] def add_tuneset_to_file(self, db_tune, db_file, session): """Uses tune found in file to decide we should create a tuneset. Assigns both tune and tuneset to the file entry. called by add_file Args ---- db_tune: Tunes instance for tune in file db_file: File instance for file session: sqlalchemy session used to create instances """ if db_tune.tuneset is None: # assign set is the set of channel assignments that make up this tune file assign_set = self._assign_set_from_file( db_tune.path, stream_id=db_tune.stream_id, session=session ) tuneset = None tunesets = session.query(TuneSets) # tunesets with any channel assignments matching list tunesets = tunesets.filter( TuneSets.chan_assignments.any([ for a in assign_set]) ) ).all() if len(tunesets) > 0: for ts in tunesets: if np.all( sorted([ for ca in ts.chan_assignments]) == sorted([ for a in assign_set]) ): tuneset = ts if tuneset is None: logger.debug( f"New Tuneset Detected {}," f" {[[ for a in assign_set]]}" ) tuneset = TuneSets(, path=db_tune.path, stream_id=db_tune.stream_id, start=db_tune.start, ) session.add(tuneset) session.commit() # add a the assignments and channels to the detector set for db_cha in assign_set: ## make channels now that the channel assignment is part ## of a tuneset self.add_channels_from_assignment(db_cha, session=session) tuneset.chan_assignments.append(db_cha) for ch in db_cha.channels: tuneset.channels.append(ch) session.commit() db_tune.tuneset = tuneset session.commit() db_file.tune = db_tune db_file.tuneset = db_tune.tuneset session.commit()
[docs] def add_new_observation_from_status(self, status, session): """Wrapper to pull required information from SmurfStatus and create a new observation. Works based on tags in Status frame, so may not work with older files. Args ---- status : SmurfStatus instance session : SQLAlchemy Session The active session """ self.add_new_observation( status.stream_id, status.action, status.action_timestamp, session, calibration=(status.tags[0] == "oper"), session_id=status.session_id, )
[docs] def add_new_observation( self, stream_id, action_name, action_ctime, session, calibration, session_id=None, max_early=5, ): """Add new entry to the observation table. Called by the index_metadata function. Args ------- stream_id : string The stream id for the particular SMuRF slot action_ctime : int The ctime of the SMuRF action called to create the observation. Often slightly different than the .g3 session ID session : SQLAlchemy Session The active session calibration : boolean Boolean that indicates whether the observation is a calibration observation. session_id : int (optional, but much more efficient) session id, if known, for timestream files that should go with the observations max_early : int (optional) Buffer time to allow the g3 file to be earlier than the smurf action """ if session_id is None: db_file = session.query(Files) db_file = db_file.filter( Files.stream_id == stream_id, Files.start >= dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(action_ctime - max_early), ) db_file = db_file.order_by(Files.start).first() if db_file is None: logger.debug( f"No .g3 files from Action {action_name} in {stream_id}" f" at {action_ctime}. Not Making Observation" ) return session_id = int(([:-3].split("/")[-1]).split("_")[0]) if calibration: obs_id = f"oper_{stream_id}_{session_id}" else: obs_id = f"obs_{stream_id}_{session_id}" # Check if observation exists already obs = ( session.query(Observations) .filter( Observations.obs_id == obs_id, Observations.stream_id == stream_id, Observations.action_name == action_name, Observations.action_ctime == action_ctime, ) .one_or_none() ) logger.debug(f"Observations {obs_id} already exists") if obs is None: db_file = session.query(Files) db_file = db_file.filter( Files.stream_id == stream_id,"%{session_id}%") ) db_file = db_file.order_by(Files.start).first() logger.debug(f"Found file {} to be the start of observation {obs_id}") if db_file.obs_id is not None: if db_file.obs_id != obs_id: logger.warning(f"Trying to make {obs_id} using file {} " f"but file is already part if {db_file.obs_id}. Will " f"not create observation") return # Verify the files we found match with Observation status = SmurfStatus.from_file( if status.action is not None: assert status.action == action_name assert status.action_timestamp == action_ctime # Verify inside of file matches the outside reader = so3g.G3IndexedReader( while True: frames = reader.Process(None) if not frames: break frame = frames[0] if str(frame.type) == "Observation": assert frame["sostream_id"] == stream_id assert frame["session_id"] == session_id break # Build Observation obs = Observations( obs_id=obs_id, timestamp=session_id, action_ctime=action_ctime, action_name=action_name, stream_id=stream_id, calibration=calibration, ) session.add(obs) session.commit() # obs.stop is only updated when streaming session is over if obs.stop is None: self.update_observation_files( obs, session, max_early=max_early, )
[docs] def update_observation_files( self, obs, session, max_early=5, force=False, force_stop=False, ): """Update existing observation. A separate function to make it easier to deal with partial data transfers. See add_new_observation for args Args ----- max_early : int Buffer time to allow the g3 file to be earlier than the smurf action session : SQLAlchemy Session The active session force : bool If true, will recalculate file/tune information even if observation appears complete force_stop: bool If true, will force the end of the observation to be set to the end of the current file list. Useful for completing observations where computer systems crashed/restarted during the observations so no end frames were written. """ if not force and obs.stop is not None: logger.debug(f"Returning from {obs.obs_id} without updates") return # Prefix is deterministic based on observation details prefix = os.path.join(self.archive_path, str(obs.timestamp)[:5], obs.stream_id) flist = ( session.query(Files) .filter( + "/" + str(obs.timestamp) + "%")) .order_by(Files.start) .all() ) logger.debug(f"Found {len(flist)} files in {obs.obs_id}") if len(flist) == 0: ## we don't have .g3 files for some reason, shouldn't be possible? logger.debug(f"Found no files associated with {obs.obs_id}") return ## set start to be the first scan frame in file/observation obs.start = flist[0].start ## Load Status Information status = SmurfStatus.from_file(flist[0].name) # Add any tags from the status if len(status.tags) > 0: for tag in status.tags: t = ( session.query(Tags) .filter(Tags.tag == tag, Tags.obs_id == obs.obs_id) .one_or_none() ) if t is not None: continue new_tag = Tags(obs_id=obs.obs_id, tag=tag) session.add(new_tag) obs.tag = ",".join(status.tags) # Add Tune and Tuneset information if status.tune is not None and status.tune != "": tune = ( session.query(Tunes) .filter( == Tunes.get_name_from_status(status), Tunes.stream_id == obs.stream_id, ) .one_or_none() ) if tune is None: logger.warning( f"Tune {status.tune} not found in database, update error?" ) tuneset = None else: tuneset = tune.tuneset else: tune = None tuneset = session.query(TuneSets).filter( TuneSets.start <= obs.start, TuneSets.stream_id == obs.stream_id, ) tuneset = tuneset.order_by(db.desc(TuneSets.start)).first() already_have = [ for ts in obs.tunesets] if tuneset is not None: if not in already_have: obs.tunesets.append(tuneset) obs_samps = 0 # Update file entries for db_file in flist: db_file.obs_id = obs.obs_id if db_file.tuneset is not None and tuneset is not None: db_file.detset = if db_file.tune is not None and tune