Source code for sotodlib.coords.helpers

import so3g.proj
import numpy as np
from pixell import enmap, wcsutils, utils

import time
import re

DEG = np.pi/180

def _get_csl(sight):
    """Return the CelestialSightLine equivalent of sight.  If sight is
    already of that class, it is returned.  If it's a G3VectorQuat or
    an array [n,4], those coordinates are wrapped and returned (note a
    reference may be taken rather than a copy made).

    if isinstance(sight, so3g.proj.CelestialSightLine):
        return sight
    if isinstance(sight, so3g.proj.quat.G3VectorQuat):
        c = so3g.proj.CelestialSightLine()
        c.Q = sight
        return c
    qa = np.asarray(sight, dtype='float')
    c = so3g.proj.CelestialSightLine()
    c.Q = so3g.proj.quat.G3VectorQuat(qa)
    return c

def _valid_arg(*args, src=None):
    """Return some data, possibly extracted from an AxisManager (or
    dict...), based on the arguments args.  This is to help with
    processing function arguments that override a default behavior
    which is to look up a thing in axisman.  For example::

      signal = _valid_arg(signal, 'signal', src=axisman)

    is equivalent to::

      if signal is None:
          signal = 'signal'
      if isinstance(signal, str):
          signal = axisman[signal]


        sight = _valid_arg(sight, src=axisman)

    is a shorthand for::

        if sight is not None:
           if isinstance(sight, string):
               sight = axisman[sight]

    Each element of args should be either a data vector (non string),
    a string, or None.  The arguments are processed in order.  The
    first argument that is not None will cause the function to return;
    if that argument k is a string, then axisman[k] is returned;
    otherwise k is returned directly.  If all arguments are None, then
    None is returned.

    for a in args:
        if a is not None:
            if isinstance(a, str):
                    a = src[a]
                except TypeError:
                    raise TypeError(f"Tried to look up '{a}' in axisman={axisman}")
            return a
    return None

def _not_both(a, b, name='{item}', dtype=None):
    if a is not None:
        if b is not None:
            raise ValueError('self.%s and kwarg %s both not None!' % (name, name))
        b = a
    if b is not None and dtype is not None:
        b = b.astype(dtype)
    return b

class Timer:
    """Context manager that prints elapsed time to terminal or a log or
    whatever.  For example::

        with Timer('tod-to-map projection',

    Should log a message of the form::

        INFO:tod-to-map projection:            3.212 seconds

    Use the fmt keyword argument to enter your own format string,
    which can include references to {msg}, {start_time}, {end_time},

    To avoid repeating the same arguments, subclass this and set
    FORMAT and PRINT_FUNC for your use cases::

       class MyTimer(Timer):
           FORMAT = 'mapmaker7: {msg} took {elapsed:10.3f} seconds'
           PRINT_FUNC = lambda x: (, print(x))

    FMT = '{msg:40}: {elapsed:10.3f} seconds'
    PRINT_FUNC = print

    def __init__(self, msg=None, print_func=None, fmt=None):
        if msg is None:
            msg = 'timed operation'
        if fmt is None:
            fmt = self.FMT
        if print_func is None:
            print_func = self.PRINT_FUNC
        self.msg = msg
        self.fmt = fmt
        self.print_func = print_func
        self.start_time = time.time()
    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def __exit__(self, *args, **kw):
        self.end_time = time.time()
        self.elapsed = self.end_time - self.start_time
        self.text = self.fmt.format(
            msg=self.msg, start_time=self.start_time, end_time=self.end_time,

