Source code for sotodlib.core.hardware

# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Simons Observatory.
# Full license can be found in the top level "LICENSE" file.
"""Hardware configuration utilities.

import os
import re
import copy

from collections import OrderedDict

import gzip

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

import toml

# The extra rotation to apply to the projected LAT focalplane on the
# sky is given by:
#      R = Elevation - Offset - Corotator
# and the offset is defined as the "design elevation" which places
# the focalplane at the correct orientation with no co-rotation.

LAT_COROTATOR_OFFSET = u.Quantity(60.0,

def build_readout_id(creation_time, wafer_slot, channel):
    """Construct a simulated readout_id.

    We build this string from the stream_id (wafer slot), the overall
    creation time (treating this as the last tuning time), and the
    readout channel.  We convert the readout channel into a smurf band
    and smurf channel assuming 8 bands and 512 channels per band.

        creation_time (float):  The POSIX ctime of the simulation start.
        wafer_slot (str):  The stream_id / wafer_slot
        channel (int):  The readout channel (0-4095).

        (str):  The fake readout_id.

    creation_time = int(creation_time)
    smurf_band = channel // 8
    smurf_channel = channel % 8
    return f"{wafer_slot}_{creation_time:10d}_{smurf_band}_{smurf_channel}"

def parse_readout_id(readout_id):
    """Split a readout_id into its parts.

        creation_time (float):  The POSIX ctime of the simulation start.
        wafer_slot (str):  The stream_id / wafer_slot
        channel (int):  The readout channel (0-4095).

        (tuple):  The wafer_slot, creation time, readout channel

    pat = re.compile(r"(.*)_(.*)_(.*)_(.*)")
    mat = pat.match(readout_id)
    if mat is None:
        raise ValueError(f"Readout ID {readout_id} is invalid")
    wf =
    ct = float(
    smband = int(
    smchan = int(
    channel = smband * 8 + smchan
    return (wf, ct, channel)

def sim_wafer_names( hw ):
    """Adds SO generic UFM names to the hardware model based on the type of the wafer
       Ex: Uv1, Mv4, Lv3, etc
    c = [1,1,1]
    for wafer in["wafer_slots"]:
        wprops =["wafer_slots"][wafer]
        if "UHF" in wprops["type"]:
            pre = "Uv"
            i = 0
        elif "MF" in wprops["type"]:
            pre = "Mv"
            i = 1
        elif "LF" in wprops["type"]:
            pre = "Lv"
            i = 2
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown band type {wprops['type']} for wafer {wafer}")

