Source code for sotodlib.hwp.sim_hwp

import numpy as np
import so3g
from spt3g import core
from sotodlib import core
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def I_to_P_param(bandpass="f090", loading=10, inc_ang=5): """ - HWP I to P leakage simulation function - Mueller matirices of three layer achromatic HWP \ for each frequency and each incident angle are derived by RCWA simulation. - AR coating based on Mullite-Duroid coating for SAT1 at UCSD.\ Thickness are used fabricated values. - 2f and 4f amplitudes and phases are extracted by HWPSS fitting of MIQ and MIU. - Amplitudes and phases are fitted by polynominal functions w.r.t each incident angle. - Only support MF because UHF and LF are design/fabrication phase. \ We will add them after the fabrications. Args ----- bandpass: str an 3-digit (front zero padded) integer "fXYZ" where XYZ = 030/040/090/150/220/280 loading: float intensity [Kcmb] inc_ang: float incident angle [deg] Returns -------- amp_2f: float 2f amplitude [mKcmb] amp_4f: float 4f amplitude [mKcmb] phi_2f: float 2f phase shift [rad] phi_4f: float 4f phase shift [rad] """ if bandpass == "f090": poly_A2_ang = np.array([-7.01e-06, -6.87e-05, 3.435e-02]) poly_A4_ang = np.array([1.61e-07, 1.20e-05, 3.42e-06, 1.23e-07]) phi_2f, phi_4f = 66.46, 55.57 # [deg] elif band == "f150": poly_A2_ang = np.array([-1.11e-05, 2.58e-05, 3.40e-02]) poly_A4_ang = np.array([4.38e-08, 8.90e-06, 1.85e-06, 1.18e-07]) phi_2f, phi_4f = 71.62, 54.43 # [deg] else: logger.error("Currently only supporting MF(f090/f150), stay tuned.") amp_2f = loading * np.poly1d(poly_A2_ang)(inc_ang) amp_4f = loading * np.poly1d(poly_A4_ang)(inc_ang) amp_2f, amp_4f = amp_2f * 1e3, amp_4f * 1e3 phi_2f, phi_4f = np.deg2rad(phi_2f), np.deg2rad(phi_4f) if inc_ang == 0: amp_4f, phi_4f = 0, 0 return amp_2f, amp_4f, phi_2f, phi_4f
[docs] def sim_hwpss(aman, name='hwpss_sim', hwp_freq=2., bandpass='090', loading=10., inc_ang=5., amp_2f_r=0.05, amp_4f_r=0.05, phi_2f_r=0.1, phi_4f_r=0.1): """ - HWPSS simulation function using 2f and 4f amp and phase from I_to_P_param function. - The simulated HWSS is added to the input AxisManager as “name”. Args ----- aman: AxisManager target AxisManager hwp_freq: float HWP rotation speed, 2 [Hz] (default) bandpass: str an 3-digit (front zero padded) integer "XYZ" where XYZ = 030/040/090/150/220/280 loading: float intensity [Kcmb] inc_ang: float incident angle [deg] amp_2f_r: float, optional 2f HWPSS amplitude fluctuation amp_4f_r: float, optional 4f HWPSS amplitude fluctuation phi_2f_r: float, optional 2f HWPSS phase shift fluctuation phi_4f_r: float, optional 4f HWPSS phase shift fluctuation """ if name in aman.keys(): aman.move(name, '') aman.wrap_new(name, ('dets', 'samps')) hwp_angle = np.mod(2 * np.pi * aman.timestamps * hwp_freq, 2 * np.pi) if 'hwp_angle' not in aman.keys(): aman.wrap('hwp_angle', hwp_angle, [(0, 'samps')]) else: aman.hwp_angle = hwp_angle nf = [2, 4] amp_2f, amp_4f, phi_2f, phi_4f = I_to_P_param(inc_ang=15) amp = [amp_2f, amp_4f] amp_r = [amp_2f * amp_2f_r, amp_4f * amp_4f_r] phi = [phi_2f, phi_4f] phi_r = [phi_2f * phi_2f_r, phi_4f * phi_4f_r] for n in range(len(nf)): amp_rnd = np.random.normal( loc=amp[n], scale=amp_r[n], size=( aman.dets.count,)) phase_rnd = np.mod( np.random.normal( loc=phi[n], scale=phi_r[n], size=( aman.dets.count, )), 2 * np.pi) aman[name] += amp_rnd[:, None] * \ np.cos(nf[n] * aman.hwp_angle + phase_rnd[:, None])
[docs] def sim_hwpss_2f4f(aman, name='hwpss_sim', hwp_freq=2., bandpass="090", amp_2f=300, amp_4f=30, phi_2f=0, phi_4f=0, amp_2f_r=0.05, amp_4f_r=0.05, phi_2f_r=0.1, phi_4f_r=0.1): """ - HWPSS simulation function using given 2f and 4f amp and phase. - The simulated HWSS is added to the input AxisManager as “name”. Args ----- aman: AxisManager target AxisManager hwp_freq: float 2 [Hz] (default) bandpass: str an 3-digit (front zero padded) integer "fXYZ" where XYZ = 030/040/090/150/220/280 amp_2f: float 2f HWPSS amplitude [Kcmb] amp_4f: float 4f HWPSS amplitude [Kcmb] phi_2f: float 2f HWPSS phase shift [deg.] phi_4f: float 4f HWPSS phase shift [deg.] amp_2f_r: float 2f HWPSS amplitude fluctuation amp_4f_r: float 4f HWPSS amplitude fluctuation phi_2f_r: float 2f HWPSS phase shift fluctuation phi_4f_r: float 4f HWPSS phase shift fluctuation """ if name in aman.keys(): aman.move(name, '') aman.wrap_new(name, ('dets', 'samps')) hwp_angle = np.mod(2 * np.pi * aman.timestamps * hwp_freq, 2 * np.pi) if 'hwp_angle' not in aman.keys(): aman.wrap('hwp_angle', hwp_angle, [(0, 'samps')]) else: aman.hwp_angle = hwp_angle nf = [2, 4] amp = [amp_2f, amp_4f] amp_r = [amp_2f * amp_2f_r, amp_4f * amp_4f_r] phi = [phi_2f, phi_4f] phi_r = [phi_2f * phi_2f_r, phi_4f * phi_4f_r] for n in range(len(nf)): amp_rnd = np.random.normal( loc=amp[n], scale=amp_r[n], size=( aman.dets.count,)) phase_rnd = np.mod( np.random.normal( loc=phi[n], scale=phi_r[n], size=( aman.dets.count, )), 2 * np.pi) aman[name] += amp_rnd[:, None] * \ np.cos(nf[n] * aman.hwp_angle + phase_rnd[:, None])