Source code for sotodlib.coords.planets

import datetime
import logging
import re
import time

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fmin

from astropy import units
from astropy.utils import data as au_data
from skyfield import jpllib, api as skyfield_api

import so3g
from pixell import enmap

from .. import core, tod_ops, coords

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Files that we might want to download and cache using
    'de421.bsp': '',

[docs] class SlowSource: """Class to track the time-dependent position of a slow-moving source, such as a Solar System planet in equatorial coordinates. "Slow-moving" is in relation to the time range of interest. A linear approximation is good enough for Solar System, arcsecond accuracy, on time scales of a few hours. Args: timestamp (float): reference time, as a unix timestamp. ra (float): Right Ascension at reference time, in radians. dec (float): Declination at reference time, in radians. v_ra (float): rate of change of RA, in radians. v_dec (float): rate of change of dec, in radians. precision: not implemented, don't worry about it. """ def __init__(self, timestamp, ra, dec, v_ra=0., v_dec=0., precision=.0001 * coords.DEG): self.timestamp = timestamp self.ra = ra self.dec = dec self.v_ra = v_ra self.v_dec = v_dec
[docs] @classmethod def for_named_source(cls, name, timestamp): """Returns a SlowSource for planet ``name``, with position and peculiar velocity measured at time timestamp (float, unix). """ dt = 3600 ra0, dec0, distance = get_source_pos(name, timestamp) ra1, dec1, distance = get_source_pos(name, timestamp + dt) return cls(timestamp, ra0, dec0, ((ra1-ra0+180) % 360 - 180)/dt, (dec1-dec0)/dt)
[docs] def pos(self, timestamps): """Get the (approximate) source position at the times given by the array of unix timestamps. Returns two arrays (RA, dec), the same shape as timestamps, both in radians. The RA are not corrected into any particular branch (the mapping from timestamp to RA is continuous). """ if not isinstance(timestamps, np.ndarray): ra, dec = self.pos(np.array([timestamps])) return ra[0], dec[0] dt = timestamps - self.timestamp return self.ra + self.v_ra * dt, self.dec + self.v_dec * dt
[docs] def get_scan_q(tod, planet, refq=None): """Identify the point (in time and azimuth space) at which the specified planet crosses the boresight elevation for the observation in tod. The rotation taking boresight coordinates to celestial coordinates at that moment in time (and pointing) is computed, and its conjugate is returned. The returned rotation is useful because it represents a fixed way to rotate the celestial such that the target source ends up at (xi, eta) = 0, with the telescope scan direction parallel to xi and elevation parallel to eta; this is a useful system for measuring beam and pointing parameters. """ if refq is None: refq = so3g.proj.quat.rotation_xieta(0, 0) # Get reference elevation... el = np.median(tod.boresight.el[::10]) az = np.median([::10]) t = (tod.timestamps[0] + tod.timestamps[-1]) / 2 if isinstance(planet, str): planet = SlowSource.for_named_source(planet, t) def scan_q_model(t, az, el, planet): csl = so3g.proj.CelestialSightLine.az_el( t, az, el, weather='typical', site='so') ra0, dec0 = planet.pos(t) return csl.Q, ~so3g.proj.quat.rotation_lonlat(ra0, dec0) * csl.Q def distance(p): dt, daz = p q, qnet = scan_q_model(t + dt, az + daz, el, planet) lon, lat, phi = so3g.proj.quat.decompose_lonlat(qnet) return 90 * coords.DEG - lat p0 = np.array([0, 0]) X = fmin(distance, p0, disp=0, full_output=1) p, fopt, n_iter, n_calls, warnflag = X if warnflag != 0: logger.warning('Source-scan solver failed to converge or otherwise ' f'complained! warnflag={warnflag}') q, qnet = scan_q_model(t+p[0], az+p[1], el, planet) psi = so3g.proj.quat.decompose_xieta(qnet)[2][0] ra, dec = planet.pos(t+p[0]) rot = ~so3g.proj.quat.rotation_lonlat(ra, dec, psi) return {'rot': rot, 'timestamp': t+p[0], 'az': az+p[1], 'el': el, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'psi': psi, 'planet': planet}