is not None: db_file.tune_id = # this is where I learned sqlite does not accept numpy 32 or 64 bit ints file_samps = sum( [ fr.n_samples if fr.n_samples is not None else 0 for fr in db_file.frames ] ) db_file.sample_start = obs_samps db_file.sample_stop = obs_samps + file_samps obs_samps = obs_samps + file_samps obs_ended = _file_has_end_frames(flist[-1].name) if ( obs.stop is None and not obs_ended and (force or flist[-1].stop <= - dt.timedelta(hours=1)) ): ## try to brute force find the end if it's been awhile for f in flist[::-1][:3]: if not obs_ended: obs_ended = _file_has_end_frames( if obs_ended or force_stop: logger.debug(f"Found that {obs.obs_id} has ended.") obs.n_samples = obs_samps obs.duration = flist[-1].stop.timestamp() - flist[0].start.timestamp() obs.stop = flist[-1].stop # f.timing is None if the file has no Scan Frames # timing requires external downsampling AND high precision # timestamps. file.timing checks high precision. obs.timing # includes external downsampling obs.timing = ( np.all([f.timing or (f.timing is None) for f in flist]) and status.downsample_external ) ## data not usable for science if not obs.timing: logger.warning(f"{obs.obs_id} has bad timing. Updating tags") tags = obs.tag.split(',') tags.insert(1, 'bad') tags[2] = f'bad_{tags[2]}' tags.append('timing_issues') obs.tag = ','.join(tags) logger.debug(f"Setting {obs.obs_id} stop time to {obs.stop}") session.commit()
[docs] def delete_observation_files(self, obs, session, dry_run=False, my_logger=None): """WARNING: Deletes files from the file system Args ---- obs: observation instance session: SQLAlchemy session used to query obs dry_run: boolean if true, only prints deletion to """ if my_logger is None: my_logger = logger ## first remove the tags tags = ( session.query(Tags) .filter( Tags.obs_id == obs.obs_id, ) .all() ) for t in tags:"Deleting Tag ({t.tag, t.obs_id}) from database") if not dry_run: session.delete(t) ## then remove the files for f in obs.files: self.delete_file(f, session, dry_run=dry_run, my_logger=my_logger) ## then remove the observation"Deleting Observation {obs.obs_id} from database") if not dry_run: session.delete(obs) session.commit()
[docs] def search_metadata_actions( self, min_ctime=16000 * 1e5, max_ctime=None, reverse=False ): """Generator used to page through smurf folder returning each action formatted for easy use. Args ----- min_ctime : lowest timestamped action to return max_ctime : highest timestamped action to return reverse : if true, goes backward Yields ------- tuple (action, stream_id, ctime, path) action : Smurf Action string with ctime removed for easy comparison stream_id : stream_id of Action ctime : ctime of Action folder path : absolute path to action folder """ if max_ctime is None: max_ctime = if self.meta_path is None: raise ValueError( "Archiver needs meta_path attribute to index channel assignments" ) logger.debug(f"Ignoring ctime folders below {int(min_ctime//1e5)}") for ct_dir in sorted(os.listdir(self.meta_path), reverse=reverse): if int(ct_dir) < int(min_ctime // 1e5): continue elif int(ct_dir) > int(max_ctime // 1e5): continue for stream_id in sorted( os.listdir(os.path.join(self.meta_path, ct_dir)), reverse=reverse ): action_path = os.path.join(self.meta_path, ct_dir, stream_id) actions = sorted(os.listdir(action_path), reverse=reverse) for action in actions: try: ctime = int(action.split("_")[0]) if ctime < min_ctime or ctime > max_ctime: continue astring = "_".join(action.split("_")[1:]) yield ( astring, stream_id, ctime, os.path.join(action_path, action), ) except GeneratorExit: return except: continue
[docs] def search_metadata_files( self, min_ctime=16000 * 1e5, max_ctime=None, reverse=False, skip_plots=True, skip_configs=True, ): """Generator used to page through smurf folder returning each file formatted for easy use. Args ----- min_ctime : int or float Lowest timestamped action to return max_ctime : int or float highest timestamped action to return reverse : bool if true, goes backward skip_plots : bool if true, skips all the plots folders because we probably don't want to look through them skip_configs : bool if true, skips all the config folders because we probably don't want to look through them Yields ------- tuple (fname, stream_id, ctime, abs_path) fname : string file name with ctime removed stream_id : string stream_id where the file is saved ctime : int file ctime abs_path : string absolute path to file """ for action, stream_id, actime, path in self.search_metadata_actions( min_ctime=min_ctime, max_ctime=max_ctime, reverse=reverse ): if skip_configs and action == "config": continue adirs = os.listdir(path) for adir in adirs: if skip_plots and adir == "plots": continue for root, dirs, files in os.walk( os.path.join(path, adir), topdown=False ): for name in files: try: try: ctime = int(name.split("_")[0]) except ValueError: ctime = actime fname = "_".join(name.split("_")[1:]) yield (fname, stream_id, ctime, os.path.join(root, name)) except GeneratorExit: return
[docs] def search_suprsync_files( self, min_ctime=16000 * 1e5, max_ctime=None, reverse=False ): """Generator used to page through smurf folder returning each suprsync finalization file formatted for easy use Args ----- min_ctime : lowest timestamped action to return max_ctime : highest timestamped action to return reverse : if true, goes backward Yields ------- tuple (action, stream_id, ctime, path) action : Smurf Action string with ctime removed for easy comparison stream_id : stream_id of Action ctime : ctime of Action folder path : absolute path to action folder """ if max_ctime is None: max_ctime = logger.debug(f"Ignoring ctime folders below {int(min_ctime//1e5)}") for base_dir in [self.archive_path, self.meta_path]: for ct_dir in sorted(os.listdir(base_dir), reverse=reverse): if int(ct_dir) < int(min_ctime // 1e5): continue elif int(ct_dir) > int(max_ctime // 1e5): continue if "suprsync" not in os.listdir(os.path.join(base_dir, ct_dir)): continue base = os.path.join(base_dir, ct_dir, "suprsync") for agent in os.listdir(base): for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(base, agent)): try: yield os.path.join(base, agent, f) except GeneratorExit: return
[docs] def index_timecodes(self, session=None, min_ctime=16000e5, max_ctime=None): """Index the timecode finalizeation files coming out of suprsync""" if session is None: session = self.Session() if max_ctime is None: max_ctime = for fname in self.search_suprsync_files( min_ctime=min_ctime, max_ctime=max_ctime ): info = yaml.safe_load(open(fname, "r")) for subdir in info["subdirs"]: if subdir == "suprsync": continue tcf = ( session.query(TimeCodes) .filter( TimeCodes.stream_id == subdir, TimeCodes.suprsync_type == SupRsyncType.from_string( info["archive_name"] ).value, TimeCodes.timecode == info["timecode"], ) .one_or_none() ) if tcf is not None: continue tcf = TimeCodes( stream_id=subdir, suprsync_type=SupRsyncType.from_string(info["archive_name"]).value, timecode=info["timecode"], agent=info["instance_id"], ) session.add(tcf) session.commit()
