Source code for

"""Utility functions for interacting with level 2 data and g3tsmurf

import os
import numpy as np
import logging
import yaml

from sqlalchemy import desc, asc, or_, and_, not_

from import load_range

import sotodlib.core as core
from import load_file, SmurfStatus, G3tSmurf
from import Observations, Files, TimeCodes, SupRsyncType
from import G3tHk

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def get_obs_folder(obs_id, archive): """ Get the folder associated with the observation action. Assumes everything is following the standard suprsync formatting. """ session = archive.Session() obs = session.query(Observations).filter(Observations.obs_id == obs_id).one() session.close() return os.path.join( archive.meta_path, str(obs.action_ctime)[:5], obs.stream_id, str(obs.action_ctime) + "_" + obs.action_name, )
[docs] def get_obs_outputs(obs_id, archive): """ Get the output files associated with the observation action. Assumes everything is following the standard suprsync formatting. Returns absolute paths since everything in g3tsmurf is absolute paths. """ path = os.path.join(get_obs_folder(obs_id, archive), "outputs") if not os.path.exists(path): logger.error(f"Path {path} does not exist, " + f"how does {obs.obs_id} exist?") return [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)]
[docs] def get_obs_plots(obs_id, archive): """ Get the output plots associated with the observation action. Assumes everything is following the standard suprsync formatting. Returns absolute paths since everything in g3tsmurf is absolute paths. """ path = os.path.join(get_obs_folder(obs_id, archive), "plots") if not os.path.exists(path): logger.error(f"Path {path} does not exist, " + f"how does {obs.obs_id} exist?") return [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)]
def _get_last_oper(timestamp, stream_id, tag, session): """Search for observations based on tag, meant to be used to find smurf operations as defined by the data packaging setup. """ obs = ( session.query(Observations) .filter(, Observations.timestamp <= timestamp, Observations.stream_id == stream_id, ) .order_by(desc(Observations.timestamp)) .first() ) return obs
[docs] def get_last_bg_map(my_obs_id, SMURF): """Find the last bias group map relative to a specific observation ID. Note: Uses a tag search that was built into sodetlib ~Oct 2022. """ session = SMURF.Session() obs = session.query(Observations).filter(Observations.obs_id == my_obs_id).one() oper = _get_last_oper(obs.timestamp, obs.stream_id, "oper,bgmap%", session) if oper is None: logger.error(f"Unable to find Bias Step associated with {my_obs_id}") files = get_obs_outputs(oper.obs_id, SMURF) file = [f for f in files if "bg_map.npy" in f] if len(file) != 1: logger.error( f"Unable to find analysis file in {get_obs_folder(oper.obs_id, SMURF)}" ) session.close() return file[0]
[docs] def get_last_bias_step(my_obs_id, SMURF): """Find the last bias step analysis relative to a specific observation ID. Note: Uses a tag search that was built into sodetlib ~Oct 2022. """ session = SMURF.Session() obs = session.query(Observations).filter(Observations.obs_id == my_obs_id).one() oper = _get_last_oper(obs.timestamp, obs.stream_id, "oper,bias_steps%", session) if oper is None: logger.error(f"Unable to find Bias Step associated with {my_obs_id}") files = get_obs_outputs(oper.obs_id, SMURF) file = [f for f in files if "bias_step_analysis.npy" in f] if len(file) != 1: logger.error( f"Unable to find analysis file in {get_obs_folder(oper.obs_id, SMURF)}" ) session.close() return file[0]