[docs] def get_scan_P(tod, planet, refq=None, res=None, size=None, **kw): """Get a standard Projection Matrix targeting a planet (or some interesting fixed position), in source-scan coordinates. Returns a Projection Matrix and the output from get_scan_q. """ logger.debug(f'get_scan_P: init for {planet}') if res is None: res = 0.01 * coords.DEG X = get_scan_q(tod, planet) rot = so3g.proj.quat.rotation_lonlat(0, 0) * X['rot'] wcs_kernel = coords.get_wcs_kernel('tan', 0., 0., res=res) logger.debug(f'get_scan_P: getting projection matrix for {wcs_kernel}.') P = coords.P.for_tod(tod, rot=rot, wcs_kernel=wcs_kernel, **kw) if size is not None: # Trim to a local square mz = P.zeros(comps='T').submap([[-size/2, size/2], [size/2, -size/2]]) P.geom = enmap.Geometry(shape=mz.shape, wcs=mz.wcs) return P, X
[docs] def filter_for_sources(tod=None, signal=None, source_flags=None, n_modes=10, low_pass=None, wrap=None): """Mask and gap-fill the signal at samples flagged by source_flags. Then PCA the resulting time ordered data. Restore the flagged signal, remove the strongest modes from PCA. If signal is not passed in tod.signal will be modified directly. To leave tod.signal intact, pass in signal=tod.signal.copy(). Args: tod: AxisManager from which defaults will be drawn. signal: Time-ordered data to operate on. Defaults to tod.signal. source_flags: RangesMatrix to use for source flagging. Defaults to tod.source_flags. low_pass: Frequency, in Hz, at which to apply low pass filter to signal. If None, no filtering is done. You can pass in a filter from tod_ops.filters if you want. n_modes (int): Number of eigenmodes to remove... interface subject to change. wrap (str): If specified, the result will be stored at tod[wrap]. Returns: The filtered signal. """ if source_flags is None: source_flags = tod.source_flags if signal is None: signal = tod.signal # Get a reasonable gap fill. signal_pca = signal.copy() gaps = tod_ops.get_gap_fill(tod, signal=signal_pca, flags=source_flags) gaps.swap(tod, signal=signal_pca) # Low pass filter? if low_pass is not None: if isinstance(low_pass, tod_ops.filters._chainable): filt = low_pass else: filt = tod_ops.filters.low_pass_butter4(low_pass) n_det, n = signal.shape a, b, t_1, t_2 = tod_ops.fft_ops.build_rfft_object(n_det, n, 'BOTH') a[:] = signal_pca t_1() times = tod.timestamps delta_t = (times[-1]-times[0])/(tod.samps.count - 1) freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(n, delta_t) filt.apply(freqs, tod, target=b) signal_pca = t_2() del a, b # Measure TOD means (after gap fill, low pass, etc). if isinstance(n_modes, str) and n_modes == 'all': # Don't overthink that. signal -= signal_pca else: # Make sure PCA decomposition targets (signal_pca) are mean 0. # It's convenient to remove the same levels from signal now, # too. levels = signal_pca.mean(axis=1) signal_pca -= levels[:, None] signal -= levels[:, None] # Get PCA model and discard the source vectors. pca = tod_ops.pca.get_pca_model( tod, signal=signal_pca, n_modes=n_modes) del signal_pca # Remove the PCA model. tod_ops.pca.add_model(tod, pca, -1, signal=signal) if wrap: tod.wrap(wrap, signal, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')]) return signal