[docs] def update_finalization(self, update_time, session=None): """Update the finalization time rows in the database""" if self.hk_db_path is None: raise ValueError("HK database path required to update finalization" " time") if session is None: session = self.Session() # look for new rows to add to table self._start_finalization(session) HK = G3tHk( os.path.join(os.path.split(self.archive_path)[0], "hk"), self.hk_db_path, ) agent_list = session.query(Finalize).all() for agent in agent_list: if agent.agent == "G3tSMURF": continue db_agent = ( HK.session.query(HKAgents) .filter( HKAgents.instance_id == agent.agent, HKAgents.start <= update_time, ) .order_by(db.desc(HKAgents.start)) .first() ) if db_agent is None: f"Agent {agent.agent} not found in HK database before" f" update time {update_time}" ) continue f = [f for f in db_agent.fields if "finalized_until" in f.field] if len(f) == 0: logger.warning( f"Did not find finalized_until in Agent {agent}" f"from file {db_agent.hkfile.filename}" ) continue f = f[0] data = HK.load_data(f) x = np.where(data[f.field][0] <= update_time)[0] if len(x) < 1: logger.error( f"No data points before update time for agent " f"{agent} in file {db_agent.hkfile.filename}?" ) x = x[0] agent.time = data[f.field][1][x] session.commit()
[docs] def get_final_time( self, stream_ids, start=None, stop=None, check_control=True, session=None ): """Return the ctime to which database is finalized for a set of stream_ids between ctimes start and stop. If check_control is True it will use the pysmurf-monitor entries in the HK database to determine which pysmurf-monitors were in control of which stream_ids between start and stop. """ if check_control and self.hk_db_path is None: raise ValueError("HK database path required to update finalization" " time") if check_control and ((start is None) or (stop is None)): raise ValueError( "start and stop ctimes are required to check which" " pysmurf-monitors control which stream_ids" ) if session is None: session = self.Session() HK = G3tHk( os.path.join(os.path.split(self.archive_path)[0], "hk"), self.hk_db_path, ) agent_list = [] if "servers" not in self.finalize: raise ValueError( "server list not found in finalization " "information, required to check completeness" ) for server in self.finalize.get("servers"): if "smurf-suprsync" not in server: logger.error( f"Incomplete finalization information, missing " f"'smurf-suprync' in {server}" ) if "timestream-suprsync" not in server: logger.error( f"Incomplete finalization information, missing " f"'timestream-suprync' in {server}" ) pm = server.get("pysmurf-monitor") if not check_control or pm is None: if check_control: logger.warning( f"Incomplete finalization information, " f"missing 'pysmurf-monitor'. Not checking " "for stream_id control" ) agent_list.append(server["smurf-suprsync"]) agent_list.append(server["timestream-suprsync"]) continue if stop > HK.get_last_update(): if stop > HK.get_last_update()+3600: logger.error(f"HK database not updated recently enough to" " check finalization time. Last update " f"{HK.get_last_update}. Trying to check until" f"{stop}") else: stop = HK.get_last_update() sids = pysmurf_monitor_control_list(pm, start, stop, HK) if np.any([s in stream_ids for s in sids]): agent_list.append(server["smurf-suprsync"]) agent_list.append(server["timestream-suprsync"]) min_time = self.last_update for agent in agent_list: (time,) = session.query(Finalize.time).filter(Finalize.agent == agent).one() min_time = min(min_time, time) return min_time
def _process_index_error(self, session, e, stream_id, ctime, path, stop_at_error): if type(e) == ValueError:"Value Error at {stream_id}, {ctime}, {path}") elif type(e) == IntegrityError: # Database Integrity Errors, such as duplicate entries session.rollback()"Integrity Error at {stream_id}, {ctime}, {path}") else: f"Error of type {type(e).__name__} at {stream_id}, {ctime}, {path}" ) if stop_at_error: raise (e)
[docs] def index_channel_assignments( self, session, min_ctime=16000 * 1e5, max_ctime=None, pattern="channel_assignment", stop_at_error=False, ): """Index all channel assignments newer than a minimum ctime Args ----- session : G3tSmurf session connection min_time : int of float minimum time for for indexing max_time : int, float, or None maximum time for indexing pattern : string string pattern to look for channel assignments """ for fpattern, stream_id, ctime, path in self.search_metadata_files( min_ctime=min_ctime, max_ctime=max_ctime ): if pattern in fpattern: try: # decide if this is the last channel assignment in the directory # needed because we often get multiple channel assignments in the # same folder root = os.path.join("/", *path.split("/")[:-1]) fname = path.split("/")[-1] fband = int(re.findall("b\d.txt", fname)[0][1]) cha_times = [ int(f.split("_")[0]) for f in os.listdir(root) if f"b{fband}.txt" in f.split("_")[-1] ] if ctime != np.max(cha_times): continue logger.debug( f"Add new channel assignment: {stream_id},{ctime}, {path}" ) self.add_new_channel_assignment( stream_id, ctime, fname, path, session ) except Exception as e: self._process_index_error( session, e, stream_id, ctime, path, stop_at_error )
[docs] def index_tunes( self, session, min_ctime=16000 * 1e5, max_ctime=None, pattern="tune.npy", stop_at_error=False, ): """Index all tune files newer than a minimum ctime Args ----- session : G3tSmurf session connection min_time : int of float minimum time for indexing max_time : int, float, or None maximum time for indexing pattern : string string pattern to look for tune files """ for fname, stream_id, ctime, path in self.search_metadata_files( min_ctime=min_ctime, max_ctime=max_ctime ): if pattern in fname: try: logger.debug(f"Add new Tune: {stream_id}, {ctime}, {path}") self.add_new_tuning(stream_id, ctime, path, session) except Exception as e: self._process_index_error( session, e, stream_id, ctime, path, stop_at_error )
[docs] def index_observations( self, session, min_ctime=16000 * 1e5, max_ctime=None, stop_at_error=False ): """Index all observations newer than a minimum ctime. Uses SMURF_ACTIONS to define which actions are observations. Args ----- session : G3tSmurf session connection min_time : int or float minimum time for indexing max_time : int, float, or None maximum time for indexing """ logger.warning("Indexing via actions is deprecated and SHOULD NOT be " "run on systems where level 2 files are being automatically " "deleted") for action, stream_id, ctime, path in self.search_metadata_actions( min_ctime=min_ctime, max_ctime=max_ctime ): if ( action in SMURF_ACTIONS["observations"] or action in SMURF_ACTIONS["calibrations"] ): try: obs_path = os.listdir(os.path.join(path, "outputs")) logger.debug( f"Add new Observation: {stream_id}, {ctime}, {obs_path}" ) self.add_new_observation( stream_id, action, ctime, session, calibration=(action in SMURF_ACTIONS["calibrations"]), ) except Exception as e: self._process_index_error( session, e, stream_id, ctime, path, stop_at_error )
[docs] def index_metadata( self, min_ctime=16000 * 1e5, max_ctime=None, stop_at_error=False, session=None, ): """Adds all channel assignments, tunes, and observations in archive to database. Adding relevant entries to Files as well. Args ---- min_ctime : int Lowest ctime to start looking for new metadata max_ctime : None or int Highest ctime to look for new metadata stop_at_error: bool If True, will stop if there is an error indexing a file. """ if self.meta_path is None: raise ValueError( "Archiver needs meta_path attribute to index channel assignments" ) new_session = False if session is None: session = self.Session() new_session = True logger.debug(f"Ignoring ctime folders below {int(min_ctime//1e5)}") logger.debug("Indexing Channel Assignments") self.index_channel_assignments( session, min_ctime=min_ctime, max_ctime=max_ctime, stop_at_error=stop_at_error, ) logger.debug("Indexing Tune Files") self.index_tunes( session, min_ctime=min_ctime, max_ctime=max_ctime, stop_at_error=stop_at_error, ) if new_session: session.close()