[docs] def get_last_iv(my_obs_id, SMURF): """Find the last IV analysis relative to a specific observation ID. Note: Uses a tag search that was built into sodetlib ~Oct 2022. """ session = SMURF.Session() obs = session.query(Observations).filter(Observations.obs_id == my_obs_id).one() oper = _get_last_oper(obs.timestamp, obs.stream_id, "oper,iv%", session) if oper is None: logger.error(f"Unable to find IV associated with {my_obs_id}") files = get_obs_outputs(oper.obs_id, SMURF) file = [f for f in files if "iv_analysis.npy" in f] if len(file) != 1: logger.error( f"Unable to find analysis file in {get_obs_folder(oper.obs_id, SMURF)}" ) session.close() return file[0]
def _get_next_oper(timestamp, stream_id, tag, session): """Search for observations based on tag, meant to be used to find smurf operations as defined by the data packaging setup. """ obs = ( session.query(Observations) .filter(, Observations.timestamp >= timestamp, Observations.stream_id == stream_id, ) .order_by(asc(Observations.timestamp)) .first() ) return obs
[docs] def get_next_bg_map(my_obs_id, SMURF): """Find the next bias group map relative to a specific observation ID. Note: Uses a tag search that was built into sodetlib ~Oct 2022. """ session = SMURF.Session() obs = session.query(Observations).filter(Observations.obs_id == my_obs_id).one() oper = _get_next_oper(obs.timestamp, obs.stream_id, "oper,bgmap%", session) if oper is None: logger.error(f"Unable to find Bias Step associated with {my_obs_id}") files = get_obs_outputs(oper.obs_id, SMURF) file = [f for f in files if "bg_map.npy" in f] if len(file) != 1: logger.error( f"Unable to find analysis file in {get_obs_folder(oper.obs_id, SMURF)}" ) session.close() return file[0]
[docs] def get_next_bias_step(my_obs_id, SMURF): """Find the next bias step analysis relative to a specific observation ID. Note: Uses a tag search that was built into sodetlib ~Oct 2022. """ session = SMURF.Session() obs = session.query(Observations).filter(Observations.obs_id == my_obs_id).one() oper = _get_next_oper(obs.timestamp, obs.stream_id, "oper,bias_steps%", session) if oper is None: logger.error(f"Unable to find Bias Step associated with {my_obs_id}") files = get_obs_outputs(oper.obs_id, SMURF) file = [f for f in files if "bias_step_analysis.npy" in f] if len(file) != 1: logger.error( f"Unable to find analysis file in {get_obs_folder(oper.obs_id, SMURF)}" ) session.close() return file[0]
[docs] def get_next_iv(my_obs_id, SMURF): """Find the next IV analysis relative to a specific observation ID. Note: Uses a tag search that was built into sodetlib ~Oct 2022. """ session = SMURF.Session() obs = session.query(Observations).filter(Observations.obs_id == my_obs_id).one() oper = _get_next_oper(obs.timestamp, obs.stream_id, "oper,iv%", session) if oper is None: logger.error(f"Unable to find IV associated with {my_obs_id}") files = get_obs_outputs(oper.obs_id, SMURF) file = [f for f in files if "iv_analysis.npy" in f] if len(file) != 1: logger.error( f"Unable to find analysis file in {get_obs_folder(oper.obs_id, SMURF)}" ) session.close() return file[0]
def check_timecodes(stream_id, start, stop, SMURF): """Check if we have timecode entries for a stream_id between start and stop timestamps""" session = SMURF.Session() ## check the timecode dirs first t_codes = range(int(start // 1e5), int(stop // 1e5 + 1)) q = session.query(TimeCodes).filter( TimeCodes.stream_id == stream_id, or_(*[TimeCodes.timecode == tc for tc in t_codes]), ) files = q.filter(TimeCodes.suprsync_type == SupRsyncType.FILES.value) meta = q.filter(TimeCodes.suprsync_type == SupRsyncType.META.value) if files.count() == len(t_codes) and meta.count() == len(t_codes): return True return False