def _get_astrometric(source_name, timestamp, site='_default'): """ Derive skyfield's Astrometric object of a celestial source at a specific timestamp and observing site, which is used to derive radec/azel in get_source_pos/get_source_azel. Note that it will download a 16M ephemeris file on first use. Args: source_name: Planet name; in capitalized format, e.g. "Jupiter", or fixed source specification. timestamp: unix timestamp. site (str or so3g.proj.EarthlySite): if this is a string, the site will be looked up in so3g.proj.SITES dict. Returns: astrometric: skyfield's astrometric object """ # Get the ephemeris -- this will trigger a 16M download on first use. de_url = RESOURCE_URLS['de421.bsp'] de_filename = au_data.download_file(de_url, cache=True) planets = jpllib.SpiceKernel(de_filename) for k in [ source_name, source_name + ' barycenter', ]: try: target = planets[k] break except (ValueError, KeyError): pass else: options = list(planets.names().values()) raise ValueError(f'Failed to find a match for "{source_name}" in ' f'ephemeris: {options}') if isinstance(site, str): site = so3g.proj.SITES[site] observatory = site.skyfield_site(planets) timescale = skyfield_api.load.timescale() sf_timestamp = timescale.from_datetime( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz=skyfield_api.utc)) astrometric = planets.close() return astrometric
[docs] def get_source_pos(source_name, timestamp, site='_default'): """Get the equatorial coordinates of a planet (or fixed-position source, see note) at some time. Returns the apparent position, accounting for geographical position on earth, but assuming no atmospheric refraction. Args: source_name: Planet name; in capitalized format, e.g. "Jupiter", or fixed source specification. timestamp: unix timestamp. site (str or so3g.proj.EarthlySite): if this is a string, the site will be looked up in so3g.proj.SITES dict. Returns: ra (float): in radians. dec (float): in radians. distance (float): in AU. Note: Before checking in the ephemeris, the source_name will be matched against a regular expression and if it has the format 'Jxxx[+-]yyy', where xxx and yyy are decimal numbers, then a fixed-position source at RA,Dec = xxx,yyy in degrees will be processed. In that case, the distance is returned as Inf. """ # Check against fixed-position template... m = re.match( r'J(?P<ra_deg>\d+(\.\d*)?)(?P<dec_deg>[+-]\d+(\.\d*)?)', source_name) if m: ra, dec = float(m['ra_deg']) * \ coords.DEG, float(m['dec_deg']) * coords.DEG return ra, dec, float('inf') # Derive from skyfield astrometric object amet0 = _get_astrometric(source_name, timestamp, site) ra, dec, distance = amet0.radec() return,,
[docs] def get_source_azel(source_name, timestamp, site='_default'): """ Get the apparent azimuth and elevation of a celestial source at a specific timestamp and observing site. Returns the apparent position, accounting for geographical position on earth, but assuming no atmospheric refraction. Args: source_name: Planet name; in capitalized format, e.g. "Jupiter" timestamp (float): The Unix timestamp representing the time for which to calculate azimuth and elevation. site (str or so3g.proj.EarthlySite): if this is a string, the site will be looked up in so3g.proj.SITES dict. Returns: az (float): in radians. el (float): in radians. distance (float): in AU. """ amet0 = _get_astrometric(source_name, timestamp, site) el, az, distance = amet0.apparent().altaz() return,,
[docs] def get_nearby_sources(tod=None, source_list=None, distance=1.): """Identify solar system objects (especially "planets") that might be within a TOD's scan footprint. Arguments: tod (AxisManager): The data to check. Needs to have focal_plane, boresight, timestamps. source_list (list or None): A list of source names or None to use a default list. Use simple planet names in lower case (e.g. ['uranus']), or tuples with source name, RA, and dec in degrees (e.g. [('tau_a', 83.63, 22.01)]). distance (float): Maximum distance from the source center, in degrees, to consider as "within the footprint". (This should be at least the sum of the beam radius and the planet radius ... though there's usually no harm in going a bit larger than that.) Returns: List of tuples (source_name, SlowSource) that satisfy the "nearby" condition. """ # Make a full sky map with not very many pixels. shape, wcs = enmap.fullsky_geometry(res=2 * coords.DEG, proj='car') # Sight