[docs] def index_action_observations( self, min_ctime=16000 * 1e5, max_ctime=None, stop_at_error=False, session=None, ): """Looks through Action folders to build Observations not built off of tags in add_file. This function is a hold-over from when tags were not used to find Observations (change made ~Jan. 2023) Args ---- min_ctime : int Lowest ctime to start looking for new metadata max_ctime : None or int Highest ctime to look for new metadata stop_at_error: bool If True, will stop if there is an error indexing a file. """ new_session = False if session is None: session = self.Session() logger.debug(f"Ignoring ctime folders below {int(min_ctime//1e5)}") logger.debug("Indexing Observations") self.index_observations( session, min_ctime=min_ctime, max_ctime=max_ctime, stop_at_error=stop_at_error, ) if new_session: session.close()
[docs] def lookup_file(self, filename, fail_ok=False): """Lookup a file's observations details in database. Meant to look and act like core.metadata.obsfiledb.lookup_file. """ session = self.Session() file = session.query(Files).filter( == filename).one_or_none() if file is None and fail_ok: logger.debug(f"Did not find file {filename} in database") return None return { "obs_id": file.obs_id, "detsets": [file.detset], "sample_range": (file.sample_start, file.sample_stop), }
def _stream_ids_in_range(self, start, end): """ Returns a list of all stream-id's present in a given time range. Skips 'None' because those only contain G3PipelineInfo frames. Args ----- start : timestamp or DateTime start time for data, assumed to be in UTC unless specified end : timestamp or DateTime end time for data, assumed to be in UTC unless specified Returns -------- stream_ids: List of stream ids. """ session = self.Session() start = self._make_datetime(start) end = self._make_datetime(end) all_ids = ( session.query(Files.stream_id) .filter(Files.start < end, Files.stop >= start) .all() ) sids = [] for (sid,) in all_ids: if sid not in sids and sid != "None": sids.append(sid) return sids
[docs] def load_data( self, start, end, stream_id=None, channels=None, show_pb=True, load_biases=True, status=None, ): """ Loads smurf G3 data for a given time range. For the specified time range this will return a chunk of data that includes that time range. This function returns an AxisManager with the following properties:: * Axes: * samps : samples * dets : resonator channels reading out * bias_lines (optional) : bias lines * Fields: * timestamps : (samps,) unix timestamps for loaded data * signal : (dets, samps) Array of the squid phase in units of radians for each channel * primary : AxisManager (samps,) "primary" data included in the packet headers 'AveragingResetBits', 'Counter0', 'Counter1', 'Counter2', 'FluxRampIncrement', 'FluxRampOffset', 'FrameCounter', 'TESRelaySetting', 'UnixTime' * biases (optional): (bias_lines, samps) Bias values during the data * ch_info : AxisManager (dets,) Information about channels, including SMuRF band, channel, frequency. Args ----- start : timestamp or DateTime start time for data, assumed to be in UTC unless specified end : timestamp or DateTime end time for data, assumed to be in UTC unless specified stream_id : String stream_id to load, in case there are multiple channels : list or None If not None, it should be a list that can be sent to get_channel_mask. detset : string the name of the detector set (tuning file) to load show_pb : bool, optional: If True, will show progress bar. load_biases : bool, optional If True, will return biases. status : SmurfStatus, optional If note none, will use this Status on the data load Returns -------- aman : AxisManager AxisManager for the data """ session = self.Session() start = self._make_datetime(start) end = self._make_datetime(end) if stream_id is None: sids = self._stream_ids_in_range(start, end) if len(sids) > 1: raise ValueError( "Multiple stream_ids exist in the given range! " "Must choose one.\n" f"stream_ids: {sids}" ) q = ( session.query(Files) .join(Frames) .filter( Frames.stop >= start, Frames.start < end, Frames.type_name == "Scan" ) ) if stream_id is not None: q = q.filter(Files.stream_id == stream_id) q = q.order_by(Files.start) flist = np.unique([ for x in q.all()]) if stream_id is None: stream_id = q[0].stream_id if status is None: scan_start = session.query(Frames.time).filter( Frames.time >= start, Frames.type_name == "Scan" ) scan_start = scan_start.order_by(Frames.time).first() try: status = self.load_status(scan_start[0], stream_id=stream_id) except:"Status load from database failed, using file load") status = None aman = load_file( flist, status=status, channels=channels, archive=self, show_pb=show_pb, ) msk = np.all( [aman.timestamps >= start.timestamp(), aman.timestamps < end.timestamp()], axis=0, ) idx = np.where(msk)[0] if len(idx) == 0: logger.warning("No samples returned in time range") aman.restrict("samps", (0, 0)) else: aman.restrict("samps", (idx[0], idx[-1])) session.close() return aman
[docs] def load_status(self, time, stream_id=None, show_pb=False): """ Returns the status dict at specified unix timestamp. Loads all status frames between session start frame and specified time. Args: time (timestamp): Time at which you want the rogue status Returns: status (SmurfStatus instance): object indexing of rogue variables at specified time. """ return SmurfStatus.from_time(time, self, stream_id=stream_id, show_pb=show_pb)
def dump_DetDb(archive, detdb_file): """ Take a G3tSmurf archive and create a a DetDb of the type used with Context Args ----- archive : G3tSmurf instance detdb_file : filename """ my_db = core.metadata.DetDb(map_file=detdb_file) my_db.create_table("base", column_defs=[]) column_defs = [ "'band' int", "'channel' int", "'frequency' float", "'chan_assignment' int", ] my_db.create_table("smurf", column_defs=column_defs) ddb_list = my_db.dets()["name"] session = archive.Session() channels = session.query(Channels).all() msk = np.where([ not in ddb_list for ch in channels])[0].astype(int) for ch in tqdm(np.array(channels)[msk]): my_db.get_id( my_db.add_props( "smurf",,,, frequency=ch.frequency, chan_assignment=ch.chan_assignment.ctime, ) session.close() return my_db def make_DetDb_single_obs(obsfiledb, obs_id): # find relevant files to get status c = obsfiledb.conn.execute( "select name from files " "where obs_id=?" + "order by start", (obs_id,) ) flist = [row[0] for row in c] # load status # for now, assume this is always the start of an obs so this won't break status = SmurfStatus.from_file(flist[0]) # Pulling very specific pieces from get_channel_info. This isn't the best way to do this # but just want something that minimally works right now and I'll clean it up for PR # this should not be hardcoded but it is for now mask = None ch_list = np.arange(status.num_chans) ch_map = np.zeros( len(ch_list), dtype=[ ("idx", int), ("rchannel", np.unicode_, 30), ("band", int), ("channel", int), ("freqs", float), ], ) ch_map["idx"] = ch_list ch_map = _get_channel_mapping(status, ch_map) ruids = _get_detset_channel_names(status, ch_map, obsfiledb) # right now, require specific path to detdb, no helping userf detdb = core.metadata.DetDb() base_defs = [ "'readout_id' str", ] column_defs = [ "'band' int", "'channel' int", "'res_frequency' float", ] detdb.create_table("base", base_defs) detdb.create_table("smurf", column_defs) for i, ch in tqdm(enumerate(ch_map)): detdb.get_id(ruids[i]) detdb.add_props("base", ruids[i], readout_id=ruids[i], commit=False) detdb.add_props( "smurf", ruids[i], band=ch["band"].item(), channel=ch["channel"].item(), res_frequency=ch["freqs"].item(), commit=False, ) detdb.conn.commit() return detdb def obs_detdb_context_hook(ctx, obs_id, *args, **kwargs): ddb = make_DetDb_single_obs(ctx.obsfiledb, obs_id) ctx.obs_detdb = ddb return ddb core.Context.hook_sets["obs_detdb_load"] = { "before-use-detdb": obs_detdb_context_hook, }