[docs] def get_radec(tod, wrap=False, dets=None, timestamps=None, focal_plane=None, boresight=None, sight=None): """Get the celestial coordinates of all detectors at all times. Args: wrap (bool): If True, the output is stored into tod['radec']. This can also be a string, in which case the result is stored in tod[wrap]. dets (list of str): If set, then coordinates are only computed for the requested detectors. Note you probably can't wrap the result, in this case, as the dets axis is non-concordant. Returns: The returned array has shape (n_det, n_samp, 4). The four components in the last dimension correspond to (lon, lat, cos(psi), sin(psi)). The lon and lat are in radians and correspond to RA and dec of equatorial coordinates. Psi is is the parallactic rotation, measured from North towards West (opposite the direction of standard Position Angle). """ dets = _valid_arg(dets, tod.dets.vals, src=tod) fp = _valid_arg(focal_plane, 'focal_plane', src=tod) if sight is None: timestamps = _valid_arg(timestamps, 'timestamps', src=tod) boresight = _valid_arg(boresight, 'boresight', src=tod) sight = so3g.proj.CelestialSightLine.az_el( timestamps,, boresight.el, roll=boresight.roll, site='so', weather='typical') else: sight = _get_csl(_valid_arg(sight, 'sight', src=tod)) fp = so3g.proj.FocalPlane.from_xieta(dets, fp.xi, fp.eta, fp.gamma) asm = so3g.proj.Assembly.attach(sight, fp) output = np.zeros((len(dets), len(sight.Q), 4)) proj = so3g.proj.Projectionist() proj.get_coords(asm, output=output) if wrap is True: wrap = 'radec' if wrap: tod.wrap(wrap, output, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')]) return output
[docs] def get_horiz(tod, wrap=False, dets=None, timestamps=None, focal_plane=None, boresight=None): """Get the horizon coordinates of all detectors at all times. Args: wrap (bool): If True, the output is stored into tod['horiz']. This can also be a string, in which case the result is stored in tod[wrap]. dets (list of str): If set, then coordinates are only computed for the requested detectors. Note you probably can't wrap the result, in this case, as the dets axis is non-concordant. Returns: The returned array has shape (n_det, n_samp, 4). The four components in the last dimension correspond to (-lon, lat, cos(psi), sin(psi)). The -lon and lat are in radians and correspond to horizon azimuth and elevation. Psi is is the parallactic rotation, measured from North towards West (opposite the direction of standard Position Angle). """ dets = _valid_arg(dets, tod.dets.vals, src=tod) timestamps = _valid_arg(timestamps, 'timestamps', src=tod) boresight = _valid_arg(boresight, 'boresight', src=tod) fp = _valid_arg(focal_plane, 'focal_plane', src=tod) sight = so3g.proj.CelestialSightLine.for_horizon( timestamps,, boresight.el, roll=boresight.roll) fp = so3g.proj.FocalPlane.from_xieta(dets, fp.xi, fp.eta, fp.gamma) asm = so3g.proj.Assembly.attach(sight, fp) output = np.zeros((len(dets), len(timestamps), 4)) proj = so3g.proj.Projectionist() proj.get_coords(asm, output=output) # The lonlat pair is (-az, el), so restore the az sign. output[:,:,0] *= -1 if wrap is True: wrap = 'horiz' if wrap: tod.wrap(wrap, output, [(0, 'dets'), (1, 'samps')]) return output
[docs] def get_wcs_kernel(proj, ra=None, dec=None, res=None): """Construct a WCS. This fixes the projection type (e.g. CAR, TAN), centered with respect to a reference point (at ra,dec = (0,0)), and resolution of a pixelization, without specifying a particular grid of pixels. This interface is subject to change. Args: proj (str): Either the name of a FITS projection to use (e.g. 'car', 'cea', 'tan'), in which case "res" must also be specified, or a string containing both the projection and the resolution, in this format: proj-res where proj is a projection type (e.g. 