line sight = so3g.proj.CelestialSightLine.az_el( tod.timestamps,, tod.boresight.el, site='so', weather='typical') # One central detector xieta0, R, _ = coords.helpers.get_focal_plane_cover(tod, 0) fp = so3g.proj.FocalPlane.from_xieta(['x'], [xieta0[0]], [xieta0[1]], [0]) asm = so3g.proj.Assembly.attach(sight, fp) p = so3g.proj.Projectionist.for_geom(shape, wcs) w = p.to_map(np.zeros((1, len(tod.timestamps)), 'float32')+1, asm, comps='T') w = enmap.enmap(w, wcs=wcs) if source_list is None: source_list = [ 'mercury', 'venus', 'mars', 'jupiter', 'saturn', 'uranus', 'neptune', ('tau_a', 83.6331, 22.0145), ] positions = [] for source_name in source_list: t = tod.timestamps[0] if isinstance(source_name, (list, tuple)): source_name, ra, dec = source_name sl = coords.planets.SlowSource(t, float(ra) * coords.DEG, float(dec) * coords.DEG) else: sl = coords.planets.SlowSource.for_named_source(source_name, t) x = w.distance_from([[sl.dec], [sl.ra]]) md = x[w[0] != 0].min() logger.debug(('Source {:12} is at ({:8.4f},{:8.4f}); ' 'that is {:5.2f} degrees off footprint.').format( source_name, sl.ra / coords.DEG, sl.dec / coords.DEG, md/coords.DEG)) if md < (R * 1.1 + distance * coords.DEG): positions.append((source_name, sl)) return positions
[docs] def compute_source_flags(tod=None, P=None, mask=None, wrap=None, center_on=None, res=None, max_pix=4e6): """Process masking instructions and create RangesMatrix that flags samples in the TOD that are within the masked region. This masking makes use of a map with the footprint encoded in P, so flagging boundaries will correspond to pixel edges. The interface for "mask" is subject to change -- use of a simple text file is interim. Args: tod (AxisManager): the observation. P (Projection Matrix): if passed in, must include a map geom (shape and WCS). If None, will be created from get_scan_P using center_on and res parameters. mask: source masking instructions (see note). wrap: key in tod at which to store the result. res: If P is None, sets the target mask map resolution (radians). max_pix: If P is None, this sets the maximum acceptable number of pixels for the mask map. This is to catch cases where an incorrect source has been passed in, for example, leading to a weird map footprint Returns: RangesMatrix marking the samples inside the masked region. Notes: The mask can be a dict or a list of dicts. Each dict must be of the form:: {'shape': 'circle', 'xyr': (XI, ETA, R)} where R is the radius of the circular mask, and XI and ETA are the center of the circle, all in degrees. """ if P is None:'Getting Projection Matrix ...') P, X = get_scan_P(tod, center_on, res=res, comps='T') shape, wcs = tuple(P.geom) if shape[0] * shape[1] > max_pix: raise ValueError(f'Mask map too large: {shape}') if isinstance(mask, str): # Assume it's a filename, and file is simple columns of (x, y, # radius) in deg. (Deprecated!) mask = [{'xyr': list(map(float, line.split()))} for line in open(mask)] mask_map = P.zeros() _add_to_mask(mask, mask_map) a = P.from_map(mask_map) source_flags = so3g.proj.RangesMatrix( [so3g.proj.Ranges.from_mask(r != 0) for r in a]) if wrap: assert(tod is not None, "Pass in a tod to 'wrap' the output.") tod.flags.wrap(wrap, source_flags, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')]) return source_flags
def _add_to_mask(req, mask_map): # Helper for compute_source_flags. if req is None: raise ValueError(f'Requested mask is None. For no mask, pass [].') if isinstance(req, (list, tuple)): for _r in req: # Also, maybe test this somehow? _add_to_mask(_r, mask_map) elif isinstance(req, dict): shape = req.get('shape', 'circle') if shape == 'circle': x, y, r = req['xyr'] d = enmap.distance_from(mask_map.shape, mask_map.wcs, [[y * coords.DEG], [x * coords.DEG]]) mask_map += 1. * (d < r * coords.DEG) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown shape="{shape}" in mask request.') else: raise ValueError(f'Weird mask request: {req}')