[docs] def get_batch( obs_id, archive, ram_limit=None, n_det_chunks=None, n_samp_chunks=None, n_dets=None, n_samps=None, det_chunks=None, samp_chunks=None, test=False, load_file_args={}, ): """A Generator to loop through and load AxisManagers of sections of Observations. When run with none of the optional arguments it will default to returning the full observation. Some arguments over-write others as described in the docstrings below. When splitting the Observations by both detectors and samples, the chunks of samples for the same detectors are looped through first (samples is the inner for loop). Example usage:: for aman in get_batch(obs_id, archive, ram_limit=2e9): run_analysis_pipeline(aman) for aman in get_batch(obs_id, archive, n_dets=200): run_analysis_pipeline(aman) Arguments ---------- obs_id : string Level 2 observation IDs archive : G3tSmurf Instance The G3tSmurf database connected to the obs_id ram_limit : None or float A (very simplistically calculated) limit on RAM per AxisManager. If specified it overrides all other inputs for how the AxisManager is split. n_det_chunks : None or int number of chunks of detectors to split the observation by. Each AxisManager will have N_det = N_obs_det / n_det_chunks. If specified, it overrides n_dets and det_chunks arguments. n_samp_chunks: None or int number of chunks of samples to split the observation by. Each AxisManage will have N_samps = N_obs_samps / n_samps_chunks. If specified, it overrides n_samps and samp_chunks arguments. n_dets : None or int number of detectors to load per AxisManager. If specified, it overrides the det_chunks argument. n_samps : None or int number of samples to load per AxisManager. If specified it overrides the samps_chunks arguments. det_chunks: None or list of lists, tuples, or ranges if specified, each entry in the list is successively passed to load the AxisManagers as `load_file(... channels = list[i] ... )` samp_chunks: None or list of tuples if specified, each entry in the list is successively passed to load the AxisManagers as `load_file(... samples = list[i] ... )` test: bool If true, yields a tuple of (det_chunks, samp_chunks) instead of a loaded AxisManager load_file_kwargs: dict additional arguments to pass to load_smurf Yields -------- AxisManagers with loaded sections of data """ session = archive.Session() obs = session.query(Observations).filter(Observations.obs_id == obs_id).one() db_files = session.query(Files).filter(Files.obs_id == obs_id).order_by(Files.start) filenames = sorted([ for f in db_files]) # if this throws an error we have some fallbacks ts = obs.tunesets[0] obs_dets, obs_samps = len(ts.dets), obs.n_samples session.close() if n_det_chunks is not None and n_dets is not None: logger.warning( "Both n_det_chunks and n_dets specified, " + "n_det_chunks overrides" ) if n_samp_chunks is not None and n_samps is not None: logger.warning( "Both n_samp_chunks and n_samps specified, " + "n_samp_chunks overrides" ) logger.debug(f"{obs_id} has (n_dets, n_samps): ({obs_dets}, {obs_samps})") if ram_limit is not None: pts_limit = int(ram_limit // 4) n_samp_chunks = 1 n_samps = obs_samps n_dets = pts_limit // n_samps while n_dets == 0: n_samp_chunks += 1 n_samps = obs_samps // n_samp_chunks n_dets = pts_limit // (n_samps) n_det_chunks = int(np.ceil(obs_dets / n_dets)) if n_det_chunks