'car', 'tan, 'gnom') and res is the resolution, in appropriate units (deg, arcmin or arcsec). Examples of acceptable args: 'car-0.5deg' 'tan-3arcmin' 'gnom-25arcsec' ra: Right Ascension (longitude) of the reference position, in radians. dec: Declination (latitude) of the reference position, in radians. res: Resolution, in radians. Returns a WCS object that captures the requested pixelization. """ if len(proj) > 4: m = re.match('(?P<proj>car|tan|cea|gnom)-(?P<res>[0-9]*.?[0-9]*)(?P<unit>arcsec|arcmin|deg)', proj) if m is None: raise ValueError("Input projection string is incorrectly formatted.") proj = m['proj'] res = float(m['res']) unit = m['unit'] # Convert to radians res = res * np.pi/180. if unit == 'arcmin': res /= 60. if unit == 'arcsec': res /= 3600. _, wcs = enmap.geometry(np.array((0, 0)), shape=(1, 1), proj=proj, res=(res, -res)) else: assert np.isscalar(res) # This ain't enlib. _, wcs = enmap.geometry(np.array((dec, ra)), shape=(1, 1), proj=proj, res=(res, -res)) if proj == 'car': wcs.wcs.crpix = [1.0, 0.5] # Check if the resolution is sensible, for SHTs res = res * 180./np.pi # Easier to do this check in degs div = 90./res - np.round(90./res) if abs(div) > 1e-8: raise ValueError(f"The requested resolution {res} deg does not divide 90 deg evenly.") return wcs
[docs] def get_footprint(tod, wcs_kernel, dets=None, timestamps=None, boresight=None, focal_plane=None, sight=None, rot=None): """Find a geometry (in the sense of enmap) based on wcs_kernel that is big enough to contain all data from tod. Returns (shape, wcs). """ if isinstance(wcs_kernel, str): wcs_kernel = get_wcs_kernel(wcs_kernel) dets = _valid_arg(dets, tod.dets.vals, src=tod) fp0 = _valid_arg(focal_plane, 'focal_plane', src=tod) if sight is None and 'sight' in tod: sight = tod.sight sight = _valid_arg(sight, tod.get('sight'), src=tod) if sight is None: # Let's try to either require a sightline or boresight info. timestamps = _valid_arg(timestamps, 'timestamps', src=tod) boresight = _valid_arg(boresight, 'boresight', src=tod) sight = so3g.proj.CelestialSightLine.az_el( timestamps,, boresight.el, roll=boresight.roll, site='so', weather='typical').Q sight = _get_csl(sight) n_samp = len(sight.Q) # Get a convex hull focal plane. (xi0, eta0), R, xieta1 = get_focal_plane_cover( focal_plane=fp0, count=16) fake_dets = ['hull%i' % i for i in range(xieta1.shape[1])] fp1 = so3g.proj.FocalPlane.from_xieta(fake_dets, xieta1[0], xieta1[1]) asm = so3g.proj.Assembly.attach(sight, fp1) output = np.zeros((len(fake_dets), n_samp, 4)) proj = so3g.proj.Projectionist.for_geom((1,1), wcs_kernel) if rot: # Works whether rot is a quat or a vector of them. asm.Q = rot * asm.Q proj.get_planar(asm, output=output) output2 = output*0 proj.get_coords(asm, output=output2) # Get the pixel extrema in the form [{xmin,ymin},{xmax,ymax}] delts = wcs_kernel.wcs.cdelt * DEG planar = output[:,:,:2] ranges = utils.minmax(planar/delts,(0,1)) # These are in units of pixel *offsets* from crval. crval # might not correspond to a pixel center, though. So the # thing that should be integer-valued to preserve pixel compatibility # is crpix + ranges, not just ranges. Let's add crpix to transform this # into offsets from the bottom-left pixel to make it easier to reason # about integers ranges += wcs_kernel.wcs.crpix del output # Start a new WCS and set the lower left corner. w = wcs_kernel.deepcopy() corners = utils.nint(ranges) w.wcs.crpix -= corners[0] shape = tuple(corners[1]-corners[0]+1)[::-1] return (shape, w)
def get_focal_plane_cover(tod=None, count=0, focal_plane=None, xieta=None): """Process a bunch of detector positions into a center and radius such that a circle with that center and radius contains all the detectors. Also return detector positions, arranged approximately in a circle, whose convex hull contains all input detectors. Args: tod (AxisManager): source of focal_plane, if it is not passed. count (int): number of points on the enclosing circle to return. focal_plane (AxisManager): source for xi and eta, if xieta is not passed in xieta (array): (2, n) array (or similar) of xi and eta detector positions. Returns: xieta0: array[2] with array center, (xi0, eta0). radius: radius of the enclosing circle. xietas: array