[docs] def load_detector_splits(tod=None, filename=None, dataset=None, source=None, wrap=None): """Convert a partition of detectors into a dict of disjoint RangesMatrix objects; such an object can be passed to make_map() to efficiently make detector-split maps. The "detector split" data can be read from an HDF5 dataset, or passed in directly as an AxisManager. Args: tod (AxisManager): This is required, to get the list of dets and the samps count. filename (str): The HDF filename, or filename:dataset. dataset (str): The HDF dataset (if not passed in with filename). source (array, ResultSet or AxisManager): If not None, then filename and dataset are ignored and this object is processed (as though it had just been loaded from HDF). wrap (str): If not None, the address in tod where to store the loaded split data. The format of detector splits, in an HDF5 dataset, is as one would write from a ResultSet with columns ['dets:name', 'group'] (both str). All detectors sharing a value in the group column will grouped together and the group label will be that value. If passing in "source" directly as a ResultSet, it should have columns 'dets:name' and 'group'; if as an AxisManager then it should have a 'dets' axis and a vector 'group' with shape ('dets',) providing the group name for each detector. If it is a numpy array, it is assumed to correspond one-to-one with the .dets axis of TOD and the array gives the group name for each detector. Returns: data_splits (dict of RangesMatrix): Each entry of the dict is a RangesMatrix that can be interpreted as cuts to apply during mapmaking. In this case the RangesMatrix will simply mark each detector as either fully cut (flagged) or fully uncut. """ from import metadata if source is None: if dataset is None: filename, dataset = filename.split(':') source = metadata.read_dataset(filename, dataset) if isinstance(source, np.ndarray): source, _s = core.AxisManager(tod.dets), source source.wrap('group', _s) elif isinstance(source, metadata.ResultSet): di = core.metadata.loader.unconvert_det_info(tod.det_info) source = core.metadata.loader.broadcast_resultset( source, di, axis_key='name') else: source = source.copy() # is this an AxisManager? source.restrict_axes([tod.dets]) if wrap: tod.wrap(wrap, source) yes = so3g.proj.RangesMatrix.zeros(tod.signal.shape[1]) flags = {} for group in source['group']: if group in flags: continue flags[group] = so3g.proj.RangesMatrix.ones((tod.signal.shape)) for i in (source['group'] == group).nonzero()[0]: flags[group].ranges[i] = yes return flags
[docs] def get_det_weights(tod, signal=None, wrap=None, outlier_clip=None): """Compute detector weights, based on variance of signal. If outlier_clip is set, it is used to trim outliers. See code for details, but think of it as the number of stdev away from the mean weight that will be kept, and try 2.5. Returns: A det_weights array compatible with projection matrix functions. """ if signal is None: signal = tod.signal det_weights = np.zeros(signal.shape[:-1]) sigmas = signal.std(axis=-1) ok = sigmas != 0 det_weights[ok] = sigmas[ok]**-2 if outlier_clip: qs = np.quantile(det_weights[ok], [.16, .84]) # "1 sigma" lims q0, dq = qs.mean(), np.diff(qs)[0]/2 ok *= ((q0 - outlier_clip * dq < det_weights) * (det_weights < q0 + outlier_clip * dq)) return det_weights * ok
[docs] def write_det_weights(tod, filename, dataset, det_weights=None): """Save detector weights to an HDF file dataset. Args: tod (AxisManager): provides the dets axis, and det_weights if not passed explicitly. filename (str or h5py.File): destination filename (or open File) dataset (str): address in the HDF5 file to put the result (it will be overwritten if exists already). det_weights (array): the weights to write; must be in correspondence with tod.dets. Defaults to tod.det_weights. Returns: ResultSet with the info that was written. """ from import metadata if det_weights is None: det_weights = tod.det_weights rs = core.metadata.ResultSet(['dets:name', 'det_weights']) rs.rows.extend(list(zip(tod.dets.vals, det_weights))) metadata.write_dataset(rs, filename, dataset, overwrite=True) return rs