[docs] class SmurfStatus: """ This is a class that attempts to extract essential information from the SMuRF status dictionary so it is more easily accessible. If the necessary information for an attribute is not present in the dictionary, the attribute will be set to None. Args ----- status : dict A SMuRF status dictionary Attributes ------------ status : dict Full smurf status dictionary dump_frame : bool Whether the SmurfStatus was built off a dump frame num_chans: int Number of channels that are streaming mask : Optional[np.ndarray] Array with length ``num_chans`` that describes the mapping of readout channel to absolute smurf channel. mask_inv : np.ndarray Array with dimensions (NUM_BANDS, CHANS_PER_BAND) where ``mask_inv[band, chan]`` tells you the readout channel for a given band, channel combination. freq_map : Optional[np.ndarray] An array of size (NUM_BANDS, CHANS_PER_BAND) that has the mapping from (band, channel) to resonator frequency. If the mapping is not present in the status dict, the array will full of np.nan. filter_a : Optional[np.ndarray] The A parameter of the readout filter. filter_b : Optional[np.ndarray] The B parameter of the readout filter. filter_gain : Optional[float] The gain of the readout filter. filter_order : Optional[int] The order of the readout filter. filter_enabled : Optional[bool] True if the readout filter is enabled. downsample_factor : Optional[int] Downsampling factor downsample_enabled : Optional[bool] Whether downsampler is enabled flux_ramp_rate_hz : float Flux Ramp Rate calculated from the RampMaxCnt and the digitizer frequency. aman : AxisManager AxisManager containing the following fields: filter_a, filter_b, filter_gain, filter_order, filter_enabled, downsample_factor, flux_ramp_rate_hz """ NUM_BANDS = 8 CHANS_PER_BAND = 512 def __init__(self, status): self.status = status self.start = self.status.get("start") self.stop = self.status.get("stop") self.stream_id = self.status.get("stream_id") self.session_id = self.status.get("session_id") self.aman = core.AxisManager() self.dump_frame = self.status.get("dump_frame") self.aman = self.aman.wrap("dump_frame", self.dump_frame) # Reads in useful status values as attributes mapper_root = "AMCc.SmurfProcessor.ChannelMapper" self.num_chans = self.status.get(f"{mapper_root}.NumChannels") # Tries to set values based on expected rogue tree self.mask = self.status.get(f"{mapper_root}.Mask") self.mask_inv = np.full((self.NUM_BANDS, self.CHANS_PER_BAND), -1) if self.mask is not None: self.mask = np.array(ast.literal_eval(self.mask)) # Creates inverse mapping for i, chan in enumerate(self.mask): b = chan // self.CHANS_PER_BAND c = chan % self.CHANS_PER_BAND self.mask_inv[b, c] = i tune_root = "AMCc.FpgaTopLevel.AppTop.AppCore.SysgenCryo.tuneFilePath" self.tune = self.status.get(tune_root) if self.tune is not None and len(self.tune) > 0: self.tune = self.tune.split("/")[-1] pysmurf_root = "AMCc.SmurfProcessor.SOStream" self.action = self.status.get(f"{pysmurf_root}.pysmurf_action") if self.action == "": self.action = None self.action_timestamp = self.status.get( f"{pysmurf_root}.pysmurf_action_timestamp" ) if self.action_timestamp == 0: self.action_timestamp = None filter_root = "AMCc.SmurfProcessor.Filter" self.filter_a = self.status.get(f"{filter_root}.A") if self.filter_a is not None: self.filter_a = np.array(ast.literal_eval(self.filter_a)) self.aman = core.AxisManager( self.aman, core.IndexAxis("filter_pars", len(self.filter_a)) ) self.aman = self.aman.wrap("filter_a", self.filter_a, [(0, "filter_pars")]) self.filter_b = self.status.get(f"{filter_root}.B") if self.filter_b is not None: self.filter_b = np.array(ast.literal_eval(self.filter_b)) self.aman = self.aman.wrap("filter_b", self.filter_b, [(0, "filter_pars")]) self.filter_gain = self.status.get(f"{filter_root}.Gain") self.aman = self.aman.wrap("filter_gain", self.filter_gain) self.filter_order = self.status.get(f"{filter_root}.Order") self.aman = self.aman.wrap("filter_order", self.filter_order) self.filter_enabled = not self.status.get("{filter_root}.Disable") self.aman = self.aman.wrap("filter_enabled", self.filter_enabled) ds_root = "AMCc.SmurfProcessor.Downsampler" self.downsample_factor = self.status.get(f"{ds_root}.Factor") self.aman = self.aman.wrap("downsample_factor", self.downsample_factor) self.downsample_enabled = not self.status.get(f"{ds_root}.Disable") ds_mode = self.status.get(f"{ds_root}.DownsamplerMode", "Internal") self.downsample_external = ds_mode.lower() == 'external' # Tries to make resonator frequency map self.freq_map = np.full((self.NUM_BANDS, self.CHANS_PER_BAND), np.nan) band_roots = [ f"AMCc.FpgaTopLevel.AppTop.AppCore.SysgenCryo.Base[{band}]" for band in range(self.NUM_BANDS) ] for band in range(self.NUM_BANDS): band_root = band_roots[band] band_center = self.status.get(f"{band_root}.bandCenterMHz") subband_offset = self.status.get(f"{band_root}.toneFrequencyOffsetMHz") channel_offset = self.status.get( f"{band_root}.CryoChannels.centerFrequencyArray" ) # Skip band if one of these fields is None if None in [band_center, subband_offset, channel_offset]: continue subband_offset = np.array(ast.literal_eval(subband_offset)) channel_offset = np.array(ast.literal_eval(channel_offset)) self.freq_map[band] = band_center + subband_offset + channel_offset # Calculates flux ramp reset rate (Pulled from psmurf's code) rtm_root = "AMCc.FpgaTopLevel.AppTop.AppCore.RtmCryoDet" ramp_max_cnt = self.status.get(f"{rtm_root}.RampMaxCnt") if ramp_max_cnt is None: self.flux_ramp_rate_hz = None else: digitizer_freq_mhz = float( self.status.get(f"{band_roots[0]}.digitizerFrequencyMHz", 614.4) ) ramp_max_cnt_rate_hz = 1.0e6 * digitizer_freq_mhz / 2.0 self.flux_ramp_rate_hz = ramp_max_cnt_rate_hz / (ramp_max_cnt + 1) self.aman = self.aman.wrap("flux_ramp_rate_hz", self.flux_ramp_rate_hz) self._make_tags() def _make_tags(self, delimiters=",|\\t| "): """Build list of tags from SMuRF status""" tags = self.status.get("AMCc.SmurfProcessor.SOStream.stream_tag") if tags is None: self.tags = [] return self.tags = re.split(delimiters, tags) if len(self.tags) == 1 and self.tags[0] == "": self.tags = []
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): """Generates a Smurf Status from a .g3 file. Args ---- filename : str or list """ if isinstance(filename, str): filenames = [filename] else: filenames = filename processor = cls._get_frame_processor() for file in filenames: reader = so3g.G3IndexedReader(file) while True: frames = reader.Process(None) if len(frames) == 0: break if processor.process(frames[0]): break return processor.get_status()
@classmethod def _get_frame_processor(cls): """Returns a processor that can receive frames and ultimately return a SmurfStatus object. User should pass each frame into the return object's "process" method, then call get_status to return a SmurfStatus. The "process" function returns True if the frame is a "dump_frame". """ class _WiringFrameHandler(dict): def process(self, frame): status = self if str(frame.type) == "Wiring": status["stream_id"] = frame.get("sostream_id") status["session_id"] = frame.get("session_id") if status.get("start") is None: status["start"] = frame["time"].time / spt3g_core.G3Units.s status["stop"] = frame["time"].time / spt3g_core.G3Units.s else: status["stop"] = frame["time"].time / spt3g_core.G3Units.s status.update(yaml.safe_load(frame["status"])) if frame["dump"]: status["dump_frame"] = True return True status["dump_frame"] = False return False def get_status(self): return cls(self) return _WiringFrameHandler()