        wprops["wafer_name"] = f"{pre}{c[i]}"
        c[i] += 1

[docs] class Hardware(object): """Class representing a specific hardware configuration. The data is stored in a dictionary, and can be loaded / dumped to disk as well as trimmed to include only a subset of detectors. Args: path (str, optional): If specified, configuration is loaded from this file during construction. """ def __init__(self, path=None): = OrderedDict() if path is not None: self.load(path)
[docs] def dump(self, path, overwrite=False, compress=False): """Write hardware config to a TOML file. Dump data to a TOML format file, optionally compressing the contents with gzip and optionally overwriting the file. Args: path (str): The file to write. overwrite (bool): If True, overwrite the file if it exists. If False, then existing files will cause an exception. compress (bool): If True, compress the data with gzip on write. Returns: None """ if os.path.exists(path): if overwrite: os.remove(path) else: raise RuntimeError("Dump path {} already exists. Use " "overwrite option".format(path)) if compress: with, "wb") as f: dstr = toml.dumps( f.write(dstr.encode()) else: with open(path, "w") as f: dstr = toml.dumps( f.write(dstr) return
[docs] def load(self, path): """Read data from a TOML file. The file can either be regular text or a gzipped version of a TOML file. Args: path (str): The file to read. Returns: None """ dstr = None try: with, "rb") as f: dstr = = toml.loads(dstr.decode()) except OSError: with open(path, "r") as f: dstr = = toml.loads(dstr) return
[docs] def wafer_map(self): """Construct wafer mapping to other auxilliary data. Given the current data state, build dictionaries to go from wafer_slots to all other non-detector info: telescopes, tube_slots, card_slots, crate_slots, and bands. This is a convenient mapping when pruning the hardware information or doing other kinds of lookups. Returns: (dict): Nested dictionaries from wafers to other properties. """ result = OrderedDict() tube_to_tele = dict() for tele, props in["telescopes"].items(): for tb in props["tube_slots"]: tube_to_tele[tb] = tele wafer_to_tube = dict() for tb, props in["tube_slots"].items(): for wf in props["wafer_slots"]: wafer_to_tube[wf] = tb crate_to_card = dict() for crate, props in["crate_slots"].items(): for card in props["card_slots"]: crate_to_card[card] = crate result["card_slots"] = {x: y["card_slot"] for x, y in["wafer_slots"].items()} result["crate_slots"] = {x: crate_to_card[y["card_slot"]] for x, y in["wafer_slots"].items()} result["bands"] = {x: y["bands"] for x, y in["wafer_slots"].items()} result["tube_slots"] = wafer_to_tube result["telescopes"] = {x: tube_to_tele[wafer_to_tube[x]] for x in list(["wafer_slots"].keys())} return result
[docs] def select(self, telescopes=None, tube_slots=None, match=dict()): """Select a subset of detectors. Select detectors whose properties match some criteria. A new Hardware object is created and returned. If a matching expression is not specified for a given property name, then this is equivalent to selecting all values of that property. Before selecting on detector properties, any telescope / tube_slot filtering criteria are first applied. Each key of the "match" dictionary should be the name of a detector property to be considered for selection (e.g. band, wafer, pol, pixel). The value is a matching expression which can be: - A list of explicit values to match. - A string containing a regex expression to apply. Example: Imagine you wanted to select all 90GHz detectors on wafers 25 and 26 which have "A" polarization and are located in pixels 20-29 (recall the "." matches a single character):: new ={"wafer_slot": ["w25", "w26"], "band": "SAT_f090", "pol": "A", "pixel": "02."}) Args: telescopes (str): A regex string to apply to telescope names or a list of explicit names. tube_slots (str): A regex string to apply to tube_slot names or a list of explicit names. match (dict): The dictionary of property names and their matching expressions. Returns: (Hardware): A new Hardware instance with the selected detectors. """ # First parse any telescope and tube_slot options into a list of wafers wselect = None tbselect = None if telescopes is not None: tbselect = list() for tele in telescopes: tbselect.extend(["telescopes"][tele]["tube_slots"]) if tube_slots is not None: if tbselect is None: tbselect = list() tbselect.extend(tube_slots) if tbselect is not None: wselect = list() for tb in tbselect: wselect.extend(["tube_slots"][tb]["wafer_slots"]) dets =["detectors"] # Build regex matches for each property reg = dict() if "wafer_slot" in match: # Handle wafer case separately, since we need to merge any # match with our telescope / tube_slot selection of wafers above. k = "wafer_slot" v = match[k] if wselect is None: # Just the regular behavior if isinstance(v, list): reg[k] = re.compile(r"("+"|".join(v)+r")") else: reg[k] = re.compile(v) else: # Merge our selection wall = list(wselect) if isinstance(v, list): wall.extend(v) else: wall.append(v) reg[k] = re.compile(r"("+"|".join(wall)+r")") elif wselect is not None: # No pattern in the match dictionary, just our list from the # telescope / tube selection. reg["wafer_slot"] = re.compile(r"("+"|".join(wselect)+r")") for k, v in match.items(): if (k == "wafer_slot"): # Already handled above continue else: if isinstance(v, list): reg[k] = re.compile(r"("+"|".join(v)+r")") else: reg[k] = re.compile(v) # Go through all detectors selecting things that match all fields newwafers = set() newdets = OrderedDict() for d, props in dets.items(): keep = True for k, v in reg.items(): if k in props: test = v.match(props[k]) if test is None: keep = False break if keep: newwafers.add(props["wafer_slot"]) newdets[d] = copy.deepcopy(props) # Now compute the reduced set of auxilliary data needed for these # detectors. wafermap = self.wafer_map() # Copy this data hw = Hardware() = OrderedDict() for k, v in wafermap.items():[k] = OrderedDict() tocopy = set() for wf in newwafers: if isinstance(v[wf], list): for iv in v[wf]: tocopy.add(iv) else: tocopy.add(v[wf]) for elem in tocopy:[k][elem] = copy.deepcopy([k][elem]) # Copy over the wafer data["wafer_slots"] = OrderedDict() for wf in newwafers:["wafer_slots"][wf] = copy.deepcopy(["wafer_slots"][wf]) # And the detectors...["detectors"] = newdets return hw