is not None: n_dets = int(np.ceil(obs_dets / n_det_chunks)) det_chunks = [ range(i * n_dets, min((i + 1) * n_dets, obs_dets)) for i in range(n_det_chunks) ] if n_samp_chunks is not None: n_samps = int(np.ceil(obs_samps / n_samp_chunks)) samp_chunks = [ (i * n_samps, min((i + 1) * n_samps, obs_samps)) for i in range(n_samp_chunks) ] if n_dets is not None: n_det_chunks = int(np.ceil(obs_dets / n_dets)) det_chunks = [ range(i * n_dets, min((i + 1) * n_dets, obs_dets)) for i in range(n_det_chunks) ] if n_samps is not None: n_samp_chunks = int(np.ceil(obs_samps / n_samps)) samp_chunks = [ (i * n_samps, min((i + 1) * n_samps, obs_samps)) for i in range(n_samp_chunks) ] if det_chunks is None: det_chunks = [range(0, obs_dets)] if samp_chunks is None: samp_chunks = [(0, obs_samps)] # should we let folks overwrite this here? if "archive" in load_file_args: archive = load_file_args.pop("archive") if "status" in load_file_args: status = load_file_args.pop("status") else: status = SmurfStatus.from_file(filenames[0]) logger.debug(f"Loading data with det_chunks: {det_chunks}.") logger.debug(f"Loading data in samp_chunks: {samp_chunks}.") try: for det_chunk in det_chunks: for samp_chunk in samp_chunks: if test: yield (det_chunk, samp_chunk) else: yield load_file( filenames, channels=det_chunk, samples=samp_chunk, archive=archive, status=status, **load_file_args, ) except GeneratorExit: pass
def remove_detmap_info(aman): aman.det_info.move("det_id", None) aman.det_info.move("wafer", None) def replace_none(val, dtype, replace_val=np.nan): if dtype == str and (val == "null" or val == "NC"): return replace_val if dtype == float and np.isnan(val) == True: return replace_val if dtype == int and np.isnan(val) == True: return replace_val return val def add_detmap_info(aman, detmap_filename, columns=None): """Add detector mapping info into aman.det_info in the format that will be generally available once this is done through Context Arguments --------- aman: AxisManager detmap_filename : string path to file for detmap information. Does just blindly assume you are loading the correct file (sorry). columns : list of strings Optional list of columns to include in addition to main columns. Set columns='all' to include all columns. """ detmap = np.genfromtxt( detmap_filename, delimiter=",", skip_header=1, dtype=[ ("smurf_band", "<f8"), ("res_index", "<f8"), ("freq_mhz", "<f8"), ("is_north", "<U5"), ("is_highband", "<U5"), ("smurf_channel", "<f8"), ("smurf_subband", "<f8"), ("bond_pad", "<f8"), ("mux_band", "<f8"), ("mux_channel", "<f8"), ("mux_subband", "<U4"), ("mux_layout_position", "<f8"), ("design_freq_mhz", "<f8"), ("bias_line", "<f8"), ("pol", "<U4"), ("bandpass", "<U4"), ("det_row", "<f8"), ("det_col", "<f8"), ("pixel_num", "<f8"), ("pixel_num_pin_skip", "<f8"), ("rhomb", "<U4"), ("is_optical", "<U5"), ("det_x", "<f8"), ("det_y", "<f8"), ("angle_raw_deg", "<f8"), ("angle_actual_deg", "<f8"), ("det_type", "<U4"), ("detector_id", "<U50"), ("flags", "<U50"), ("fit_fr_mhz", "<f8"), ("fit_q", "<f8"), ("fit_qe_real", "<f8"), ("fit_qe_imag", "<f8"), ("fit_delay_ns", "<f8"), ("fit_phi_rad", "<f8"), ("fit_fmin_mhz", "<f8"), ("fit_amag", "<f8"), ("fit_aslope", "<f8"), ], ) if "det_id" in aman: print("det_id key already in AxisManager, have you already run this function?") return aman.det_info.wrap_new("det_id", ("dets",), dtype="<U50") strings = [ "is_north", "is_highband", "mux_subband", "rhomb", "is_optical", "det_type", "detector_id", "flags", ] ints = [ "smurf_band", "res_index", "smurf_channel", "smurf_subband", "bond_pad", "mux_band", "mux_channel", "mux_layout_position", "bias_line", "pixel_num", "pixel_num_pin_skip", ] floats = [ "freq_mhz", "design_freq_mhz", "angle_raw_deg", "fit_fr_mhz", "fit_q", "fit_qe_real", "fit_qe_imag", "fit_delay_ns", "fit_phi_rad", "fit_fmin_mhz", "fit_amag", "fit_aslope", ] wafer = core.AxisManager(aman.dets) wafer.wrap_new("pol", ("dets",), dtype="U4") wafer.wrap_new("det_x", ("dets",), dtype=float) wafer.wrap_new("det_y", ("dets",), dtype=float) wafer.wrap_new("angle", ("dets",), dtype=float) wafer.wrap_new("det_row", ("dets",), dtype=int) wafer.wrap_new("det_col", ("dets",), dtype=int) wafer.wrap_new("type", ("dets",), dtype="U4") wafer.wrap_new("bandpass", ("dets",), dtype="U4") if columns == "all": columns = strings + ints + floats if columns is not None: for col in columns: if col in strings: wafer.wrap_new(col, ("dets",), dtype="U50") elif col in ints: wafer.wrap_new(col, ("dets",), dtype=int) else: wafer.wrap_new(col, ("dets",), dtype=float) for i in range(aman.dets.count): msk = np.all( [[i] == detmap["smurf_band"],[i] == detmap["smurf_channel"], ], axis=0, ) if not np.sum(msk) == 1: ## probably fine continue aman.det_info.det_id[i] = detmap["detector_id"][msk][0] wafer["pol"][i] = replace_none(detmap["pol"][msk][0], str, "NC") wafer["det_x"][i] = replace_none(detmap["det_x"][msk][0], float, np.nan) wafer["det_y"][i] = replace_none(detmap["det_y"][msk][0], float, np.nan) wafer["angle"][i] = replace_none( np.radians(detmap["angle_actual_deg"][msk][0]), float, np.nan ) wafer["det_row"][i] = replace_none(detmap["det_row"][msk][0], int, -1) wafer["det_col"][i] = replace_none(detmap["det_col"][msk][0], int, -1) wafer["type"][i] = replace_none(detmap["det_type"][msk][0], str, "NC") bandpass = replace_none(detmap["bandpass"][msk][0], str, "NC") if not bandpass == "NC": bandpass = f"f{bandpass}" wafer["bandpass"][i] = bandpass if columns is not None: for col in columns: if col in strings: wafer[col][i] = replace_none(detmap[col][msk][0], str, "NC") elif col in ints: wafer[col][i] = replace_none(detmap[col][msk][0], int, -1) else: wafer[col][i] = replace_none(detmap[col][msk][0], float, np.nan) aman.det_info.wrap("wafer", wafer) def load_hwp_data(aman, configs=None, data_dir=None): """Load HWP data that will match with aman timestamps and interpolate angles into hwp_angle Arguments ---------- aman : AxisManager AxisManager of loaded SMuRF data configs : (optional) config filename or dictionary containing "hwp_prefix" data_dir : (optional) the "hwp_prefix" data directory. overrides configs Wraps HWP data into aman.hwp_angle """ if "hwp_angle" in aman: raise ValueError("hwp_angle already exists in aman") if configs is None and data_dir is None: raise ValueError("Must pass config or data_dir") if data_dir is None: if type(configs) == str: configs = yaml.safe_load(open(configs, "r")) data_dir = configs["hwp_prefix"] data = load_range( float(aman.timestamps[0] - 5), float(aman.timestamps[-1] + 5), fields=["hwp.hwp_angle"], data_dir=data_dir, ) time = data["hwp.hwp_angle"][0] if len(time) == 0: raise ValueError("No HWP data found that overlaps aman") if time[0] > aman.timestamps[0] or time[-1] < aman.timestamps[-1]: logger.warning( "HWP data does not cover all of AxisManager, " + "extrapolations may be unstable" ) hwp_uw = np.unwrap(data["hwp.hwp_angle"][1]) hwp = interp1d( data["hwp.hwp_angle"][0], hwp_uw, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate" ) aman.wrap("hwp_angle", np.mod(hwp(aman.timestamps), 2 * np.pi), [(0, "samps")])