[docs] @classmethod def from_time(cls, time, archive, stream_id=None, show_pb=False): """Generates a Smurf Status at specified unix timestamp. Loads all status frames between session start frame and specified time. Args ------- time : (timestamp) Time at which you want the rogue status Assumed to be in UTC unless specified archive : (G3tSmurf instance) The G3tSmurf archive to use to find the status show_pb : (bool) Turn on or off loading progress bar stream_id : (string) stream_id to look for status Returns -------- status : (SmurfStatus instance) object indexing of rogue variables at specified time. """ time = archive._make_datetime(time) session = archive.Session() q = ( session.query(Frames) .filter(Frames.type_name == "Observation", Frames.time <= time) .order_by(Frames.time.desc()) ) if stream_id is not None: q = q.join(Files).filter(Files.stream_id == stream_id) else: sids = archive._stream_ids_in_range(q[0].time, time) if len(sids) > 1: raise ValueError( "Multiple stream_ids exist in the given range! " "Must choose one to load SmurfStatus.\n" f"stream_ids: {sids}" ) if q.count() == 0: logger.error(f"No Frames found before time: {time}, stream_id: {stream_id}") start_frame = q.first() session_start = start_frame.time if stream_id is None: stream_id = start_frame.file.stream_id status_frames = ( session.query(Frames) .join(Files) .filter( Files.stream_id == stream_id, Frames.type_name == "Wiring", Frames.time >= session_start, Frames.time <= time, ) .order_by(Frames.time) ) # Look for the last dump frame if avaliable dump_frame = ( status_frames.filter(Frames.status_dump) .order_by(Frames.time.desc()) .first() ) if dump_frame is not None: status_frames = [dump_frame] else:"Status dump frame not found, reading all status frames") status_frames = status_frames.all() status = { "start": status_frames[0].time.timestamp(), "stop": status_frames[-1].time.timestamp(), "stream_id": stream_id, "session_id": status_frames[0].get("session_id"), } cur_file = None for frame_info in tqdm(status_frames, disable=(not show_pb)): file = if file != cur_file: reader = so3g.G3IndexedReader(file) cur_file = file reader.Seek(frame_info.offset) frame = reader.Process(None)[0] status.update(yaml.safe_load(frame["status"])) session.close() return cls(status)
def readout_to_smurf(self, rchan): """ Converts from a readout channel number to (band, channel). Args ----- rchans : int or List[int] Readout channel to convert. If a list or array is passed, this will return an array of bands and array of smurf channels. Returns -------- band, channel : (int, int) or (List[int], List[int]) The band, channel combination that is has readout channel ``rchan``. """ abs_smurf_chan = self.mask[rchan] return ( abs_smurf_chan // self.CHANS_PER_BAND, abs_smurf_chan % self.CHANS_PER_BAND, ) def smurf_to_readout(self, band, chan): """ Converts from (band, channel) to a readout channel number. If the channel is not streaming, returns -1. Args: band : int, List[int] The band number, or list of band numbers corresopnding to channel input array. chan : int, List[int] Channel number or list of channel numbers. """ return self.mask_inv[band, chan]
[docs] def get_channel_mask( ch_list, status, archive=None, obsfiledb=None, ignore_missing=True ): """Take a list of desired channels and parse them so the different data loading functions can load them. Args ------ ch_list : list List of desired channels the type of each list element is used to determine what it is: * int : index of channel in file. Useful for batching. * (int, int) : band, channel * string : channel name (requires archive or obsfiledb) * float : frequency in the smurf status (or should we use channel assignment?) status : SmurfStatus instance Status to use to generate channel loading mask archive : G3tSmurf instance Archive used to search for channel names / frequencies obsfiledb : ObsFileDb instance ObsFileDb used to search for channel names if archive is None ignore_missing : bool If true, will not raise errors if a requested channel is not found Returns ------- mask : bool array Mask for the channels in the SmurfStatus TODO: When loading from name, need to check tune file in use during file. """ if status.mask is None: raise ValueError("Status Mask not set") session = None if archive is not None: session = archive.Session() msk = np.zeros((status.num_chans,), dtype="bool") for ch in ch_list: if np.isscalar(ch): if np.issubdtype(type(ch), np.integer): # this is an absolute readout INDEX (not band*512+ch) if not ignore_missing and ch >= status.num_chans: raise ValueError(f"Requested Index {ch} > {status.num_chans}") if ch >= status.num_chans: continue msk[ch] = True elif np.issubdtype(type(ch), np.floating): # this is a resonator frequency b, c = np.where(np.isclose(status.freq_map, ch, rtol=1e-7)) if len(b) == 0: if not ignore_missing: raise ValueError(f"channel {ch} not found") continue elif status.mask_inv[b, c][0] == -1: if not ignore_missing: raise ValueError(f"channel {ch} not streaming") continue msk[status.mask_inv[b, c][0]] = True elif np.issubdtype(type(ch), np.str_): # this is a channel name if session is not None: channel = ( session.query(Channels) .filter( == ch) .one_or_none() ) if channel is None: if not ignore_missing: raise ValueError( f"channel {ch} not found in G3tSmurf Archive" ) continue b, c =, elif obsfiledb is not None: c = obsfiledb.conn.execute( "select band,channel from channels where name=?", (ch,) ) c = [(r[0], r[1]) for r in c] if len(c) == 0: if not ignore_missing: raise ValueError(f"channel {ch} not found in obsfiledb") continue b, c = c[0] else: raise ValueError( "Need G3tSmurf Archive or Obsfiledb to pass channel names" ) idx = status.mask_inv[b, c] if idx == -1: if not ignore_missing: raise ValueError(f"channel {ch} not streaming") continue msk[idx] = True else: raise TypeError(f"type {type(ch)} for channel {ch} not understood") else: if len(ch) == 2: # this is a band, channel pair idx = status.mask_inv[ch[0], ch[1]] if idx == -1: if not ignore_missing: raise ValueError(f"channel {ch} not streaming") continue msk[idx] = True else: raise TypeError(f"type for channel {ch} not understood") if session is not None: session.close() return msk
def _get_tuneset_channel_names(status, ch_map, archive): """Update channel maps with name from Tuneset Returns ruids: list or None a list of readout_ids that align with ch_map. Returns None if readout_ids cannot be found. """ session = archive.Session() # tune file in status if status.tune is not None and len(status.tune) > 0: tune_file = Tunes.get_name_from_status(status) tune = ( session.query(Tunes) .filter( db.or_( == tune_file, == status.tune), Tunes.stream_id == status.stream_id, ) .one_or_none() ) if tune is None: logger.warning(f"Tune file {tune_file} not found in G3tSmurf archive") return None if tune.tuneset is None: logger.warning(f"Tune file {tune_file} has no TuneSet in G3tSmurf archive") return None else:"Tune information not in SmurfStatus, using most recent Tune") tune = session.query(Tunes).filter( Tunes.start <= dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(status.start), Tunes.stream_id == status.stream_id, ) tune = tune.order_by(db.desc(Tunes.start)).first() if tune is None: logger.warning("Most recent Tune does not exist") return None if tune.tuneset is None: logger.warning(f"Tune file {} has no TuneSet in G3tSmurf archive") return None