[docs] def make_map(tod, center_on=None, scan_coords=True, thread_algo=False, res=0.01*coords.DEG, size=None, wcs_kernel=None, comps='TQU', signal=None, det_weights=None, filename=None, source_flags=None, cuts=None, data_splits=None, low_pass=None, n_modes=10, eigentol=1e-3, info={}): """Make a compact source map from the TOD. Specify filename to write things to disk; this should be a format string, for example '{obs_id}_{map}.fits', where 'map' will be given values of ['binned', 'solved', 'weights'] and any other keys (obs_id in this case) must be passed through info. """ assert (center_on is not None) # Pass in the source name, e.g. 'uranus' # Test the map format string... if filename is not None: try: filename.format(map='binned', **info) except: raise ValueError('Failed to process filename format "%s" with info=%s' % (filename, info)) class MmTimer(coords.Timer): PRINT_FUNC = FMT = 'make_map: {msg}: {elapsed:.3f} seconds' if signal is None: signal = tod.signal if thread_algo == 'none': thread_algo = False with MmTimer('setup thread_algo=%s' % thread_algo): if scan_coords: P, X = coords.planets.get_scan_P(tod, center_on, res=res, size=size, comps=comps, cuts=cuts, threads=thread_algo) else: planet = coords.planets.SlowSource.for_named_source( center_on, tod.timestamps[0]) ra0, dec0 = planet.pos(tod.timestamps.mean()) wcsk = coords.get_wcs_kernel('tan', ra0, dec0, res=res) P = coords.P.for_tod(tod, comps=comps, cuts=cuts, threads=thread_algo, wcs_kernel=wcsk) with MmTimer('get_proj_threads'): P._get_proj_threads() with MmTimer('filter for sources'): filter_for_sources(tod, signal=signal, source_flags=source_flags, low_pass=low_pass, n_modes=n_modes) if det_weights is None: det_weights = get_det_weights(tod, signal=signal, outlier_clip=2.) if data_splits is not None: # Clear P's internal cuts as we'll be modifying those to pass # in directly. base_cuts, P.cuts = P.cuts, None output = { 'P': P, 'det_weights': det_weights, 'splits': {} } # Write out _map and _weights for each group. for group_label, group_cuts in data_splits.items():'Mapping split "{group_label}"') if base_cuts is not None: group_cuts = group_cuts + base_cuts with MmTimer('getting weights'): w = P.to_weights(cuts=group_cuts, det_weights=det_weights) with MmTimer('getting map and applying inverse weights'): m = P.remove_weights( tod=tod, signal=signal, weights_map=w, cuts=group_cuts, det_weights=det_weights, eigentol=eigentol) output['splits'][group_label] = { 'binned': None, 'weights': w.astype('float32'), 'solved': m.astype('float32'), } if filename is not None: m.astype('float32').write( filename.format(map=f'{group_label}_map', **info)) w.astype('float32').write( filename.format(map=f'{group_label}_weights', **info)) return output with MmTimer('project signal and weight maps'): map1 = P.to_map(tod, signal=signal, det_weights=det_weights) wmap1 = P.to_weights(det_weights=det_weights) with MmTimer('compute and apply inverse weights map'): iwmap1 = P.to_inverse_weights(weights_map=wmap1, eigentol=eigentol) map1b = P.remove_weights(map1, inverse_weights_map=iwmap1) if filename is not None: with MmTimer('Write out'): map1b.write(filename.format(map='solved', **info)) if filename.format(map='x', **info) != filename.format(map='y', **info): map1.write(filename.format(map='binned', **info)) wmap1.write(filename.format(map='weights', **info)) write_det_weights(tod, filename.format(map='detweights', **info). replace('.fits', '.h5'), 'detweights', det_weights=det_weights) return {'binned': map1, 'weights': wmap1, 'solved': map1b, 'P': P, 'det_weights': det_weights, }