with shape (2, count) carrying the xi and eta coords of the circular convex hull. Notes: If count=0, an empty list is returned for xietas. Otherwise, count must be at least 3 so that the shape is not degenerate. """ if xieta is None: if focal_plane is None: focal_plane = tod.focal_plane xi = focal_plane.xi eta = focal_plane.eta else: xi, eta = xieta[:2] qs = so3g.proj.quat.rotation_xieta(xi, eta) # Starting guess for center xi0, eta0 = xi.mean(), eta.mean() for i in range(10): q = so3g.proj.quat.rotation_xieta(xi0, eta0) d_xi, d_eta, _ = so3g.proj.quat.decompose_xieta(~q * qs) if abs(d_xi.mean()) + abs(d_eta.mean()) < 1e-5*DEG: break xi0 += d_xi.mean()*.8 eta0 += d_eta.mean()*.8 else: raise ValueError('No convergence?') R = (d_xi**2 + d_eta**2).max()**.5 if count == 0: return ((xi0, eta0), R, []) if count < 3: raise ValueError('count must be 0 or >=3.') dphi = 2*np.pi/count phi = np.arange(count) * dphi # cos(dphi/2) is the largest underestimate in radius one can make when # replacing a circle with an n_circ-sided polygon, as we do here. L = 1.01 * R / np.cos(dphi/2) xi, eta = L * np.cos(phi), L * np.sin(phi) # Rotate those into place. xi, eta, _ = so3g.proj.quat.decompose_xieta( q * so3g.proj.quat.rotation_xieta(xi, eta)) return (np.array([xi0, eta0]), R, np.array([xi, eta]))
[docs] def get_supergeom(*geoms, tol=1e-3): """Given a set of compatible geometries [(shape0, wcs0), (shape1, wcs1), ...], return a geometry (shape, wcs) that includes all of them as a subset. """ s0, w0 = geoms[0] w0 = w0.deepcopy() for s, w in geoms[1:]: # is_compatible is necessary but not sufficient. if not wcsutils.is_compatible(w0, w): raise ValueError('Incompatible wcs: %s <- %s' % (w0, w)) # Depending on the projection, it may be possible to translate # crval and crpix along each dimension and maintain exact # pixel center correspondence. translate = (False, False) if wcsutils.is_plain(w0): translate = (True, True) elif wcsutils.is_cyl(w0) and w0.wcs.crval[1] == 0.: translate = (True, False) cdelt = w0.wcs.cdelt if np.any(abs(w.wcs.cdelt - cdelt) / cdelt > tol): raise ValueError("CDELT not the same.") # Determine what shift in w.crpix would make the crval the same. d_crpix = w.wcs.crpix - w0.wcs.crpix d_crval = w.wcs.crval - w0.wcs.crval tweak_crpix = [0, 0] for axis in [0, 1]: if d_crval[axis] != 0 and not translate[axis]: raise ValueError(f"Incompatible CRVAL in axis {axis}") d = d_crval[axis] / cdelt[axis] - d_crpix[axis] if abs((d + 0.5) % 1 - 0.5) > tol: raise ValueError(f"CRVAL not separated by integer pix in axis {axis}.") tweak_crpix[axis] = int(np.round(d)) d = np.array(tweak_crpix[::-1]) # Position of s in w0? corner_a = d + [0, 0] corner_b = d + s # Super footprint, in w0. corner_a = np.min([corner_a, [0, 0]], axis=0) corner_b = np.max([corner_b, s0], axis=0) # Boost the WCS w0.wcs.crpix -= corner_a[::-1] s0 = corner_b - corner_a return tuple(map(int, s0)), w0
def _invert_weights_map(weights, eigentol=1e-6, kill_partials=True, UPLO='U'): """Compute an inverse weights matrix, using eigendecomposition methods that are safe against singular matrices. This is similar to scipy.linalg.pinvh, but applied to each pixel in a map in an efficient way. Args: weights (array): an array (or ndarray) with at least 2 dimensions, where the leading two dimensions represent submatrices that are to be inverted; the other dimensions index "the pixel". Valid shapes would be, for example, (3, 3, 200, 100) or (3, 3, 10231230). eigentol (float): sets the threshold for keeping eigenvectors. In each sub-matrix inversion, any eigenvectors whose absolute values are less than eigentol times the largest absolute eigenvalue are set to zero (and thus excluded from inclusion in the inverse). kill_partials (bool): if True, then pixels where any eigenvectors are zero (or have been forced to zero) will have all their eigenvectors forced to zero. Stated another way, all pixels with singular or nearly singular weights sub-matrices will be treated as having no weight at all. UPLO (str): this can be 'U' or 'L', signifying that only the upper diagonal or lower diagonal (respectively) elements of each weights sub-matrix should be considered. (This argument is passed through to np.linalg.eigh.) Returns: A matrix with the same shape as weights, but where the submatrix carried in the first two dimensions is the inverse of the corresponding submatrix of weights; or possibly a pseudo-inverse or the zero matrix depending on arguments described above. """ # Quick short circuit in trivial case... if weights.shape[:2] == (1, 1): iw = np.zeros_like(weights) # yes, this preserves wcs iw[weights!=0] = 1./weights[weights!=0] return iw # Collapse and reindex weights map so it is (npix, n, n). w = weights.reshape(weights.shape[:2] + (-1,)).transpose(2, 0, 1) # Get eigendecomposition of each (n, n) sub-matrix v, U = np.linalg.eigh(w, UPLO) # Identify acceptable eigenvalues -- reject ones that are non-positive or too # small relative to max eigenvalue in their pixel. eig_ok = (v > 0) * (v > v[:,-1:] * eigentol) # Does one bad eig spoil the basket? if kill_partials: eig_ok *= np.all(eig_ok, axis=1)[:,None] # Force each unacceptable eigenmode to 0. U *= eig_ok[:,None,:] # Set bad eigenvalues to 1, to avoid the divide-by-zero. v[~eig_ok] = 1. # Compute the effective inverse, U (1/diag(v)) U.T. A = (U / v[:,None,:]) B = U.transpose(0,2,1) iw = np.matmul(A, B) # Reshape the output to match what was passed in. return iw.transpose(1,2,0).reshape(weights.shape) def _apply_inverse_weights_map(inverse_weights, target): """Apply a map of matrices to a map of vectors. Assumes inverse_weights.shape = (a, b, ...) and target.shape = (b, ...); the result has shape (a, ...). """ # master had: #iw = inverse_weights.transpose((2,3,0,1)) #m = target.transpose((1,2,0)).reshape( # target.shape[1], target.shape[2], target.shape[0], 1) #m1 = np.matmul(iw, m) #return m1.transpose(2,3,0,1).reshape(target.shape) iw = np.moveaxis(inverse_weights, (0,1), (-2,-1)) t = np.moveaxis(target[:,None], (0,1), (-2,-1)) m = np.matmul(iw, t) return np.moveaxis(m, (-2,-1), (0,1))[:,0]
[docs] class ScalarLastQuat(np.ndarray): """Wrapper class for numpy arrays carrying quaternions with the ijk1 signature. The practice in many codes, including TOAST, quaternionarray, and scipy is to store quaternions in numpy arrays with shape (..., 4), with the real part of the quaternion at index [..., 3]. In contrast, spt3g_software inherits the 1ijk from boost. This class serves two main purposes: - It can be used to annotate numpy arrays as carrying quaternions in the ijk1 signature (without disturbing their behavior as numpy arrays). - It provides conversion to and from G3 quaternion containers, including signature correction. When instantiating an object of this class with a numpy array as an argument, the object will wrap a view of the array (not a copy). When instantiating an object of this class with a G3 quat as an argument, the object will store a copy of the G3 quat, translated to ijk1 signature:: q_g3 = spt3g.core.quat(1.,2.,3.,4.) q_tq = ScalarLastQuat(q_g3) q_g3_again = q_tq.to_g3() print(q_g3, q_tq, q_g3_again) => (1,2,3,4) [2. 3. 4. 1.] (1,2,3,4) """ def __new__(cls, arr): if isinstance(arr, so3g.proj.quat.G3VectorQuat): arr = np.asarray(arr) obj = np.empty(arr.shape) obj[:,:3] = arr[:,1:] obj[:,3] = arr[:,0] elif isinstance(arr, so3g.proj.quat.quat): obj = np.array((arr.b, arr.c, arr.d, arr.a)) else: obj = np.asarray(arr) return obj.view(cls)
[docs] def to_g3(self): """Return the ijk1-signature equivalent of the enclosed quaternion array, as a spt3g.core.quat (if 1-d) or a G3VectorQuat (if 2-d). """ if self.shape[-1] != 4: raise ValueError("Last axis must have 4 elements.") if self.ndim == 1: b, c, d, a = self[:].astype(float) return so3g.proj.quat.quat(a, b, c, d) if self.ndim == 2: temp = np.zeros(self.shape, float) temp[..., 0] = self[..., 3] temp[..., 1:] = self[..., :3] return so3g.proj.quat.G3VectorQuat(temp) raise ValueError("Can only convert 1- or 2-d arrays to G3.")