bands, channels, names = zip( *[(,, for ch in tune.tuneset.channels] ) ruids = [] for i in range(len(ch_map)): try: msk = np.all( [ch_map["band"][i] == bands, ch_map["channel"][i] == channels], axis=0 ) j = np.where(msk)[0][0] ruids.append(names[j]) except:"Information retrival error for Detector {ch_map[i]}") ruids.append( "sch_NONE_{}_{:03d}".format(ch_map["band"][i], ch_map["channel"][i]) ) continue session.close() return ruids def _get_detset_channel_names(status, ch_map, obsfiledb): """Update channel maps with name from obsfiledb""" # tune file in status if status.tune is not None and len(status.tune) > 0: c = obsfiledb.conn.execute( "select tuneset_id from tunes " "where name=?", (Tunes.get_name_from_status(status),), ) temp = [r[0] for r in c] if len(temp) == 0: ## check for backward compatibility with old naming scheme. May 2023 c = obsfiledb.conn.execute( "select tuneset_id from tunes " "where name=?", (status.tune,) ) temp = [r[0] for r in c] if len(temp) == 0: logger.error(f"Tuneset id for {status.tune} not found") tuneset_id = temp[0] else:"Tune information not in SmurfStatus, using most recent Tune") c = obsfiledb.conn.execute( "select tuneset_id from tunes " "where start<=? " "order by start desc", (dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(status.start),), ) tuneset_id = [r[0] for r in c][0] c = obsfiledb.conn.execute("select name from tunesets " "where id=?", (tuneset_id,)) tuneset = [r[0] for r in c][0] c = obsfiledb.conn.execute("select det from detsets " "where name=?", (tuneset,)) detsets = [r[0] for r in c] ruids = [] if len(detsets) == 0: logger.warning( "Found no detsets related to this observation, is the database incomplete?" ) for i in range(len(ch_map)): ruids.append( "sch_NONE_{}_{:03d}".format(ch_map["band"][i], ch_map["channel"][i]) ) return ruids sql = "select band,channel,name from channels where name in ({seq})".format( seq=",".join(["?"] * len(detsets)) ) c = obsfiledb.conn.execute(sql, detsets) bands, channels, names = zip(*[(r[0], r[1], r[2]) for r in c]) for i in range(len(ch_map)): try: msk = np.all( [ch_map["band"][i] == bands, ch_map["channel"][i] == channels], axis=0 ) j = np.where(msk)[0][0] ruids.append(names[j]) except:"Information retrival error for Detector {ch_map[i]}") ruids.append( "sch_NONE_{}_{:03d}".format(ch_map["band"][i], ch_map["channel"][i]) ) continue return ruids def _get_channel_mapping(status, ch_map): """Generate baseline channel map from status object""" for i, ch in enumerate(ch_map["idx"]): try: sch = status.readout_to_smurf(ch) ch_map[i]["rchannel"] = "r{:04d}".format(ch) ch_map[i]["freqs"] = status.freq_map[sch[0], sch[1]] ch_map[i]["band"] = sch[0] ch_map[i]["channel"] = sch[1] except: ch_map[i]["rchannel"] = "r{:04d}".format(ch) ch_map[i]["freqs"] = -1 ch_map[i]["band"] = -1 ch_map[i]["channel"] = -1 return ch_map def get_channel_info( status, mask=None, archive=None, obsfiledb=None, det_axis="dets", ): """Create the Channel Info Section of a G3tSmurf AxisManager This function returns an AxisManager with the following properties:: * Axes: * channels : resonator channels reading out * Fields: * band : Smurf Band * channel : Smurf Channel * frequency : resonator frequency * rchannel : readout channel * readout_id : readout unique ID Args ----- status : SmurfStatus instance mask : bool or int array mask to select which channels to use (and possibly re-order them) archive : G3tSmurf instance (optionl) G3tSmurf instance for looking for tunes/tunesets obsfiledb : ObsfileDb instance (optional) ObsfileDb instance for det names / band / channel Returns -------- ch_info : AxisManager """ ch_list = np.arange(status.num_chans) if mask is not None: ch_list = ch_list[mask] ch_map = np.zeros( len(ch_list), dtype=[ ("idx", int), ("rchannel", np.unicode_, 30), ("band", int), ("channel", int), ("freqs", float), ], ) ch_map["idx"] = ch_list ch_map = _get_channel_mapping(status, ch_map) if archive is not None: ruids = _get_tuneset_channel_names(status, ch_map, archive) elif obsfiledb is not None: ruids = _get_detset_channel_names(status, ch_map, obsfiledb) else: ruids = None if ruids is None: labels = [ "sbch_{}_{:03d}".format(ch_map["band"][i], ch_map["channel"][i]) for i in range(len(ch_list)) ] ch_info = core.AxisManager( core.LabelAxis(det_axis, labels), ) else: ch_info = core.AxisManager( core.LabelAxis(det_axis, ruids), ) ch_info.wrap("band", ch_map["band"], ([(0, det_axis)])) ch_info.wrap("channel", ch_map["channel"], ([(0, det_axis)])) ch_info.wrap("frequency", ch_map["freqs"], ([(0, det_axis)])) ch_info.wrap("rchannel", ch_map["rchannel"], ([(0, det_axis)])) if ruids is not None: ch_info.wrap("readout_id", np.array(ruids), ([(0, det_axis)])) return ch_info def _get_sample_info(filenames): """Scan through a list of files and count samples. Starts counting from the first file in the list. Used in load_file for sample restiction if no database connection is available. Args ----- filenames : list list of filenames Returns -------- out : list a list of dictionaries formatted for load_file. in the pattern of [ {filename: filename, sample_range: (sample_start, sample_stop)}] """ out = [] start = 0 for file in filenames: samps = 0 reader = so3g.G3IndexedReader(file) while True: frames = reader.Process(None) if len(frames) == 0: break frame = frames[0] if str(frame.type) != "Scan": continue data = frame.get("data") sostream_version = frame.get("sostream_version", 0) if sostream_version >= 2: samps += len(data.times) else: samps += len(data) out.append({"filename": file, "sample_range": (start, start + samps)}) start += samps return out def split_ts_bits(c): """Split up 64 bit to 2x32 bit""" NUM_BITS_PER_INT = 32 MAXINT = (1 << NUM_BITS_PER_INT) - 1 a = (c >> NUM_BITS_PER_INT) & MAXINT b = c & MAXINT return a, b def _get_timestamps(streams, load_type=None, linearize_timestamps=True): """Calculate the timestamp field for loaded data Args ----- streams : dictionary result from unpacking the desired data frames load_type : None or int if None, uses highest precision version possible. integer values will use the TimingParadigm class for indexing linearize_timestamps : bool if true and using unix timing, linearize the timing based on the frame counter """ if load_type is None: # determine the desired loading type. Expand as logic as # data fields develop if "primary" in streams: if ( np.abs( np.diff(io_load.hstack_into(None, streams["primary"]["Counter0"])) ).mean() != 0 ): load_type = TimingParadigm.TimingSystem elif "UnixTime" in streams["primary"]: load_type = TimingParadigm.SmurfUnixTime else: load_type = TimingParadigm.G3Timestream else: load_type = TimingParadigm.G3Timestream if load_type == TimingParadigm.TimingSystem: s, ns = split_ts_bits(io_load.hstack_into(None, streams["primary"]["Counter2"])) # Add 20 years in seconds (accounting for leap years) to handle # offset between EPICS time referenced to 1990 relative to UNIX time. counter2 = s + ns * 1e-9 + 5 * (4 * 365 + 1) * 24 * 60 * 60 counter0 = io_load.hstack_into(None, streams["primary"]["Counter0"]) timestamps = np.round(counter2 - (counter0 / 480000)) + counter0 / 480000 return timestamps if load_type == TimingParadigm.SmurfUnixTime: timestamps = io_load.hstack_into(None, streams["primary"]["UnixTime"]) / 1e9 if linearize_timestamps: frames = io_load.hstack_into(None, streams["primary"]["FrameCounter"]) fsamp, offset = np.polyfit(frames, timestamps, 1) timestamps = offset + fsamp * frames return timestamps if load_type == TimingParadigm.G3Timestream: return io_load.hstack_into(None, streams["time"]) logger.error("Timing System could not be determined")
[docs] def load_file( filename, channels=None, samples=None, ignore_missing=True, no_signal=False, load_biases=True, load_primary=True, status=None, archive=None, obsfiledb=None, show_pb=True, det_axis="dets", linearize_timestamps=True, merge_det_info=True, ): """Load data from file where there may or may not be a connected archive. Args ---- filename : str or list A filename or list of filenames (to be loaded in order). Note that SmurfStatus is only loaded from the first file channels: list or None If not None, it should be a list that can be sent to get_channel_mask. samples : tuple or None If not None, it should be a tuple of (sample_start, sample_stop) where the sample counts are relative to the entire g3 session, not just the files being loaded from the list. ignore_missing : bool If true, will not raise errors if a requested channel is not found no_signal : bool If true, will not load the detector signal from files load_biases : bool If true, will load the bias lines for each detector load_primary : bool If true, loads the primary data fields, old .g3 files may not have these fields. archive : a G3tSmurf instance (optional) obsfiledb : a ObsFileDb instance (optional, used when loading from context) status : a SmurfStatus Instance if we don't want to use the one from the first file det_axis : name of the axis used for channels / detectors linearize_timestamps : bool sent to _get_timestamps. if true and using unix timing, linearize the timing based on the frame counter merge_det_info : bool if true, emulate det_info from file info Returns --------- aman : AxisManager AxisManager with the data with axes for `channels` and `samps`. It will always have fields `timestamps`, `signal`, `flags`(FlagManager), `ch_info` (AxisManager with `bands`, `channels`, `frequency`, etc). """ logger.debug(f"Axis Manager will have {det_axis} and samps axes") if isinstance(filename, str): filenames = [filename] else: filenames = filename if len(filenames) == 0: logger.error("No files provided to load") if status is not None and status.num_chans is None: logger.warning("Status information is missing 'num_chans.' Will try to fix.") status = None if status is None: try: logger.debug(f"Loading status from {filenames[0]}") status = SmurfStatus.from_file(filenames[0]) except: logger.warning(f"Failed to load status from {filenames[0]}.") if status is None or status.num_chans is None: try: logger.warning( f"Complete status not available in {filenames[0]}\n" "Trying to load status frame from the file at the start " "of the corresponding observation." ) file_id = filenames[0].split("/")[-1][10:] status_fp = filenames[0].replace(file_id, "_000.g3") status = SmurfStatus.from_file(status_fp) except Exception as e: logger.error( f"Error when trying to load status from {status_fp}, maybe the file doesn't exist?" "Please load the status manually." ) raise e if channels is not None: if len(channels) == 0: logger.error( "Requested empty list of channels. Use channels=None to " "load all channels." ) ch_mask = get_channel_mask( channels, status, archive=archive, obsfiledb=obsfiledb, ignore_missing=ignore_missing, ) is_many_channels = ch_mask.sum() >= len(ch_mask) * 0.5 else: ch_mask = None is_many_channels = True ch_info = get_channel_info( status, ch_mask, archive=archive, obsfiledb=obsfiledb, det_axis=det_axis, ) # flist will take the form [(file, sample_start, sample_stop)...] and will be # passed to io_load.unpack_frames flist = [] if samples is None: sample_start, sample_stop = 0, None flist = [(f, 0, None) for f in filenames] else: sample_start, sample_stop = samples if archive is None and obsfiledb is None: outs = _get_sample_info(filenames) else: X = [archive if archive is not None else obsfiledb][0] outs = [X.lookup_file(file) for file in filenames] stop = sample_stop for filename, out in zip(filenames, outs): file_start, file_stop = out["sample_range"] if file_stop <= sample_start: continue if stop is not None: if file_start >= sample_stop: continue stop = sample_stop - file_start start = max(0, sample_start - file_start) flist.append((filename, start, stop)) if no_signal: subreq = [io_load.FieldGroup("data", [], timestamp_field="time")] else: subreq = [ io_load.FieldGroup( "data", ch_info.rchannel, timestamp_field="time", refs_ok=is_many_channels, ) ] if load_primary: subreq.extend( [io_load.FieldGroup("primary", [io_load.Field("*", wildcard=True)])] ) if load_biases: subreq.extend( [ io_load.FieldGroup("tes_biases", [io_load.Field("*", wildcard=True)]), ] ) request = io_load.FieldGroup("root", subreq) streams = None try: for filename, start, stop in tqdm( flist, total=len(flist), disable=(not show_pb) ): streams = io_load.unpack_frames( filename, request, streams=streams, samples=(start, stop) ) except KeyError: logger.error( "Frames do not contain expected fields. Did Channel Mask change during the file?" ) raise count = sum(map(len, streams["time"])) # Build AxisManager aman = core.AxisManager( ch_info[det_axis], core.OffsetAxis("samps", count, sample_start), ) aman.wrap( "timestamps", _get_timestamps(streams, linearize_timestamps=linearize_timestamps), ([(0, "samps")]), ) aman.wrap("status", status.aman) if merge_det_info: det_info = core.AxisManager(ch_info[det_axis]) smurf = core.AxisManager(ch_info[det_axis]) det_info.wrap("readout_id", ch_info[det_axis].vals, [(0, det_axis)]) smurf.wrap("band",, [(0, det_axis)]) smurf.wrap("channel",, [(0, det_axis)]) smurf.wrap("res_frequency", ch_info.frequency, [(0, det_axis)]) det_info.wrap("smurf", smurf) aman.wrap("det_info", det_info) # If readout filter in enabled build iir_params AxisManager if status.filter_enabled: iir_params = core.AxisManager() iir_params.wrap("a", status.filter_a) iir_params.wrap("b", status.filter_b) iir_params.wrap("fscale", 1 / status.flux_ramp_rate_hz) aman.wrap("iir_params", iir_params) if not no_signal: aman.wrap( "signal", np.zeros((aman[det_axis].count, aman["samps"].count), "float32"), [(0, det_axis), (1, "samps")], ) for idx in range(aman[det_axis].count): io_load.hstack_into( aman.signal[idx], streams["data"][ch_info.rchannel[idx]] ) # Conversion from DAC counts to squid phase rad_per_count = np.pi / 2**15 aman.signal *= rad_per_count temp = core.AxisManager(aman.samps.copy()) if load_primary: for k in streams["primary"].keys(): temp.wrap( k, io_load.hstack_into(None, streams["primary"][k]), ([(0, "samps")]) ) aman.wrap("primary", temp) if load_biases: bias_labels = [ "b{:02d}".format(b_num) for b_num in range(len(streams["tes_biases"].keys())) ] bias_axis = core.LabelAxis("bias_lines", np.array(bias_labels)) aman.wrap( "biases", np.zeros((bias_axis.count, aman.samps.count)), [(0, bias_axis), (1, "samps")], ) for k in streams["tes_biases"].keys(): i = int(k[4:]) io_load.hstack_into(aman.biases[i], streams["tes_biases"][k]) aman.wrap("flags", core.FlagManager.for_tod(aman, det_axis, "samps")) return aman
def load_g3tsmurf_obs(db, obs_id, dets=None, samples=None, no_signal=None, **kwargs): """Obsloader function for g3tsmurf data archives. See API template, `sotodlib.core.context.obsloader_template`, for details. """ if any([v is not None for v in kwargs.values()]): raise RuntimeError( f"This loader function does not understand kwargs: f{kwargs}" ) c = db.conn.execute( "select name from files " "where obs_id=?" + "order by start", (obs_id,) ) flist = [row[0] for row in c] if no_signal is None: no_signal = False return load_file( flist, dets, samples=samples, obsfiledb=db, no_signal=no_signal, merge_det_info=False, ) core.OBSLOADER_REGISTRY["g3tsmurf"] = load_g3tsmurf_obs